The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 323: Afraid of your disgust

Chapter 323 I’m afraid you’ll dislike me

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and said, "When we came to the Holy Mountain, we always felt that there was a familiar feeling here. But both you and I are here for the first time. This is an undoubted fact. How can this sense of familiarity come about? What's going on?"

Ji Jiuzhong nodded when he heard this, "It's indeed not normal."

He looked at the glazed lamp and gave it to Yan Xiangluo, "Maybe we have had a fate with this place in our lifetimes."

Ji Jiuzhong's words were actually just words, but Yan Xiangluo's heart was shaken. Although she understood that he just said it casually, what he said was the truth.

 Fate is really a magical thing!

"Maybe." Yan Xiangluo didn't want to dwell on this matter anymore. When she remembered her past life in the future, everything would be revealed. There was no need to disturb her mind because of this matter.

 She put away the glass lamp.

Ji Jiuzhong asked, "Where are we now?"

 “In my personal space.” Yan Xiangluo said.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her and smiled, "I know this. I'm asking where it is outside?"

Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised and misunderstood what he meant, "In a col on the edge of the Death Mountain."

 She told Ji Jiuzhong about the deal with the three white eagles.

Ji Jiuzhong shrugged and said, "In comparison, it seems that I am useless. You won't dislike me, right?"

Yan Xiangluo knew that Ji Jiuzhong was joking, so he said in a relaxed tone, "Who dares to dislike you?"

Ji Jiuzhong said seriously, "It doesn't matter who dislikes me. I'm just afraid that you will dislike me."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless and her cheeks were a little red. Was this person talking to him honestly?

But what he said is very likely to happen. Thinking that the fifth senior brother said that he was his disaster in the past, then a lot of things must have happened between the two of them. Although it was from the past life, if one day both of them can really remember it, She is still not sure whether these past memories will become obstacles to their relationship in this life, and whether she will dislike him.

 “Then work hard and don’t be disliked by me!”

Ji Jiuzhong didn't know how many twists and turns her heart had turned. After hearing her words, he was filled with joy. He understood that this was the opportunity given to him by Yan Xiangluo.

"Okay, I won't let you down." Ji Jiuzhong said solemnly.

He lived an extremely difficult life in this life. Fetal poison had accompanied him for twenty-two years. Apart from health, he had never wanted anything. He originally thought that after the fetal poison was resolved, his life would only consist of pursuing strength, but He himself didn't expect that his whole heart would fall on Yan Xiangluo.

 It can be said that Yan Xiangluo is what he truly wants to have in his life, and he cherishes his fate with her.

 It seems that he has to be so strong that no one can **** Yan Xiangluo away from him.

He couldn't wait any longer. He had to go to the Ji family's inheritance place as soon as possible.

 “Won’t you introduce your personal space to me?”

Ji Jiuzhong saw the fiery red flame grass appearing in the space at a glance. He was very sure that there was no such flame grass when he came in. It was obvious that this flame grass had just been brought in by Yan Xiangluo.

At this time, he realized how convenient it is to have a portable space for planting.

Especially since this person is also an alchemist, he is simply more powerful than a tiger.

Naturally, Yan Xiangluo would not tell him the origin of Pangu Space in detail, but simply introduced it to him. This is Pangu Space, which was opened by getting the Five Elements Beads and Fire Beads. The aura inside contains the aura of the ancient Hongmeng. Cultivation is of great help, and there is still room for how to upgrade step by step to where you are now. Hearing her say that the Pangu space was opened because she got the Five Elements Pearl Fire Pearl, and she already owned three Five Elements Pearls. Ji Jiuzhong understood why Yan Xiangluo paid so much attention to the Five Elements Pearl Earth Pearl. It turned out that she already owned three Five Elements Pearls. It helps a lot with her space.

There are only five Five Element Beads in total, and she already owns three. It seems that the earth element must be obtained for her.

“Can you refine the elixir they want?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

 Earth type five element beads need to be exchanged for a god-level baby pill.

Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong with her beautiful apricot eyes, "I should be able to, but it takes time. The alchemy in the lower continent can only refine the sixth-grade elixir. When I come to the high continent, I should be able to refine the seventh-grade pill and above." The elixir is there, but I haven’t had time to try it yet.”

  She was successful in refining the elixirs anyway, and they were all of perfect quality, so there was no reason why she couldn't come here.

But refining god-level elixirs will definitely take some time. There are prescriptions for god-level elixirs in Shuyilu, including birth pills, but she is now a sixth-level alchemist, and she is still seven or eight years away from being a god-level alchemist. , level 93, and then the **** level.

 Even if she succeeds every time, it still takes time to refine the god-level elixir.

Ji Jiuzhong knew how talented Ruan Xiangluo was in alchemy, poison refining, and medical skills, and he did not doubt her words at all.

“Do you have all the ingredients for refining the elixir?” Ji Jiuzhong asked again.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Originally, we were missing flame grass, but now we have it. However, the three white eagle demon pills and promotion pills are still missing two types, the living fruit and the condensed pearl grass."

"Let's try our best to find these two. Anyway, we can't leave the Death Mountain now. Take advantage of this time to upgrade your alchemy level first and refine the god-level baby elixir that replaces the earth-type five-element beads. I'll go and make the earth-type I'll bring you the Five Elements Pearl." Ji Jiuzhong expressed his thoughts.

"You can escape unscathed?" Yan Xiangluo asked.

It was naturally good to get the five-element beads of the earth element. She also wanted to collect all the five-element beads, but Yan Xiangluo was unwilling to risk Ji Jiuzhong's safety.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "If you don't have enough strength, you have to use your wisdom."

Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. She had spent so much time together that she had forgotten what kind of existence Ji Jiuzhong was in the Tianshun Empire. In terms of strategy, in Yan Xiangluo's heart, no one could compare with Ji Jiuzhong.

"Okay, I'm going to make the elixir right now." Yu Xiangluo said.

Ji Jiuzhong took her hand and said, "Don't worry, I'm hungry."

Yan Xiangluo was confused by his coquettish tone. You are already a sect-level cultivator. Even if you don't eat for a year, you won't be hungry. What do you look like now?

But seeing his pitiful expression, Yan Xiangluo felt soft-hearted inexplicably.

"Then let's eat first." After saying this, Yan Xiangluo walked to the kitchen.

Ji Jiuzhong did not let go of her hand and followed her to the kitchen. Only then did he realize that the kitchen was also the one on Thousand Poison Peak.

 His little girl is really thrifty, it must be related to the fact that she has to make a living on her own at the age of ten.

This kitchen is too simple for Ji Jiuzhong, who is used to the gorgeous and grand kitchens in the palace.

  When I have time in the future, I will make an exquisite kitchen for her. I turned around and looked at the room where she lives, and then make a gorgeous palace for her to live in.

 (End of this chapter)

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