The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 333: Unable to practice

Chapter 333 Unable to practice

"It's poison. It's been three months. Although some of the poison has been forced out, this poison is too overbearing. It is constantly devouring your spiritual power and corroding your Dantian. Your spiritual roots have withered. If it weren't for your cultivation, Gao, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive for three months. If you don't get treatment, you can live for up to seven days." Yan Xiangluo looked at the man on the bed and told him the results of her diagnosis.

The man on the bed looked at Yan Xiangluo in shock. He was right at all. He originally thought that these two people were here to cheat on medicinal materials, but now it seems that they are really capable.

Why doesn't he suspect that the two are enemies? The reason is very simple. If the enemy doesn't have to bother so much, his cultivation level is almost exhausted. The little grandson has not awakened his spiritual roots and started practicing. If it is the enemy, he can solve it directly. Their grandfather and grandson.

“Listen to the young master, can my disease be cured?” The man on the bed also felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

The grandson is too young and has not yet awakened his spiritual roots and started practicing cultivation due to some reasons. Even if he survives, without anyone to help him awaken his spiritual roots, he may never be able to practice cultivation in this life.

Without his own protection, it is unknown whether he can survive, let alone the zero year of awakening and cultivation.

If he can survive and his grandson has someone to rely on, he can also watch his grandson grow up and pass on the blood of his family.

"Yes." Yan Xiangluo said only one word, but her firm tone made the man on the bed tremble with excitement.

He knew very well that his Dantian had been poisoned to the point of death, but as long as he lived, there was always hope, right? As long as he had the Life Pill, he could recover his cultivation, and the safety of his grandfather and grandson would be guaranteed.

Yan Xiangluo said quickly, "Control your emotions and don't get excited anymore. Your body can't stand such a big mood swing."

 Hearing this, the man immediately forced himself to calm down his emotions, because he already felt that his body could not bear such emotional fluctuations.

“Young master, if you can save my life, you will be the reborn benefactor of our grandfather and grandson. We, our grandfather and grandson, will definitely repay the young master’s great kindness.”

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "That's not necessary. Your grandson and I are just a deal. He has the Spirit-Ascension Fruit that I need, and I have the medical skills he needs. I save you and he gives me the Spirit-Ascension Fruit, and we The two don’t owe each other.”

 The man on the bed obviously did not expect that Yan Xiangluo was such a principled person. There are not many people in this world who have such a moral bottom line.

He was deeply moved in his heart. God had finally left a way for their grandfather and grandson to survive.

"Then I have to thank you, Master. No matter how rare the Spirit Ascension Fruit is, it cannot be compared to Master's kindness in saving me." In fact, what he wanted to say was that it was not as good as Master's character, but he could just keep this in mind and there was no need to say it out loud. .

 When you get better, you can repay this young master with the opportunity.

Yan Xiangluo took out the silver needle, which was given to her by Ji Jiuzhong. While disinfecting the silver needle, she said, "I also need the condensed pearl grass. If you can get it, we can also conduct other transactions you need."

What Yan Xiangluo was thinking was that since they had the Spirit Ascension Fruit, although they didn't know how they got it, they might have a way to get the Pearl Grass. Even if she didn't say anything, it wouldn't matter.

 The man on the bed's eyes lit up, "Master, are you going to refine the promotion pill?"

Spirit Ascending Grass is required for many elixir recipes, but if Ascending Spirit Fruit and Pearl Condensing Grass are put together, they must be refining the promotion elixir, and the alchemist who can refine the promotion elixir is at least a level five alchemist.

The young master in front of me looks like he is only a teenager, but he is actually a fifth-level alchemist. His talent in alchemy is quite scary.

 Perhaps God was moved by the filial piety of the little grandson that made him meet the young master to save his life.

“Although I don’t have the Ningzhu Grass in my hand, I have a way to get it.” The man said, since the young master needs the Ningzhu Grass, he will get it for him when he is ready.

Yan Xiangluo's expression was still very calm, "I'll detoxify you first." After saying that, she asked Xiao Hao to go to bed and untie his grandfather's clothes. She was going to give his grandfather acupuncture.

Xiaohao climbed up onto the bed nimbly, neatly untied his grandfather's clothes, then sat on the side of the bed and watched Yuan Xiangluo.

 “Don’t disturb me while I’m doing the acupuncture.”

Xiao Hao nodded immediately and stepped back inside, saying that he would be very good and would never disturb her from giving her grandfather acupuncture.

Yu Xiangluo raised her hand, as if she didn't even need to look, and in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen silver needles were pierced near the man's heart.

Looking at Yan Xiangluo's movements, Xiao Hao opened his mouth in surprise. He had also seen doctors treating people, but he had never seen doctors give people acupuncture. However, he had read in ancient books that only those with superb medical skills Only people know how to use silver needles.

Although it was the first time for him to see a doctor perform acupuncture, he could see that Yan Xiangluo was very proficient in acupuncture. It was obvious that the silver needle technique was very strong.

Xiaohao looked at Yan Xiangluo with burning eyes, the envy in his eyes was not concealed at all.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him, "Do you like medical skills?"

Xiaohao was stunned for a moment, then nodded, but the light in his eyes dimmed, "I can't awaken my spiritual roots."

 The implication is that no matter how much I like it, I am not qualified to learn it.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Xiao Hao. Maybe her grandma was the only one who loved her in her other life. Seeing Xiao Hao who was dependent on her grandfather in front of her was like seeing her former self, and she felt a little pity for him.

"It will take a quarter of an hour for the silver needle to be removed. Come here and let me show you." Yan Xiangluo waved to Xiao Hao who was in the bed.

 Xiaohao's eyes lit up, he resisted the impulse in his heart, and looked at his grandpa. When he saw his grandpa nodded slightly, he carefully got off the bed without touching his grandpa during the whole process.

Getting off the bed, Xiao Hao stood in front of Yan Xiangluo, raised his head and looked at Yan Xiangluo, "Master, I have no other reward to give you."

 The implication is that if you want to see a doctor for me, but I can’t afford the consultation fee, do you still want to see me?

Yan Xiangluo didn't say that she didn't want him to pay for the medical consultation. That would hurt a child's self-esteem too much. "You can owe it to me. You can pay it to me later when you have the strength."

 The light in Xiaohao's eyes suddenly burst out, "Okay."

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said to him, "Don't resist, I want to use my spiritual sense to find out what's going on in your Dantian."

"Yes." Xiao Hao nodded. His grandfather had checked his Dantian in this way before, but he also said that he would not let others see his Dantian. But at this time, he trusted Yu Xiangluo and did not ask his grandfather's opinion. .

Yu Xiangluo enveloped Xiao Hao with her spiritual consciousness, checked Xiao Hao's body from head to toe, and finally stopped in his Dantian to carefully check the situation in his Dantian.

 There is no other problem with his body, the problem does appear in his Dantian.

 (End of this chapter)

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