The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 331: little boy

Chapter 331 Little Boy

Faced with Liu Yu, given Ruan Xiangluo's temperament, she would rather die than obey. Qin Suyue had already imagined Ruan Xiangluo's fate.

When Liu Yu heard this, he was determined to get the beauty. Now that he heard that the beauty was a genius in alchemy, he wanted to get Xiangluo even more. Such a beauty is of great use even if you don't keep it for yourself.

If Yan Xiangluo really has such a strong talent for alchemy, as long as she behaves well, it is not impossible to keep her. If she refuses to drink wine as a penalty, then don't blame him for his ruthless methods.

Qin Suyue calmly observed the young master's expression, and said again at the right time, "If you haven't found anyone in these days, could she have gone inland?"

 This seemingly simple sentence reminded the young master that Yan Xiangluo might leave the border and go to the inner continent. Qin Suyue will never allow Ruan Xiangluo to leave Liu Yu's scope of power. Only when Ruan Xiangluo falls into Liu Yu's hands will she have the chance to make her life worse than death.

Liu Yu was indeed reminded. Although he was confident that if the search was carried out with such intensity, and because Yan Xiangluo's identity had not settled in any city, Yan Xiangluo would definitely not be able to leave the twilight continent without an identity tag, but he was also worried that there would be Something unexpected happened.

After all, someone who could come to the high continent from the lower road at such a young age cannot be an ordinary person. Both his cultivation talent and his IQ are not low.

 He immediately arranged for people to use Xuanjing to conduct inspections at various border entrances.

 This is the scene that Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong saw when they arrived at the border of Fengyu Pass.

However, the two of them never expected to pass the level easily, let alone clear it immediately. They just went to Fengyu Pass to understand the situation first.

Leaving aside the issue of identity, it takes time to refine the elixir for the three white eagles and obtain the earth-type five-element beads.

 At this time, the two of them were walking in Fengyu Town.

Although it is only a town, because it is a border clearance place, there are many people coming in and out. Therefore, Fengyu Town is larger and more prosperous than other towns. There are many inns and restaurants for accommodation.

 Various merchants and shops have a dazzling array of goods. Some of the local specialties from the mainland are sold here. There are also several shops for buying medicinal materials and elixirs.

 You can tell from the expressions of the people coming and going that they are from the Inner Continent. People from the Inner Continent have a hint of arrogance on their faces.

Thinking that they still needed two medicinal materials, the two of them went to each medicinal shop to inquire, but found that neither of them had these two medicinal materials.

Everyone's rhetoric is the same. These two medicines are necessary for refining the promotion pill. They are two of the rarest medicines. They are not easy to collect. They will be bought every time they are in stock. , if they want it, there are only three ways.

 The first method is to stay at the medicine shop and capture it as soon as it is found.

However, this method requires luck. There is more than one person squatting at the door, so the price on the spot is high.

The second way is to go to the Bounty Hunter Hall to post a mission, and a bounty hunter will take the order.

However, the price will be much higher than buying it in a medicine shop. After all, bounty hunters risk their lives to collect medicine.

The third option is to pick it yourself if you are really in a hurry. As an alchemist, who doesn’t know the medicinal materials?

 In fact, it sounds like you are anxious, but the implicit meaning is that you don’t have enough money.

For Yan Xiangluo, if it is not possible, she really has to collect the medicine herself, which saves both time and wealth.

After hearing the cost of buying two medicinal plants, Yan Xiangluo said that she was now poor.

Just when Yan Xiangluo started to think about going into the mountains to collect herbs, a little boy wearing dirty clothes stopped her.

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes. The little boy, Yan Xiangluo, might not have noticed it, but he had discovered it long ago. He had been following them secretly since they entered the first medicine shop.

The little boy asked in a low voice, "Sir, do you want these two medicinal materials, Shenglingguo and Ningzhucao?" Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and said, "Yes."

 The little boy's eyes burst with hope, "Then you must be alchemists, right?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I am an alchemist."

The light in the little boy's eyes became brighter. "I have the Holy Spirit Fruit. Can you help me save my grandfather? The Holy Spirit Fruit will be the reward for saving my grandfather, okay?"

The little boy's tone was urgent and hopeful, and he stared at Yan Xiangluo without blinking, for fear that she would not agree.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuchong. Although her life experience in another life had made her accustomed to intrigues, those were fights between people from families at the top of their power. Yan Xiangluo didn't have much experience in this kind of life when traveling outside.

Even after her soul returned, she went out to practice, but rarely had contact with people. Just like the little boy in front of her, she couldn't see any problems, but it didn't mean there were no problems, so she looked at Ji Jiuzhong.

 She doesn’t understand Ji Jiuchong.

Ji Jiuzhong felt very good when he received the trusting look from his beloved girl.

 He looked at the little boy and asked, "How can we trust you?"

When the little boy heard this, his whole body exuded an aura of hope. The fact that the other party did not reject him meant that as long as he trusted them, they would help him save his grandfather.

 “I can make an oath.” The little boy swears as soon as he finishes speaking.

Ji Jiuzhong stopped him, "The oath can indeed restrain you, but it cannot restrain others."

The little boy looked at Ji Jiuzhong in confusion, but Yan Xiangluo understood what he meant. If the little boy was a trap set by others, even if the little boy made a vow, he would not be the one to take action, and God would not punish him.

"Then how can I, the young master, trust me?" The little boy was very smart. Although he had doubts in his heart and made the oath, he could not reassure the two young masters, but he quickly found the problem and asked directly.

A ray of light flashed across Ji Jiuchong's eyes. This child is actually smart and clever.

“What price can you pay to save your grandfather?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

The little boy was stunned for a moment, bit his lip and thought for a while, "As long as you don't do anything that violates the laws of heaven, any price is fine."

Violating the laws of heaven will be obliterated by heaven. It is much more terrible than death, but it will really disappear.

Ji Jiudian nodded and asked, "How old are you?"

The little boy didn’t expect Ji Jiuzhong that you would ask him such a question, so he instinctively replied, “Nine years old.”

“Who else is there in your family besides you and grandpa?” Ji Jiuzhong then asked.

 The little boy shook his head, "My grandpa and I are the only ones left at home."

Ji Jiuzhong nodded with satisfaction, "I will give you the next Loyalty Mystic Text, and I will unlock it for you after our transaction is completed. If you can accept this condition, we can proceed with the transaction."

The little boy nodded without hesitation, "Yes, but you have to cure my grandpa before I will give you the fruit of life."

 (End of this chapter)

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