The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 326: Once and for all

Chapter 326: Once and for all

This is already the safest way to advance that Yan Xiangluo can think of. After all, almost all alchemists in this world only refine a few kinds of pills before trying to break through to the next level.

Not everyone's talent can refine all elixirs of the same level. Each elixir recipe has different refining techniques. The level of talent determines the level of the alchemist and the number of types of elixirs they can refine. .

 Many alchemists do not have the stamina and strength, so like her now, they choose to refine the elixirs that are representative or can be refined by themselves.

But one thing is that if you want to obtain the alchemist level certificate, you must refine several fixed types of elixirs in accordance with the requirements of the Alchemist Association.

 Hence, these types of elixirs must be learned by all alchemists.

One night, Yan Xiangluo was busy refining elixirs to improve her level as an alchemist. It was not until the sky got slightly bright that Yan Xiangluo stretched out and stopped refining elixirs.

The effect was good, and Yan Xiangluo was in a good mood. In one night, she refined ten kinds of elixirs for seventh-grade elixirs, and also refined five kinds of eight-grade elixirs, among which the birth-birth elixir was a must. .

 If she does this every night, she will be able to refine the god-level elixir in two or three days.

This is still a conservative estimate of the time. After all, the higher the level of the elixir, the more difficult it is to refine it, and the more time it takes to think.

God-level alchemist is the level that legendary alchemists dream of. In fact, Yu Xiangluo has always known that her alchemy talent is somewhat unusual. No matter how talented an alchemist is, it is impossible for her to be like her. She never fails in alchemy and can succeed every time. Refining elixirs of perfect quality.

Although she was very confused before, she couldn't find the reason and didn't care too much about it.

However, after the fifth senior brother returned her glazed lamp to her, Yan Xiangluo had an idea. Maybe she was a very high-level alchemist in her previous life, or even a god-level alchemist. The quality of her alchemy should be the same as hers. Just like now, the elixir refined every time is of perfect quality.

 Things passed down from generation to generation in the soul, that’s why she has such a high talent for alchemy in this life, and only in this way can we explain why her talent for alchemy is so strong.

 The more I know, the more curious I become about my own life.

Yan Xiangluo did not limit the quality of her elixirs. They were all of perfect quality. She planned to keep these perfect quality elixirs for herself and Ji Jiuzhong to use.

 When she can refine the god-level elixir, she can refine an ordinary-level baby elixir and exchange it for the earth-type five-element beads.

  After all, it is much more difficult for her to refine an ordinary-grade elixir than to refine one of perfect quality.

Putting away the elixirs refined overnight, he turned around to look for Ji Jiuzhong, and found that Ji Jiuzhong was busy at the Lingquan Pond. His eyes lit up, why was there another pond?

With a thought, she arrived beside Ji Jiuzhong.

She is the master of the space. Wherever she wants to go in the space, she can reach it with just a thought. She can definitely teleport with much less effort than a god-level powerhouse.

 It’s a pity that she only has this ability in space.

 So much so that she will be able to teleport after reaching a god-level cultivation level in the future. She dislikes the fact that teleportation consumes too much spiritual energy and cannot be used all the time.

"You refined it." Although Yan Xiangluo asked Ji Jiuzhong, her tone was affirmative. After all, there was no one else in her Pangu space, and she could know what the things in her space were without any effort.

"Well, although the pool seems to be enough now, the consumption rate of the spiritual spring is too small and the accumulation rate is fast. It will not be long before the pool is full. You can't buy more pool equipment when the pool is full. I'm thinking about it. How could we come up with this solution once and for all?" Ji Jiuzhong explained.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the pool refined by Ji Jiuzhong. Although it looked like it was made of jade and was more refined than the one she bought, it was too small. How could it be a one-and-done solution? "How can such a small pond be saved once and for all?" Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, and his unparalleled beauty seemed to be coated with a layer of light, which instantly dazzled Yan Xiangluo's eyes.

She quietly averted her gaze, men were also attractive.

“The pool I refined contains space stones, which can change in size according to the amount of things in it.” Ji Jiuzhong naturally saw the surprise in her eyes, pretended not to see it, and told her the secret of the pool.

 Is this still possible?

Yan Xiangluo said in shock, "You are so awesome!"

Ji Jiuzhong has heard countless compliments since he was a child, but no one's praise made him so happy. Even if his father praised him, he had never been so happy. It was the joy that radiated from the depths of his soul. Yan Xiangluo noticed that the aura on his body had become warmer, and she thought he was happy because he had come up with this method.

“The principle is similar to that of a space ring. Maybe the weapon refiners in higher continents can understand it.” Ji Jiuzhong said modestly.

Yan Xiangluo still looked at Ji Jiuzhong with starry eyes, "Even if they know it, it will be different. You figured it out with your own intelligence. They have a ready-made master to teach you."

She did think so in her heart. Without knowing anything, what she researched and figured out was an invention, and it was definitely not on the same level as the IQ taught by her master.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "When Luoluo said that, I also feel that I am very powerful."

Yan Xiangluo knew that he was teasing her, so she also laughed.

 “You helped me solve the biggest problem in space.”

Yan Xiangluo was telling the truth. Although she bought such a big three-connected pond, it would still be full one day. She still needed to solve the problem of installing the spirit spring again. Now that Ji Jiuzhong had refined the pool for her, which could increase its capacity according to the amount of content in it, she no longer had to worry about this problem.

Ji Jiuzhong instantly felt as if he had done something great.

"If you have anything to do in the future, just tell me and I will solve it for you." Ji Jiuzhong immediately took the opportunity to express his thoughts.

 He ​​wanted Luo Luo to get used to relying on him and seeing how useful he was, so that she would not dislike him. But she said that she should work hard not to be disliked by her.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I won't be polite to you in the future."

 Isn't it normal for someone who decides to spend a lifetime together to do something for her? She doesn't need to be polite to him.

Seeing her agreeing to him so simply, Ji Jiuchong felt even better.

Yan Xiangluo turned around and walked to the kitchen, "I'm going to make breakfast. Think about whether there is any way for us to leave the Death Mountain as soon as possible."

 Since his brain is so useful, it cannot be wasted.

Ji Jiuzhong followed her, "What's going on outside now?"

 (End of this chapter)

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