The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 319: Negotiator

Chapter 319 Negotiation expert

They have already dug it like this, and they haven't noticed the slightest breath of the treasure. Facts have proved that the treasure has indeed been taken away.

Everyone looked at the Lord of the Twilight Continent one after another, thinking that all this was not planned by the Lord of the Twilight Continent.

He had found the treasure a long time ago and had found a way to get it. Everything in the Death Mountains was just an illusion made by him. After all, none of them had seen the situation in the Death Mountains with their own eyes. Even in that kind of earthquake situation, their god-level experts can do it as long as there are enough people.

Once the power of a god-level power comes out, a large area of ​​the plants in the mountain range will be destroyed. Even if two god-level powerhouses fight, a large area of ​​the mountain range will be destroyed. Doesn't the God Meteor Mountain in front of us prove the effect?

The biggest suspect now is the game played by the lord of the twilight continent.

The Lord of Twilight Continent saw everyone's expressions and naturally understood what they meant, but the treasure was indeed not in his hands and he didn't want to cause any trouble.

Even though he is the lord of the twilight continent, he is only a god-level cultivator. The people with god-level cultivation in the entire continent are not just the lords of the continent like them. If he really wants these people to think that the treasure is in his hands, let alone He is dead, and even his family has no days of peace.

Therefore, he raised his hand and swore an oath without any explanation, "I swear with my soul, the treasures under the Shenyu Mountain are not in my hands, and what happened in the Death Mountain is not my fault. Otherwise, my soul will be lost forever." "Superborn."

 A ray of red light fell from the sky and enveloped the Lord of the Twilight Continent, which also represented the establishment of the oath.

 The doubts in the hearts of those present were eliminated. Since it was not the Lord of the Dusui Continent, they became hopeful again.

 The oath has been established, which means that the treasure is indeed not in the hands of the Lord of the Sunset Continent, so they still have hope to get the treasure.

“In this case, please ask the Lord of Dusk to check all the people who leave the Death Mountain. The treasure must not be allowed to escape.”

“The investigation must be carried out strictly, and we must be present.” Someone echoed.

The Lord of Twilight Continent understands that this situation is no longer something he, the Lord of the Continent, can control, and that there are so many god-level strong men present that he cannot handle. Even though there are god-level strong men among his people, his strength is still The disparity is huge.

So he immediately ordered to start interrogating all people who came out of the Death Mountain.

 Fortunately, he had made arrangements beforehand. The Death Mountain was surrounded by water, and it was impossible for anyone in the Death Mountain to get out quietly.

Yan Xiangluo still didn’t know how difficult it was to get out of the Death Mountain. At this time, she stood under the cliff and looked up at the three caves halfway up the cliff.

There live the three flying spirit beasts mentioned yesterday. I went up to check them out yesterday. The three spirit beasts have very strong cultivation levels, at least they are not comparable to the cultivation level of Yan Xiangluo Zong.

Zhe Tian is a little worried. How can the master of such a powerful spiritual beast be subdued?

Zhe Tiandao checked and said, "Master, the cultivation of these three spirit beasts is that of advanced spirit beasts, and they are all at the peak of advanced levels. It is a bit difficult to conquer them."

Yan Xiangluo knew that the cultivation level of high-level spirit beasts was equivalent to that of high-level battle pets. Although she had never really seen a battle pet, she only heard the word "advanced" and knew how strong the cultivation level of the spiritual beasts above was, and These three are still advanced and peak cultivation. She was not worried about not being able to subdue these three spirit beasts. On the contrary, her eyes were burning with light. The strength of the spirit beasts was great, which also meant that their flight speed and duration of flight were also very strong.

There are three spirit beasts flying alternately, and with the formation disk, they should be able to reach the border in two or three days.

What's more, she didn't want to use force to solve the problem. She said to Zhe Tian, ​​"Go and talk to them. I don't need to sign a contract with them. I just want to negotiate a deal with them. They will send us to the border. What conditions can we offer?" , as long as I can do it.”

The leaves on the vine covering the sky are all standing up. How could it forget its master? In Wanghai Forest, didn't the master just use elixirs to make deals with those monsters and beasts? This method is easy to use in Wanghai Forest and in the Death Mountains. Naturally it works too.

“Master, I’ll go right away.” Negotiation is its specialty, otherwise it would be able to live such a prosperous life in Wanghai Forest.

Yan Xiangluo stood on the cliff and watched Zhe Tian quickly climb towards the cave on the cliff. Now she was used to seeing this scene, a vine climbing quickly on the cliff.

Zhetian remained connected to Yan Xiangluo's consciousness. Therefore, Yu Xiangluo heard clearly the conversation between Zhetian and the three spiritual beasts. Although she could only hear what Zhetian said, she could also guess the other party's attitude. .

Zhetian is very smart. It did not persuade them one by one. Instead, it called the three spiritual beasts together and negotiated with them in a condescending manner.

 Its attitude is to let the three spirit beasts know that although its owner needs flying spirit beasts, they are not required, and it also makes them feel that they have taken advantage of this transaction.

 And this kind of opportunity to take advantage is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is probably an opportunity that they will never encounter in their lifetime.

Zhetian knew very well that since the monsters and spiritual beasts in Wanghai Forest needed elixirs, then the spiritual beasts in the Death Mountains must also need elixirs, but the elixirs needed should be of a higher level.

However, in Zhetian's heart, its master is a little expert in alchemy. There is no pill that his master cannot refine, and the pills his master refines are all of perfect quality. These spiritual beasts usually can't get even one pill. It’s difficult, let alone a high-grade and perfect-quality elixir.

Zhetian often deals with monsters and spirit beasts in Wanghai Forest. He understands their mentality very well. These monsters and spirit beasts will not care about the benefits that can be obtained easily. Only when there are competitive benefits, they will fight for them more actively.

 Therefore, Zhe Tian did not say that the master wanted to make a deal with three spiritual beasts, but said that if he needed two, he could just exchange them.

At first they were a little annoyed that a spirit plant dared to come up to them and act arrogantly. After hearing what it said, the three flying spirit beasts were immediately interested. Pills were exactly what they needed the most, and this opportunity was so rare that their anger disappeared immediately.

 But when I heard that there were only two of the three spiritual beasts, none of the three wanted to be the one who was given up. Because not only does this one get no benefit, it also shows that it is the weakest among the three of them. The spirit beasts are very proud and competitive. This is the mentality of each of them.

He also heard from Zhe Tian that its owner was a genius alchemist. As long as they needed the elixir, his owner could refine it, and it was of perfect quality. They were immediately tempted, and no one wanted to miss this opportunity.

 (End of this chapter)

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