The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 332: The love between grandfather and grandson

Chapter 332 The love between grandfather and grandson

Ji Jiuzhong said, "This is what it should be, but we need to take a look at the medicinal materials first."

The little boy hesitated for a moment, "Then you must swear that you will never steal my medicine until my grandfather is cured."

 “Okay.” Ji Jiuchong agreed happily.

 He ​​did this just to reassure each other. He and Yan Xiangluo were already in trouble. Any slightest mistake could put them in a desperate situation. It was always right to be cautious.

He had clearly observed when talking to the little boy that the little boy did not lie. Ji Jiuzhong is still very confident in his eyesight.

Ji Jiuzhong gave the little boy a secret message of loyalty, and the two of them also made an oath in accordance with the little boy's request.

The little boy breathed a sigh of relief and pointed to the west and said to them, "Come with me. My family lives in the west of the town."

 Medicinal materials cannot be shown to them on the street, otherwise, it is not certain whose medicinal materials belong to them.

 The two of them followed the little boy towards his house.

About a quarter of an hour later, she arrived in front of a courtyard gate. The courtyard was in a remote location, but it was quite large. Yan Xiangluo looked at the courtyard wall, and it didn’t look like a poor family.

 Look at the clothes the little boy is wearing. Although they are dirty, the material is still good. How could it end up in such a situation?

 The little boy pushed open the courtyard door and stood aside to invite the two of them in. The etiquette was natural and not imitated. Ruan Xiangluo's apricot eyes flashed. This rule cannot be taught by ordinary people.

Entering the small courtyard, I found that it was very clean. The layout and layout of the small courtyard also showed that the owner had great taste. Not counting the three of them, except for a breath in the main room, there was no one else in the entire courtyard. . This also shows that there are no servants in this family.

Even so, Yan Xiangluo felt that the little boy’s family was definitely not an ordinary family.

 She has never sensed any spiritual energy fluctuations in the little boy. In this case, usually either he has not tried to awaken his spiritual roots or he has tried and is not qualified to practice.

There are many ordinary people in the higher continent, so Yan Xiangluo doesn't feel surprised when she meets people who can't practice.

I'm just a little curious. The family situation of the grandfather and grandson should be good. What happened to them that led to such a situation?

The little boy closed the courtyard door, and then with a thought, a brocade box appeared in his hand. He opened the brocade box carefully. As expected, there was a Spirit Ascension Fruit inside. It looked to be quite old, at least over a thousand years old.

Yan Xiangluo nodded. The little boy kept looking at Yan Xiangluo and felt completely relieved when he saw that her expression was still calm and not greedy at all. He put away the brocade box and invited the two of them to the main bedroom.

 The little boy knocked on the door gently, "Grandpa, I asked the alchemist to come and show it to you."

An old man's voice came from inside the house, "Xiaohao, grandpa is fine. There is no need to ask anyone to check on him."

The little boy's tears immediately flowed down his face, and he said with a cry in his voice, "Grandpa, just take a look, Xiao Hao is scared."

The old man spoke very weakly, and his voice was as loud as that of a mosquito. If it weren't for their cultivation, they wouldn't be able to hear anyone speaking, but the little boy could hear it clearly.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other and both noticed something special about the little boy. This boy named Xiaohao has no spiritual energy fluctuations in his body, but his ears are so strong. There is only one possibility, that is, he has strong mental energy and is born with it. If you can practice this, you must be a genius.

 The old man in the room sighed, "Please let someone in."

The little boy immediately raised his sleeves to wipe the tears from his face, opened the door and said to the two of them, "You two gentlemen, please come in." Yan Xiangluo went in first, followed by Ji Jiuzhong. Along the way, Ji Jiuzhong had already covered the entire courtyard and I checked the room with my spiritual sense and made sure that there were no formations or barriers.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo entered the room, she saw the old man lying on the bed.

He is said to be an old man, but he actually looks like a middle-aged man, but his face is very haggard, and he is a bit frighteningly thin.

The man's age is not surprising. After all, people in the higher continents have a long lifespan. The little boy is only nine years old. Normal people can marry and have children at the age of eighteen. At this age, his grandfather is less than five years old. Ten years old.

 This age is not considered old at all in the context of senior continental monks. Some people who are dedicated to cultivation have not yet married and had children at this age.

 Seeing Ren Yanxiangluo, she made an inference about his condition, but she still needed to check his pulse to see the specific situation.

Xiaohao quickly ran to the bed and said, "Grandpa, he is an alchemist. He promised me that he will cure grandpa."

The man looked at his grandson with an apologetic expression, "Did you use the medicinal materials that grandpa left you as medical fees?"

Xiaohao's voice suddenly became much softer. Although the voice was small, it had a hint of crying, "Grandpa, you are the only relative I have. I don't want anything, as long as grandpa lives."

Although he didn't answer directly, the old man knew what he meant. After all, their grandfather and grandson had nothing else of value.

The man spoke very hard, and looked at his grandson's appearance and sighed helplessly. The grandson was too young and too easy to be deceived. Things were already like this. No matter whether these two people were liars or not, he couldn't change anything now, so he might as well just Let your grandson be happy.

Although he is now as weak as an ordinary person, he can also sense that the cultivation aura of these two young people is very strong and should be above the clan level.

 It's okay for such a person to be only interested in their medicinal materials. If he has other thoughts, he really can't protect his grandson.

We can only take one step at a time and hope that God will see that he has never done anything harmful in his life and leave his grandson as his only bloodline.

 “Stop crying, why don’t you invite people over to show grandpa.”

Xiao Hao immediately wiped his tears and said to Yan Xiangluo, "Sir, please show it to my grandpa!"

Yan Xiangluo nodded and walked to the bedside, asking Xiao Hao to take out his grandfather's hand from the quilt. She clearly saw that the man's hand was so thin that only skin and bones were left. The hand looked even bigger than his face. Scary.

Yan Xiangluo felt his pulse calmly and relaxed her hand after a moment.

Xiao Hao looked at Yu Xiangluo in shock. Although he was young, he also knew that not all alchemists have medical skills. Most alchemists can only refine elixirs and can only treat fixed injuries and diseases, but what he saw in front of him was The young master is actually diagnosing the pulse, which only a doctor can do.

Infinite hope suddenly rose in Xiao Hao's heart. The young master is an alchemist and also knows medical skills. Grandpa is really saved this time.

As long as grandpa is alive, he has relatives and is not an orphan, and he has hope for his future life.

Looking at Yan Xiangluo with burning eyes, he wanted to know how she could save her grandfather.

 (End of this chapter)

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