The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 325: My home is Luoluo

Chapter 325 My family is in trouble

The more Ji Jiuzhong knew about the space, the more he wanted to collect the Five Elements Pearls for her. He wanted to know what Pangu Space would look like by then.

Ji Jiuzhong finally stopped next to the Lingquan Pond. He didn't know why the Lingquan dripped so fast and so much in Pangu space, but he knew that the jade pond that Yan Xiangluo bought didn't seem to be enough, so he had to think of a way.

 You can't just buy another pool when the pool is full. He needs to think carefully about how to solve the problem once and for all.

Half an hour passed, and Yan Xiangluo had refined the elixir. She excitedly ran to Ji Jiuzhong holding two seventh-grade elixirs, "It worked. This is the first time I have refined a seventh-grade elixir." Elixir."

“Luoluo is great, very powerful.” Ji Jiuzhong praised without hesitation. Not only was she successful in refining the seventh-grade elixir for the first time, but it was still of perfect quality. She was indeed great and powerful.

Her phoenix eyes fell on the two seventh-grade perfect elixirs with golden elixir patterns held in her slender white palms, and she frowned. If the quality of the god-level infant birth elixirs were the same, even if they were exchanged for the Five Elements Beads, they would be worth a little bit. Wait, but it’s a little too ostentatious.

"What's the matter?" Yan Xiangluo asked when she saw his frown.

“Can Luoluo refine an elixir that is not of perfect quality?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yu Xiangluo was stunned. People who made alchemy tried their best to refine elixirs of perfect quality. Why did he have to refine elixirs that were not of perfect quality when he came here?

It only took a moment for Yan Xiangluo to understand what he meant, "Are you afraid that it would be too ostentatious to exchange such an elixir for the Five Elements Beads?"

Ji Jiuzhong knew she was smart, and she understood what he meant before he even said it.

"Yes, you have also read the historical records of the Higher Continent. As for the information about alchemists, there are very few alchemists who can refine elixirs of perfect quality. The last alchemist who could refine elixirs of perfect quality was 1,800 years old. It appeared years ago, and it was only occasionally possible to refine elixirs of perfect quality. If people know about Luo Luo's alchemy talent, it would not be a good thing for us with our current strength," Ji Jiuzhong explained. For a moment.

Although it is easier to succeed with a perfect-quality elixir, if people know that a perfect-quality elixir is available, it will cause unnecessary trouble. There is no airtight wall in the entire continent, and each force has its own source of information. He cannot guarantee that the information about him and Luoluo will not be leaked.

 Thinking of everything ahead is the prerequisite for his success from childhood to adulthood and his current achievements.

Ji Jiuchong still has a worry in his heart. Although only a few people in Xianyun Sect know that the elixirs refined by Yan Xiangluo are of perfect quality, there is no airtight wall. He is worried that Qin Suyue knows.

 Qin Suyue is such a sinister person. If necessary, she will definitely leak the news.

But he didn't tell Yuan Xiangluo his worries. He could hide it for a while. When they were strong enough, what would they do if they knew.

Yan Xiangluo thought for a while and said, "I'll try it."

 From the beginning of elixir refining to now, she has always refined elixirs of perfect quality. She is really not sure whether she can refine elixirs of other qualities.

Ordinary alchemists are trying their best to refine elixirs of perfect quality, but she has to rack her brains to refine low-grade elixirs. If those alchemists knew about this, they would die of envy.

Yan Xiangluo put two pills into Ji Jiuzhong's hands, returned to the medicine field, and started refining the pill for the second time.

Although the seventh-grade baby pill cannot be exchanged for the Five Elements Pearl, it is still priceless. So she gave it to him like this?

Ji Jiuchong was in a very good mood, put away the pills, and continued to study how to solve the spiritual spring pool for her. It was getting dark gradually. Ji Jiuzhong discovered that the time in Pangu space was the same as outside, and there were day and night. He was very curious. This was the first time he had seen such a portable space.

In some ancient books, Ji Jiuzhong also saw some introductions about portable space. Without exception, there is only daytime. Yuan Xiangluo's Pangu space is not only divided into night and day, but also divided into four seasons throughout the year. There are natural phenomena of wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

 It can be said that Pangu Space is a real world.

 It’s just that in this world, except for plants, there are no humans, monsters, or spiritual beasts.

Yan Xiangluo took a longer time this time. When it was completely dark, she came back with a pill without pill patterns.

  said frustratedly, "Why is it so difficult to refine low-level elixirs?"

Hearing her complaints, Ji Jiuzhong's lips twitched. Everyone complained about the difficulty of refining high-level elixirs, but his little girl was better. Complaining about the difficulty of refining low-level elixirs was really infuriating.

 “Isn’t this a success?”

Ji Jiuzhong took the elixir in her hand and looked at it. It was indeed not of perfect quality. She was used to seeing elixirs of perfect quality and then seeing this ordinary elixir felt a bit ugly.

Yan Xiangluo patted his forehead, "It's too troublesome. I have to control the purity of the medicinal solution to prevent it from becoming a perfect quality elixir."

Ji Jiuzhong laughed and rubbed Yan Xiangluo's head, "It's hard for my family Luo Luo."

It was the first time that Yan Xiangluo was coaxed like this, and her cheeks turned red again. She quickly said, "Zhe Tian said that the search outside the Death Mountain is very strict, and we won't be able to get out for a while. I will take advantage of this time to quickly improve my alchemy." grade."

She did think so. She knew that Ji Jiuzhong was anxious to go to the inner continent to accept the Ji family's inheritance. She didn't want to waste too much time by exchanging earth-type five-element beads. The sooner she could refine the god-level elixir, the more time she would save.

Ji Jiuzhong was also thinking about how to solve the problem of Lingquan Pool. He nodded and said, "Okay, but refining alchemy consumes a lot of mental energy. Luoluo must control the intensity and not let his consciousness be injured."

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I have a strong spirit and will also pay attention to my sense of propriety, so don't worry."

After saying that, he turned around and ran to the medicine field again.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the sky that had turned completely dark, followed him, took out a few fist-sized lighting beads and placed them around Yan Xiangluo, so that the place where he was was brightened up.

Yan Xiangluo did not refuse Ji Jiuzhong's care. She took out the book and began to study the elixir. No matter how anxious she was, she would not refine just one elixir for each level. If she followed the method taught by her master, she would successfully refine all the elixirs of each level before refining the next level of elixirs.

But now, in order to save time, she wants to select a few representative elixirs to refine. When she can refine the god-level elixir, she can refine the birth baby elixir and then go back to refine other elixirs to make up for the shortcomings. Here, you can perfect your alchemy skills.

 (End of this chapter)

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