The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 329: leave the mountains

Chapter 329 Leaving the Mountains

Especially the lord of Quancheng City, the news that Quancheng City has lost a treasure that can make the hot springs nourish spiritual roots cannot be concealed, because the hot springs in the entire Quan City have lost this function.

 The hot spring in his city lord's mansion is the most effective, but it has no effect at all, let alone other hot springs in the city.

Now that the baby appeared in the Death Mountains, he suddenly looked to the left in the direction with the strongest spiritual energy. Could it be that his previous suspicions were wrong all along, that the spiritual beast that was as fast as a ray of light was actually the spiritual beast in the Death Mountains?

If there is such a powerful spiritual beast here, he still believes it. After all, there are treasures that have not been taken away by more than 300 god-level experts. In comparison, he is not surprised that such a powerful spiritual beast appears. , even if it says there are mythical beasts, he will believe them.

 So he now feels that he has always thought that the spiritual beast contracted by humans took away the treasures of Quan City in the wrong direction, so that he has not found any clues.

The lord of Twilight Continent suddenly stood up and looked at the lord of Quancheng City.

The Lord of Quan City suddenly felt a strong pressure that made him bend at the waist.

He was originally the Lord of the Old Age Continent, otherwise he would not have been able to become the Lord of Quan City. After all, it was extremely comfortable to be the Lord of the City. Over the years, his spiritual roots had been raised to a higher level, and his talent had naturally improved a lot. .

Now the treasure was lost when he was in charge. Although he reported it, it was never found, which made the Lord of the Late Continent very angry. He had been worried that the Lord would suspect him of taking the treasure, and he was so full of words that he couldn't explain it clearly.

The years have been unfavorable, and he has been memorizing ideas for several years.

Now that he found the smell of treasure here, he felt relieved. This proved that he did not take the treasure away privately.

 Actually, he also thought about taking away the treasure, but he couldn't find its location.

 He said laboriously despite the pressure, "Lord, it is indeed the breath of treasure that was stolen from Quan City."

His words immediately caused everyone present to look over. In the blink of an eye, they all rushed to the left side where the spiritual energy was the strongest. The entrance suddenly became chaotic.

It was easy for you to manage so many people when they abided by the rules. Now they are all going crazy and can't be controlled at all. Moreover, the Lord of the Old Age Continent is not in the mood to care about these people. He was the first to rush to the left, along with those god-level experts. He also rushed over.

 For those who are strong in their level of cultivation, if they want to advance to a higher level in cultivation, what better way is there than to improve the quality of their spiritual roots.

Just when these people were in chaos, Zhetian reduced the vines to their smallest state at the moment Wushuang entered the space, and rushed towards the entrance and exit quickly against the ground. When the Lord of the Late Continent and the others rushed out, Zhetian arrived at the entrance .

There were too many people and it was too crowded. People were trying to squeeze in and out of the cracks, and finally went out.

Ji Jiuzhong said to Yan Xiangluo, "Luoluo, don't let Zhe Tian stop. Those people are not that easy to fool. They will react soon and head towards the border."

What he didn't say was that if he was the lord of the Mu Sui Continent, there would be secret guards guarding him in the dark. If Zhe Tian stopped at this time, they would be discovered immediately if they went out, but he didn't say that he didn't want his Luoluo is worried.

Yan Xiangluo immediately communicated with Zhe Tian, ​​who ran towards the border as fast as possible. Wherever he passed, if anyone saw him, he could only see a green light passing by.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the distance and asked Zhetian to stop. The two left the space and let Zhetian enter. Ji Jiuzhong took out the formation disk and input his spiritual power, and the two figures disappeared instantly.

Just after the two figures disappeared, there were only two or three moments of breathing time before countless spiritual powers enveloped them. If they had taken one step at night, they would have been discovered. I have to admit that Ji Jiuzhong's cognitive ability in the development and control of the situation is too strong.

The Lord of Twilight Continent rushed over and felt that the spiritual energy had become lighter, and no stronger spiritual energy could be detected around him. He immediately realized that he was probably being plotted, and rushed back quickly to order his own people to search the outside immediately, especially It's to search far away.

 Actually, he knew in his heart that if someone really had planned this, it would be too late to find him now.

Since the other party created this chaos, they are sure to go out without being found by them. Think about it, how could the person who can get the treasure of Quancheng be an ordinary person.

 His secret guards with god-level cultivation guard the entrances and exits. Although he has trained them at a cost, they are all people who have sworn allegiance to him and can be trusted.

With their cultivation level, let alone the treasure letting out its aura, even if the treasure is placed in front of them, they will not be distracted at all. But he asked, and none of them felt anyone go out from the entrance.

He is very aware of the strength of his secret guards. Unless they are strong men above demigods, they will not notice it. But for such a strong person, there is no need to leave in this way. You must know that the strong people above the **** level are very noble, let alone those above the demigod level.

  Could his suspicion be wrong? Didn't someone deliberately create this chaos? The Lord of Quan City said that the treasure was taken away by a spiritual beast. Could it be that this spiritual beast has no owner?

 It wasn’t until all the spiritual energy dissipated that some people started to react, especially those powerful men above the **** level who came to the Lord of the Sunset Continent.

The Lord of Mu Sui Continent knows very well that before, it was only the treasures at the foot of the Shenyu Mountain, but now the treasures from Quan City are also added. These people will not give up until they see that the treasures have an owner.

If the person who gets the treasure is not strong enough, it will inevitably lead to an extremely **** battle for the treasure.

The twilight Lord of the Continent has a headache. In this situation, even if he gets the treasure, it will not stop.

Because he had made an oath before, these people would believe the treasure of Shenyu Mountain, but he really couldn't explain the loss of the treasure of Quan City.

The whole continent belongs to him, and the lord of Quan City belongs to him. Who would believe it if the treasure was stolen by a spirit beast that didn't even know what kind it was? Everyone would think that he deliberately spread the news, but in fact the treasure was already in his hands.

Even if he is willing to swear another oath now, no one will believe him. Since the treasure is already in hand, does he have to put it in his own hands?

 Now it’s no longer about how to find two treasures, but about what to do to return your life to normal in the future.

 Therefore, he immediately ordered his people to enter the Death Mountain to find the spiritual beast that had dug up the treasures in Quan City.

Everyone was still a little suspicious after seeing the twilight Lord of the Continent giving the order with a very unhappy face, but it didn't look like he was faking it, so the people who had come out of the Death Mountain range entered the mountain range again.

 (End of this chapter)

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