The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 334: Just believe in you

Chapter 334 I only believe in you

 The Dantian of a normal person is milky white and bright. Xiaohao's Dantian was red, and when Yan Xiangluo's consciousness looked into it, she felt a strong wave of heat coming over her.

 This is obviously a fire spiritual root, and it is very powerful.

Yan Xiangluo asked Xiao Hao, "Have most of the people in your family awakened their fire spiritual roots?"

Xiao Hao nodded, "My grandfather, father and uncle all have fire spiritual roots."

Yan Xiangluo asked again, "Do your family's ancestors inherit fire-based skills?"

 Xiaohao shook his head, "I don't know."

Looking at the grandfather lying on the bed, Yan Xiangluo also looked at the man on the bed, "You don't need to speak, just blink."

 The man on the bed blinked immediately.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and rubbed Xiao Hao's head, "Xiao Hao is a child with great fortune. It doesn't matter if his spiritual roots are awakened later."

 Xiaohao is a little puzzled. Children awaken their spiritual roots and start practicing when they are five years old at the latest. He is nine years old and still cannot awaken his spiritual roots. They all say that he is a waste. How can he have great fortune?

The man on the bed's eyes lit up. He knew that since Yan Xiangluo said this, there must be a way to awaken Xiao Hao's spiritual roots.

“Sir, can I awaken my spiritual roots and practice? Am I a waste?” Xiao Hao looked at Yu Xiangluo with bright eyes.

"You are not a waste. Not only are you not a waste, you are also a great genius. Your spiritual roots are very strong and are not easily awakened. When I cure your grandfather, I will awaken your spiritual roots." Yuan Xiangluo looked at the hope bursting in front of her eyes. The little boy felt the same way.

In another life, she also longed for a healthy body, but was disappointed again and again. Later, she learned medical skills on her own. The higher her medical skills, the more desperate she became, because she knew that she would never have a healthy body in this life. Body, the light in her eyes was completely extinguished at that time. Every day she lived after that was a blessing to her, but it was meaningless because her life path had come to an end.

But even so, she did not give up hope of living and struggled to live until she was thirteen. Although she passed away with regret, she did not regret it because she had exhausted all her strength.

 Had he not returned to his true form, he would have actually died.

Therefore, after knowing the situation of the little boy named Xiaohao, she was willing to help him, just because maybe she was the only person in his life who could pull him out of the darkness. She was not stingy with the hope that she had never had before. given to him.

  Xiao Hao was very excited, "My name is Qi Hao. I will never forget the great kindness you have shown me in my life. As long as it does not violate the rules of heaven, I am willing to do anything for you."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes fell softly on Qi Hao, and she stretched out her hand to rub his head, "You are too careful and too simple-minded. Don't make promises to anyone easily. No matter how great the favor is, there is always a chance to repay it. There is no need to spend your whole life for any favor. ”

Qi Hao's big eyes suddenly flashed. Unlike when he met him on the street before, his eyes were timid, uncertain and did not want to give up. At this time, Qi Hao's eyes had a light that had never been seen before.

"Apart from grandpa, I only believe in you." Qi Hao said firmly.

The young master in front of him appeared when his life was in despair. He was not bullied because he was a child who could not cultivate. He made a fair deal with him. Not only did he save his grandfather, but he also helped him awaken his spiritual roots.

  His stormy world suddenly became clear, and Yuan Xiangluo was the salvation of his life. Everything he said was true, and he was really willing to do anything for her throughout his life.

Ji Jiuzhong has been watching from the sidelines. He guessed that Yan Xiangluo left his parents at a young age and made a living on his own. He felt pity for Qi Hao when he saw that he and his grandfather were dependent on each other. Although I didn’t guess the reason why she was so good to Qi Hao, I had a pretty good guess.

Ji Jiuzhong could also see that Yan Xiangluo really liked Qi Hao. A ray of light flashed across his phoenix eyes. The fate between people is so wonderful. Yan Xiangluo was Qi Hao's salvation, so what about Qi Hao? He is not here to fill the void in Yan Xiangluo’s soul.

“It’s time to start the needle.” Yan Xiangluo calculated that the time was up and came to the bedside.

Qi Hao was in a better mood than ever before. He felt that his body was much lighter and he stood obediently beside Yuan Xiangluo.

Although Qi Hao's grandfather has been unable to speak, he is also very excited because he can only desperately control his emotions during detoxification.

Through the acupuncture applied by Yuan Xiangluo, he knew that the medical skills of the young master in front of him were not ordinary. In fact, his poison was incurable, but the young master could save him, which was equivalent to bringing him back to life. Therefore, Yuan Xiangluo said that he could He believed in awakening his spiritual roots for her grandson.

It has been three months. In these three months, their grandparents and grandson have experienced hell-like sufferings on earth and lost all their close relatives. He thought that God was going to destroy their family, but he did not expect that they would meet the noble man in front of them. Young Master.

 Xiao Hao was so excited as a child to be grateful to him, let alone an adult like him. Therefore, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Qi Hao saying that he was willing to do anything for the young master. Even he was willing.

 It can be seen that although this young man is very talented and capable, he is very principled in his actions and is a person with a moral bottom line.

The needle fell slower than the needle application. Each silver needle rose slowly. When the last silver needle left Grandpa Qi Hao's body, a **** smell suddenly surged up in his throat. .

Yan Xiangluo naturally knew what was going to happen next, so she put away the needle and pulled Qi Hao away. At the same time, Qi Hao's grandfather spurted thick black blood from his mouth, covering the quilt, bed curtains and the ground.

That's not all, he spurted out three big mouthfuls of black blood one after another before he stopped.

“Grandpa, what’s wrong with you?” Qi Hao suddenly cried in fright. He thought grandpa was going to die.

Yan Xiangluo patted Qi Hao on the shoulder and said, "Your grandfather's poison has been discharged. Hurry up and get your grandfather a glass of water to rinse his mouth."

Qi Hao finally woke up from his sadness. It turned out that this was detoxification, and he felt a little embarrassed.

 Embarrassedly, he raised his sleeves and wiped the tears from his eyes, quickly ran to the table, poured a glass of water, brought it to his grandfather, and carefully fed his grandfather to drink water and rinse his mouth.

 In my heart, I admired Yan Xiangluo's superb medical skills even more.

 After rinsing his mouth, Qi Hao’s grandfather felt a little stronger and his voice became louder.

 He opened his mouth and said, "Thank you so much, Master, for saving my life."

Yan Xiangluo said to Grandpa Qi Hao, "The poison has just been removed and I can't restore your spiritual roots yet. You take a recovery pill first, and I will restore your spiritual roots tomorrow."

 (End of this chapter)

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