The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 321: Harvest fireweed

Chapter 321: Harvesting the Flame Grass

Yan Xiangluo sat on the back of the white eagle. When he first arrived at Xianyun Sect, the feeling of riding the flying spiritual beast up and down the mountain came again, but the speed of these three white eagles was faster than the ones his master had captured for him. That one is much faster.

When she thought of her master, Yan Xiangluo began to worry again. She didn't know whether her master would be safe and smooth after arriving in the higher continent.

It was much easier to travel with a flying mount. Looking at the trees passing by below, Yan Xiangluo had the idea of ​​​​contracting a flying spirit beast.

 After all, flying in the air consumes too much spiritual energy. If you have a powerful flying spirit beast, you can save a lot of spiritual energy.

However, she gave up the idea in an instant. She is a Xuan Wen master. After she becomes familiar with the higher continents, it will be very convenient to directly use the teleportation Xuan Wen.

It’s just that the teleportation profound text is not as far as the teleportation array disk and teleportation array, and it requires familiarity with the geographical environment in order to teleport to the exact location.

 This is also the reason why she and Ji Jiuzhong did not use the teleportation text, because they did not know much about the higher continent. Although they had maps, they also knew the place names and had never been to these places.

Within half a quarter of an hour, Yan Xiangluo saw the valley in front of him, and let go of his consciousness to sense that there were indeed many monsters in the valley.

The white eagle landed some distance away from the valley. "You can't get any closer, otherwise the monster will attack."

 Zhe Tian conveyed Bai Diao’s meaning, and then said, “Master, let me go and check the situation.”

Yan Xiangluo nodded and reminded Zhe Tianzhu to check if there were other entrances and exits to the valley.

The three white eagles didn't know what Yan Xiangluo was talking about. Anyway, if the three of them went in together, they wouldn't be able to get a good result, and they couldn't even get a flame grass.

So they were very curious about how Yan Xiangluo wanted to get the flame grass.

Zhe Tian went to inquire about the situation, and Yan Xiangluo was not idle either. She was walking around near the entrance of the valley. Three huge white eagles stood there with their heads swooning, and they rotated as Yan Xiangluo walked. With.

They don’t know what Yan Xiangluo is doing, but they don’t delay watching the fun out of curiosity.

About a quarter of an hour later, Zhe Tian came back and reported the situation to Yan Xiangluo in detail.

 The situation inside is similar to what Bai Diao said, except that what Zhe Tian brought back is more accurate.

There are a total of thirty-six monsters inside, of which twelve have similar cultivation levels to the three white eagles. There is no other entrance to the valley, and there are no flying monsters in it, so they have to go through the only entrance in front.

After understanding the situation clearly, Yuan Xiangluo asked the three white eagles to stand far away. The three white eagles walked away obediently. They did not stop until Yuan Xiangluo said it was okay. They still stood neatly and looked at each other. Busy with the fragrance.

Yan Xiangluo estimated the distance, and then walked out of an arc with the entrance of the valley as the center. As she walked, she placed spiritual stones. In one circle, she consumed more than thirty high-grade spiritual stones and surrounded the entrance of the valley. .

 That's right, she is setting up a formation, a trapping formation plus an isolation formation.

 After that, she set up a small formation inside the formation, then took out the bowl that had been used to collect the spiritual spring, which contained half a bowl of spiritual spring, and placed it in the small formation.

 Because the entire bowl has been soaked by the spiritual spring, and Yan Xiangluo also put a small half bowl of the spiritual spring in it, the spiritual energy of the spiritual spring is very strong. However, because the formation she set up had an isolation effect, the three white eagles standing outside the formation could not sense the aura of the spiritual spring at all.

The spiritual energy of Lingquan floated into the valley along the formation. Soon, the monsters in the valley discovered it, and they all became excited. The allure of the spiritual energy of Lingquan was so powerful that they usually behaved very well. The monsters and beasts ran along the spirit spring's breath without caring about anything.

Including the dozen or so powerful monsters, their strength was still feared by other monsters. Although they all ran towards the entrance of the valley, they all made way for them to go first.

As soon as they passed by, the other monsters became chaotic. They squeezed each other and came out from the entrance of the valley.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo used an invisibility script on herself and stood on the vines covering the sky at the entrance of the valley, watching the monster beasts swarm out.

 In fact, with Yan Xiangluo's strength, under normal circumstances, even if she is invisible, monsters will still detect her aura.

 But now all the monsters are attracted by the breath of the spiritual spring, and her breath is insignificant in the chaotic situation.

 After the last monster came out of the entrance of the valley, Zhe Tian immediately led Yan Xiangluo to climb the rock wall and go into the valley.

After walking for a while, Yan Xiangluo got down from the vines that covered the sky, rose into the air, and quickly passed through the valley, arriving at the exact place where the flame grass grew.

Flame grass lives up to its name, fiery red, and looks like a large burning flame from a distance.

Yan Xiangluo was not polite and landed on the most prosperous piece of flame grass. With a thought, she moved a large piece of flame grass into Pangu space.

She is not a greedy person. She did not take away such a large piece of flame grass. After all, it was a treasure that the monsters relied on for their cultivation. She only took about one third of it into the Pangu space.

Flame grass is a must-have herb for refining elixirs with upgrading effects. It can be used not only for refining elixirs for promotion. It has many uses but is difficult to pick. There is such a large area here. Get more to save time when you need it later. arrive.

And now her Pangu space is different from before. The medicinal materials planted now will continue to grow and more will be reproduced.

It can be said that after having this piece of flame grass, she will never be short of flame grass in her life.

This is the residence of more than thirty monster beasts. Monster beasts are not as clean as spirit beasts, so the smell here is not very good. After getting the flame grass, the incense fell and went to the entrance of the valley without stopping for a moment. go.

 All the monsters were crowded outside the small formation. No matter how they attacked, they could not get in. They could only watch the spiritual spring in the bowl inside.

 The sight of the spiritual spring that cannot be drunk has already made the monsters a little anxious and irritable, and they are frantically absorbing the spiritual energy emanating from the spiritual spring.

Yan Xiangluo walked out of the entrance of the valley, changing her steps and leaving the formation. At this time, the three white eagles standing not far away were gaping at the large group of black monsters. What did the young man who traded with them do? , why are these monsters attacking like crazy around such a small area?

 The bowl containing the spiritual spring inside the small formation cannot be seen outside the formation.

Although Yan Xiangluo used the invisibility script, the cultivation of the three white eagles was already at the peak of advanced levels. Even if they could not see her, they immediately noticed her presence as soon as she appeared.

 (End of this chapter)

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