The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 322: so familiar

Chapter 322 So familiar

The heads all turned to look at her location. Yan Xiangluo was not surprised that she would be discovered by them. She removed the invisibility text on her body and appeared in front of the three white eagles.

The three white eagles instinctively took a step back, just because they were a little afraid of Yan Xiangluo's strength.

Even though her cultivation level is not high, her skills are high and she is very difficult to guard against. Didn't you see that those monsters were being tricked by her?

They were unable to deal with the three of them, and Xiang Xiangluo was solved without doing it. Although Xiang Xiangluo did not say that she had collected the Flame grass, they knew that Xiang Xiangluo must have succeeded.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo raised her hand, she took back the bowl containing the spiritual spring, and at the same time, the small formation inside was destroyed.

 As soon as the bowl disappeared, the spiritual energy of the spiritual spring suddenly faded away. Except for the breath of the spiritual spring dissipating in the air, the monster could no longer sense the rich spiritual energy before.

 Suddenly they started running around without any direction, but the formation outside was still there and the monster beasts could not come out.

It's not that Yan Xiangluo is digging around, it's that the spiritual spring is too eye-catching. She can't leave it to the monster. If it leaks out, it will be a big trouble.

She didn’t know if there was such an existence as a spiritual spring in the higher continent, but it was best not to leak it out.

Yan Xiangluo said to Bai Diao, "I have picked the flame grass, let's leave quickly."

After hearing her words, a white eagle immediately prostrated on the ground and let Ruan Xiang fall on its back. The sky covered the sky and became the bracelet on Ruan Xiangluo's wrist. The three white eagles were afraid that those monsters would rush out at the next moment. , flying away faster than when it came.

How did they know that Yanxiang Luobu's formation has a time effect and will be automatically released after half an hour. Before the time is up, unless someone with a higher level than her formation breaks it for them, they will not be able to break out. .

 She didn’t want to trap these monsters in the valley forever.

However, seeing the flying speed of the three white eagles, Yan Xiangluo knew clearly that there was room for improvement in the speed of the three white eagles.

Three white eagles flew while communicating with Zhe Tian, ​​"Ask your master, where are you going now?"

Zhetian said, "No need to ask, just leave the Death Mountain and fly towards the border."

Do you still need to ask the owner about this? You don’t know where the other two herbs are. It’s safest to leave the Death Mountain now. The people on the other side of the Sacred Mountain are going crazy. They are all rushing out now. It doesn’t even know them. Can I get out smoothly?

Yan Xiangluo looked at the direction in which Bai Diao was flying. Hearing what Zhe Tian said to Bai Diao, he knew that this was the direction heading out of the valley, so he didn't say anything. He was thinking about how to find the other two medicinal materials.

She didn't have time to search all over the mountains. If she couldn't find it, she would try to find a way to buy it in a city. She just didn't know if she could buy it.

 The white eagle is very fast and flies to the edge of the mountains in the evening.

They discovered that there was a strong barrier outside the mountain that they could not pass by flying, so they quickly told Zhetian.

 Zhetian already knew the news and told Yan Xiangluo.

Yuan Xiangluo knew that this barrier was not set up by the fifth senior brother, but should have been set up by the Lord of the Late Continent.

She asked Bai Diao to find a remote place to stay. Since the outside was a barrier set up by people with god-level cultivation, she didn't have the strength to break out yet. If there was no other way, she would just wait and see.

The white eagle turned around and found a valley to land in.

Yan Xiangluo stayed outside to cover the sky with the three white eagles. She turned around and entered the Pangu space. If Zhetian comes in with him, he is worried that the three white eagles will be unsure. Another point is that if Zhetian stays outside, he can inquire about the development of the situation outside at any time.

 Coming into the space, Yan Xiangluo glanced at his room. It had been a day. The aura in Pangu space was different from that outside. One day was enough for Ji Jiuzhong to recover his cultivation.

 It's just that the space is hers, and she has the absolute right to make the decision. If she doesn't want Ji Jiuzhong to notice her, Ji Jiuzhong has no way of knowing that she has entered.

 But she didn't do that. Now that she had let him in, Pangu Space couldn't hide it. Since she already knew, it was better to be generous.

 Therefore, Ji Jiuzhong knew it as soon as she came in and immediately came out of her room.

The two of them just stood there looking at each other. In just one day, their mentality was completely different.

Ji Jiuzhong is because Yan Xiangluo would rather expose her own secrets than save him, and is happy that her position in Yan Xiangluo's heart is not so dispensable.

Because Yan Xiangluo knew how much she cared about Ji Jiuzhong, she heard from the fifth senior brother that he was her calamity in the previous life. At this time, Yan Xiangluo didn't know what kind of mentality she should use to face Ji Jiuzhong. Ninefold.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his feet and walked towards her. He was relieved when he noticed that the aura on her body was normal and she was not injured.

 “Has the matter of the Holy Mountain been resolved?” Ji Jiuzhong spoke first.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Now the Holy Mountain no longer exists. The location of the Holy Mountain has been dug into a big hole by those people, and we can't leave the Death Mountain now. The Death Mountain has a barrier. The Lord of the Dusui Continent has arranged for people to , to search everyone who leaves the Death Mountain."

Ji Jiuzhong's eyes paused. He had thought that such a big movement in the Death Mountains would definitely attract the attention of the powerful people in the mainland, but he didn't expect it to be so serious.

“Have you got the treasure under the sacred mountain?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Since those people dared to dig a pit into the sacred mountain, the treasure must have disappeared. The sacred mountain was an opportunity for Yan Xiangluo, which meant that Yan Xiangluo got the treasure from the sacred mountain after entering her space.

Yan Xiangluo's thoughts moved, and the glazed lamp in the sea of ​​​​consciousness appeared in her hand, "The treasure in the sacred mountain is this glazed lamp."

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the exquisite and crystal clear glazed lantern in her hand and shrank her eyes. Why did it feel familiar? And this time it was particularly familiar, as if he was very familiar with the glazed lamp in the past, but he couldn't remember it.

“Why does this glass lamp feel so familiar to me?” Ji Jiuzhong did not hide his feeling.

A dark light flashed across Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes. It seemed that what the fifth senior brother said was true. The glazed lamp was her own in the previous life. If she and Ji Jiuzhong were lovers in the previous life, then he must be very familiar with his treasured glazed lamp.

Although he has no previous memories now, the familiar feeling in his soul should still be there.

“Then take a look, maybe you’ll remember something?” Yan Xiangluo put the glazed lamp into Ji Jiuzhong’s hand.

Ji Jiuzhong frowned. Yan Xiangluo's tone was wrong. Why did she say she would think of something? He didn't feel like he had forgotten anything.

“Why do you say that?” Ji Jiuzhong asked in confusion.

 (End of this chapter)

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