The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 328: try to believe him

Chapter 328: Try to believe him

Ji Jiuzhong raised his eyebrows. He was quite capable of covering the sky. He actually made the three white eagles trust him so quickly.

You must know that although Luoluo's Pangu Space is indeed a unique treasure in the world, you must give your freedom to Luoluo when you enter. The three white eagles are wild spiritual beasts, and they will not trust anyone.

After Yu Xiangluo went out, she saw three white eagles looking at her with burning eyes, as if she were some delicious delicacy.

Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched, how could Zhe Tian deceive others?

Although he was confused in his heart, he did not stop his movements. His spiritual consciousness locked on the three of them, and with a thought, he took the three of them into Pangu space.

However, she set a limit for the three of them. They could not see or approach the spiritual spring, the medicinal patch, or the place where she lived.

After all, it is their own space. The three white eagles are different from Zhe Tian, ​​Yun Tuan and Wu Shuang. They are their own space, but the three white eagles still have to go out and let them be free.

Zhetian saw that he was the only one left outside, so he followed him in.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the three white eagles soaring freely in her space, and immediately understood how Zhe Tian persuaded them to come in.

 Have to admit that Zhe Tian is indeed a good negotiator. Even if the same conditions are met and can be persuaded, Zhetian has the ability to make the other party trust it. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that its soul is a mythical beast.

Three white eagles have entered the space. Yan Xiangluo looks like Ji Jiuchong, meaning what should we do next?

Ji Jiuzhong called to Zhetian who was about to go to the space stone milk to practice with Yun Tuan. Zhetian immediately changed direction and came to the two of them.

Although it also wants to practice, it also knows the priorities of things. As long as it leaves the Death Mountain, it has plenty of time to practice.

Ji Jiuzhong didn’t say a specific method. He just asked Yan Xiangluo to take him and Zhetian out of Pangu space, and then asked Zhetian to lead the way to the entrance and exit.

The place where they rested was not far from the entrance and exit, and their speed was very fast. In a quarter of an hour, they arrived near the entrance.

  People who were originally in the Death Mountain were looking for where to get out. One night had passed and most people had found a place. Therefore, people kept coming to the entrance and exit.

 Those who went to Shenyu Mountain were searched last night and were waiting for news outside the entrance.

Even though there are so many god-level experts here, even if the treasure is found, it has nothing to do with them, but they feel that it is good to have a chance to see the treasure.

 After all, this treasure once caused the death of more than 300 god-level experts.

 Hence, there are many more people outside than those who were originally in the mountains.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the entrance. There were more than a dozen people guarding it, all of whom were cultivators above the **** level. There was a middle-aged man wearing a gorgeous brocade robe sitting on a beautifully carved and luxurious chair, standing behind him. There are six uniformly dressed guards.

Yan Xiangluo guessed that this person should be the Lord of Jusui Continent.

Her heart was raised. There were god-level powerhouses both here and outside, and the Lord of the Old Continent was still personally in charge. Is there any way Ji Jiuzhong could make Zhetian go out with the space?

 Looking up at Ji Jiuzhong, he saw his phoenix eyes staring at the entrance and exit, without saying anything to disturb his train of thought. Their strength is simply incomparable to each other, and they have to outwit each other if they want to get out.

 After a moment, Ji Jiuzhong said, "Zhe Tian, ​​when the entrance and exit become chaotic in a while, you should quickly find an opportunity to go out."

Although Zhetian could not communicate with him directly, Zhetian could hear what he said and immediately moved the vines to show that it understood.

Ji Jiuzhong said to Yan Xiangluo, "Get ready, let's go into the space."

Zhetian immediately stretched out the vines. Yan Xiangluo sat on the vines that covered the sky and led Ji Jiuzhong into the space.

Then she asked, "What's next?" Ji Jiuzhong looked at her and said, "Can I see outside the space?"

“Yes.” Yan Xiangluo immediately released the space restrictions on Ji Jiuzhong.

 Release authority to Ji Jiuzhong, firstly, she is trying to trust him, and secondly, it is convenient for Ji Jiuzhong to enter and exit the space. If there is danger, he can enter her space himself, as long as she is by his side.

Ji Jiuzhong suddenly felt as if he had a clairvoyant eye. He could see the outside clearly, and he could see all the places he wanted to see around him, as if he were outside.

And the space is now on Zhetian, they can let Zhetian adjust the height to see the surroundings from the best angle.

Ji Jiuzhong was once again amazed by the role of portable space.

"Luoluo, I'll let him go later. You let Wushuang go out and let Wushuang run to the left, about fifty meters, and then stop for two or three times to breathe, and then come back immediately." Ji Jiuzhong said to Yan Xiangluo.

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo understood clearly that Ji Jiuzhong wanted to use Wushuang to attract the spiritual consciousness of those god-level experts to check, so that Zhe Tian could avoid their spiritual consciousness.

As soon as Wushuang appears, it is difficult for those god-level experts to remain calm, and they will immediately use their spiritual sense to check.

This is the best time for Zhe Tian to leave.

Although it is simple to say, this timing is very difficult to control. If Ji Jiuzhong dared to do this, he must have made precise calculations without making any mistakes.

You must know that spiritual consciousness is only a matter of a thought, and it will be discovered if it almost covers the sky.

Another point is that Quancheng has lost the treasure that allows the hot springs to nourish spiritual roots. This matter cannot be hidden for a few days. Once Wushuang leaves, it will only take three days for the hot spring water to return to normal hot springs.

Nowadays, almost all the powerful people in the Dusui Continent are here. It is known that the treasures in Quan City are in the Death Mountains, and it is safer for Yan Xiangluo who actually gets the treasures.

Since this place is so close to Quan City and there is such a big movement in Death Mountain, the Lord of Quan City must also be here. No one is more familiar with Wushuang's aura than him. With him testifying that the treasures of Quan City are here, Death Mountain will continue to be lively.

 They can also continue on their way without stopping.

Yan Xiangluo admired Ji Jiuzhong's mind, and immediately told Zhetian to keep an eye on the entrance and exit, and when he let him go out, go out immediately without any hesitation. Then he communicated with Wushuang again, and when he was ready, he waited for Ji Jiuzhong to find him. opportunity.

 “Let it go.” Ji Jiuchong said suddenly with his phoenix eyes staring outside.

Yan Xiangluo immediately let Wushuang out.

Wushuang followed Ji Jiuzhong's instructions and released the spiritual energy on it as soon as it came out, and then quickly ran to the left. Wushuang was extremely fast, and it was 50 meters away in the blink of an eye. She counted about three or four times in her mind, and then she was there. Quickly rushed back to Yan Xiangluo's space.

 The whole process took a very short time, but it left behind a rich aura that drove the spiritual roots crazy.

The people guarding the entrance and exit, no matter what level of cultivation they had, their spiritual roots were feeling, and they were very strong, and everyone suddenly became excited.

Dear friends, I went back to see my mother on Mother's Day. I came back too late last night. I rushed out a chapter this morning. I will write the second update at noon, so the update will be later.



 (End of this chapter)

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