The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 327: Haven't tried it yet

Chapter 327 Haven’t tried it yet

"Zhetian said that there is only one entrance and exit outside the mountain range, and none of those people left. The Lord of the Duosi Continent arranged for people with god-level cultivation to inspect the people who came out of the Death Mountain. Even those who entered later must also be inspected. Use Xuanjing to check everyone's gift rings. It's impossible to sneak out." Yan Xiangluo told Ji Jiuzhong the information Zhe Tian told her.

Ji Jiuzhong frowned when he heard this. Since it was inspected by a god-level expert in person, it was really impossible for them to go out without alerting them. Although his level as a mysterious master was very high, with his current level of cultivation, it was impossible to get the mysterious pattern from a god. The super strong man slipped out right under his nose, and he really wasn't sure.

 Just waiting is not an option. People outside will not give up in a short time and will not leave the Death Mountain. If I wait until they leave before leaving, I don't know how much time it will take.

 No wonder Luo Luo is anxious, but when encountering difficulties, he thinks of his excellent habit, and he will definitely develop Luo Luo's habit in the future and stick to it.

Going to the door of the kitchen, Yan Xiangluo went in to cook. Ji Jiuzhong followed her into the kitchen.

“Luoluo, let me wash and chop the vegetables.”

Yan Xiangluo didn't refuse. She naturally took out the vegetables and put them on the table nearby. She told him how to wash them and how to cut them, and then she let him do it by himself.

Yan Xiangluo finally understood that Ji Jiuzhong was smart not only in his cultivation and resourcefulness, but also in being able to quickly learn and do well whatever he wanted to do.

 Washing and cutting vegetables is not difficult at all in Yan Xiangluo's eyes, and Ji Jiuchong thinks it is even less difficult.

She washed the rice and steamed the rice. Because she was using her own flame, she sat aside and controlled the flame to steam the rice. Her beautiful apricot eyes looked at Ji Jiuzhong, who used to wash and chop vegetables with his hands.

Ji Jiuzhong moved very slowly at first, but became faster and faster as he became familiar with it. It felt like he was practicing knife skills rather than chopping vegetables.

  Well, handsome men look good in anything they do.

Although he was doing something at hand without delaying his thoughts, Ji Jiuzhong was thinking about how to leave the Death Mountain without alerting the searchers.

At present, their cultivation level is not enough to set up a barrier, let alone break the barrier set up by people with god-level cultivation, so this method of breaking the barrier and getting out is not feasible.

Then there is only one way out, which is the entrance and exit they left, but if you want to go out from there, you will inevitably be searched. He is not worried about the glazed lamp. After all, it is impossible for a god-level powerhouse to use a mysterious mirror to find out what is inside the portable space. s things.

What he was worried about was their original identity and appearance. The favorite son of the Lord of the Twilight Continent had already issued a secret order to arrest them in the Twilight Continent. People were looking for them everywhere with their portraits.

Face-changing patterns have no effect at all under the mysterious mirror. Their true appearance can be seen directly in the mysterious mirror. Even if no glazed lamps are found on their bodies, they will not be allowed to leave.

The rice was steamed quickly, and Yan Xiangluo started cooking quickly. Ji Jiuzhong didn't speak until he finished breakfast. Yan Xiangluo knew that he was thinking of a solution, so he didn't bother him.

Ji Jiuzhong stood up, took the dishes from her hand and said, "Didn't we agree that I will wash all the dishes in the future?"

Yan Xiangluo shrugged, "I'm not just watching you think about something, and I don't want to disturb you."

Ji Jiuzhong walked into the kitchen and asked while washing the dishes, "Can the Luoluo Pangu Space attach to other people and leave?"

Yan Xiangluo was stunned and immediately understood what he meant, "I haven't tried it yet."

  But in the fantasy books she had read before, there was such a space. She once again admired Ji Jiuzhong's IQ. She, a person who had read books, never thought that he, a native of the fantasy world, would think of it.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Luoluo go out and give it a try. You sit on the vines of Zhetian and enter the space. Let Zhetian leave and try whether the space will follow it. If possible, we will find a way to make Zhetian leave better than us." It’s much easier.”

“I’m afraid Zhe Tian’s strength cannot avoid those with god-level cultivation.” Yu Xiangluo said matter-of-factly. Although Zhetian used to be a divine plant, he is not now. Zhetian's ability may not be enough in front of a strong person with a god-level cultivation.

"As long as Zhetian can leave with space, I will have a way to make Zhetian leave." Ji Jiuzhong said confidently.

Seeing that Ji Jiuzhong was so sure, Yan Xiangluo knew that he had come up with something.

 “I’m going to try it right now.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the person appeared outside the space.

 The three white eagles had been waiting all night, and finally saw Yanxiang falling again, and they all looked at her.

Yan Xiangluo ignored the three of them and said to Zhe Tian, ​​"Zhe Tian, ​​spread the vines."

 Zhe Tian immediately stretched his body obediently, and the vines grew taller and thicker.

Yan Xiangluo sat down on the vine, then stepped into the space and used her spiritual consciousness to communicate with Zhe Tian, ​​"Zhe Tian, ​​you move around."

Zhetian listened to her words and moved his vines to walk in front of the three white eagles.

Yan Xiangluo realized that her space was always on Zhetian's body, and she could indeed move with Zhetian. She was so excited that she came to the door of the kitchen and said to Ji Jiuzhong, who was still washing dishes, "It's really okay."

Hearing this, Ji Jiuzhong said, "We are going out. What are you going to do with the three white eagles?"

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, and then she thought that the three white eagles were so big that it was impossible to leave the Death Mountain through the entrance and exit. Their cultivation would also make those people covet them, and they wanted to capture them, tame them and use them as war pets.

It would be better if there was no deal with them. She had sworn an oath. The deal with the three white eagles must be fulfilled, so they must be taken out. There is only one way to take them out, which is to take them into Pangu Space, and then let them out again.

 But they are not her contracted spirit beasts, so they may not trust her. If they don't trust her and offer even the slightest resistance, she won't be able to bring them into the space.

Then you need to convince them. Yan Xiangluo blinked, and the task of persuasion was left to Zhe Tian, ​​a little expert in negotiation.

“I’ll ask Zhe Tian to communicate with them and let them stay in the space for a while.” Yan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiuzhong.

Ji Jiuzhong washed the dishes and came out of the kitchen, "Okay, let Zhe Tian hurry up and we'll leave later."

Yan Xiangluo responded and communicated with Zhe Tian, ​​asking Zhe Tian to persuade the three white eagles.

Yan Xiangluo didn't pay attention to how Zhe Tian persuaded the three white eagles. She believed in Zhe Tian's ability to deceive people.

About a quarter of an hour later, news came from Zhetian that the task was completed, and Yan Xiangluo was asked to come out and bring the three white eagles into the space.

 (End of this chapter)

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