The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 320: deal done

Chapter 320 The deal is concluded

The next level of advanced spiritual beast is the super spiritual beast, and there are not many super spiritual beasts in the entire advanced continent.

Most of the super spirit beasts are spirit beasts contracted by the human race, because if their spirit beasts want to break through to the super level, they cannot do it just by relying on their serious efforts and diligent cultivation. Instead, they need powerful cultivation resources. Unless they themselves You can find enough treasures with sufficient spiritual energy, otherwise it will be difficult to reach the super level.

 Unlike the spirit beasts contracted by the human race, their owners will also help them buy promotion pills in order to improve their combat effectiveness. Such spiritual beasts are called war beasts by the human race.

The three spiritual beasts in front of them have reached the peak of advanced cultivation. They have been worried about being unable to break through to the super level. However, even if they cannot break through to the super level, they are not willing to become the contracted beasts of the human race, become the war pets of the human race, and lose their freedom. The strength gained is meaningless.

If the owner of this vine can give them a promotion pill, it will be easy for them to break through to the super level.

Although they are spiritual beasts, they have also inquired. The promotion elixir required for their situation is at least a seventh-grade elixir, and it requires a lot of precious medicinal materials to be refined. Let’s not say whether the owner of this vine is a seventh-grade elixir. It is difficult for a high-grade alchemist to collect all the medicinal materials needed to refine the promotion elixir.

 But none of them are willing to miss the opportunity presented to them, not to mention that one of them will lose this opportunity.

 Spiritual beasts have very high IQs. They will not choose to kill each other to compete for these two opportunities. Instead, they will negotiate with the owner of the vines to agree to trade with the three of them.

The three spirit beasts have always been neighbors and helped each other. Otherwise, they would not have been able to survive until now in the Death Mountains where the living environment was cruel and the competition for cultivation resources was fierce. They had also cultivated to the peak level of spiritual beasts.

 They know too well the importance of staying together.

Zhetian wanted to laugh in his heart, but when communicating with them, he looked embarrassed, "I'll discuss it with the master. If the master doesn't agree, we can only find other flying spirit beasts."

The three spirit beasts heard that it was not possible. They had already encountered such an opportunity, how could they give it to other flying spirit beasts? There are a huge number of flying spirit beasts in the Death Mountains. Although there are not many with their level of cultivation, it is not impossible to find them.

 Besides, a flying mount does not necessarily require a flying spirit beast with such a high level of cultivation. There are many flying spirit beasts to choose from.

Therefore, they immediately said to Zhe Tian, ​​"Tell your master, we only need three seventh-grade promotion pills. If your master does not have the medicinal materials for refining the seventh-grade promotion pills, we can help you find them."

Zhe Tian deliberately thought for a while, "Okay, since I met you first, and I am destined to be with you, I will go and have a good talk with my master."

"Thank you very much." No matter how high the IQs of the three spirit beasts were, they were still limited by the temptation of the Promotion Pill.

 In fact, Zhe Tian could directly communicate with Yan Xiangluo using his spiritual consciousness, but in order to show off, Zhe Tian went down the cliff and pretended to be communicating with Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo felt deeply that Zhe Tian was a little clever person who firmly controlled the initiative in the negotiation.

Yan Xiangluo talked to Zhe Tian cooperatively for a long time, and then Zhe Tian climbed up to the entrance of the cliff, saying that I tried my best to persuade my master to make a deal with you three.

 The three spirit beasts thanked Zhetian for helping them, completely forgetting that Zhetian came to them for this deal. It stands to reason that they are the party that controls the initiative.

However, the three spirit beasts are still very cautious. They will not stupidly send people to the border, and then they take away the pills and refuse to give them. They are not working hard for each other in vain. They can't afford to lose that person.

So the three flew down the cliff and asked Zhetian to communicate with its owner whether the elixir could be given to them first. If you don't feel comfortable giving it to them first, you have to find a way to ensure their interests.

Yan Xiangluo finally saw three spiritual beasts. They were actually three snow-white white eagles. They were the same spiritual beasts as the flying mounts that the master had found for her. However, these three spiritual beasts were larger and higher in cultivation. It's very powerful when it goes up, and its size is much larger than that white eagle.

Yan Xiangluo was very satisfied with these three flying spiritual beasts.

Yan Xiangluo understood that they were worried that she would not give them the elixir, so she directly made an oath. When they sent Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong to the border, they would give them three seventh-level promotion elixirs, but did not give them seven She will not leave when she is promoted to Dan, otherwise she will lose all her cultivation and become an ordinary person who cannot practice.

I have to admit that an oath is the most direct way to trust each other. Look, as soon as Yan Xiangluo finished her oath, the expressions of the three spirit beasts became much more relaxed.

 After the deal was concluded, the three spirit beasts did not forget to ask if there were enough medicinal materials for refining the seventh-grade promotion elixir.

Yan Xiangluo checked the medicinal materials in her medicine field in the space. There were really three missing medicinal materials for refining the promotion pill.

“Twenty-eight kinds of medicinal materials are needed to refine the advancement pill. I have twenty-five kinds, but three are missing, which are Ascension Fruit, Flame Grass, and Pearl Grass. Do you know where these three medicinal herbs can be found?”

The three spirit beasts communicated with Zhetian, and Zhetian relayed their words, "Master, they only know where the flame grass is. They have never heard of the living fruit and the pearl grass, let alone what they look like."

Yan Xiangluo originally did not expect them to find these three medicinal herbs. After all, they are spiritual beasts and cannot refine elixirs. Their understanding of medicinal herbs is not that deep. They knew about the flame grass, which surprised Yan Xiangluo.

“Where is the flame grass?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

The three said, "The flame grass is in a valley not far ahead, but there are dozens of monsters gathered there. They are all fire elements, and they need the fire power released by the flame grass to help them increase the speed of their cultivation. There are more than a dozen monsters there whose cultivation levels are similar to ours, so it’s not easy to get the flame grass.”

Yan Xiangluo felt a little worried when she heard that there were so many monsters. After thinking about it for a while, she came up with an idea, "Let's go, I have a way to get the flame grass."

Zhe Tian does not doubt the strength of his master at all, but the three white eagles do not know Yu Xiangluo after all, and are a little worried about whether she can get the flame grass. After all, she looks very young. If she had not made the oath, None of them believed that she had refined a seventh-grade elixir.

 If she died in the hands of those monsters, their hopes would be dashed again.

But now they have to try to believe that Yan Xiangluo can do it in order to get the promotion pill.

The three white eagles had a tacit understanding. They let Yan Xiangluo sit on the back of one of the white eagles, and the three white eagles flew towards the valley together.

 (End of this chapter)

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