The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 335: you are great

Chapter 335 You are so awesome

Both the grandfather and grandson were shocked. They thought that the deal they reached with Yan Xiangluo was just to save people, and they never thought that they could heal his spiritual roots.

Qi Hao had no idea that his grandfather's spiritual roots had been destroyed to the point of being almost useless. Only after listening to Yuan Xiangluo's words did he realize how serious his grandfather's injuries were.

Hateful in my heart are those who harmed them, especially those who poisoned Grandpa, and I clenched my little fists tightly.

Qi Hao’s grandfather came to his senses and said quickly, “Master, is there a way to heal my spiritual roots?”

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "It's very simple. A spiritual elixir can solve it."

The Shengling Pill and the Shengying Pill have similar functions, except that one is used to restore the spiritual roots and the other is used to restore the Yuanying.

  It is relatively more expensive than the Sheng Ying Dan. The medicinal materials required in it are almost all rare medicinal materials in the world, and they are also difficult to refine.

“May I take the liberty of asking the master’s level as an alchemist?” Grandpa Qi Hao hesitated before asking.

 He felt that he might have underestimated the ability of the young master in front of him before.

Since the young master said that his spiritual roots can be cured, he must be very clear about the state of his spiritual roots. Judging from his own experience, his spiritual roots require at least a sixth-level spiritual elixir to revive them. If he wants to restore his spiritual roots to the original state, , it requires at least a seventh-level spiritual elixir.

No matter how stupid he is, he will never misjudge the young master's age. He will definitely not be more than eighteen years old. At such a young age, no matter how talented he is in alchemy, he cannot be a sixth-grade alchemist, right?

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Grandpa Qi Hao and said, "As long as you know that I can restore your spiritual roots to the original state."

Grandpa Qi Hao was extremely shocked. He looked at the calm-looking Yan Xiangluo and knew that he was not talking big words.

I thought to myself that he could not be a seventh-grade alchemist. Maybe he had a seventh-grade elixir that could not be refined by himself. Thinking about it this way, I feel that I guessed it right, otherwise how could such a monster genius have no information at all on the continent.

It is impossible for that family to hide such a genius from being exposed. Even Yunshang Palace can't do it.

"I'm Qi Changhe. If the young master has any use for our grandfather and grandson in the future, just ask him, and we will definitely not refuse." Although Qi Changhe has discharged the poison, his body is still very weak and he cannot stand up to salute, but his attitude is still the same. some.

Yan Xiangluo did not refuse, nodded, took out a recovery pill and handed it to Qi Changhe.

Qi Changhe took the elixir and brought it to his mouth. Suddenly he was stunned. There were actually golden lines on the elixir. He looked carefully and found that it was indeed golden lines and they were very even.

Even if he is not an alchemist, he knows that the elixirs with golden lines are of perfect quality.

And he hasn’t figured out what grade this recovery pill is. Because the highest grade of the elixir he had used and seen was the sixth grade, he did not see that the grade of elixir must be above the sixth grade.

 Oh my god, he never thought that one day he would be able to take pills above the sixth grade.

Just now, Yan Xiangluo said that he could heal his spiritual roots. He thought he had a seventh-grade spiritual enhancement pill, but now he also took out a seventh-grade recovery pill and gave it to him. He doubted his previous thoughts. .

After being stunned for a moment, Qi Changhe carefully put the elixir into his mouth. The elixir melted in his mouth and slid down his throat into his stomach. Then a warm current spread throughout his body, and he suddenly felt that his body was much stronger.

Qi Hao watched his grandfather's face turn rosy.

“Young Master, you are so awesome!” Qi Hao didn’t know what words to use to describe his admiration for Yan Xiangluo, so he could only express his thoughts by saying “you are so awesome.”

Yan Xiangluo smiled and rubbed Qi Hao's head, "You will also be very powerful in the future!" "I also want to be as powerful as the young master in the future." Qi Hao said with bright eyes, as if he had found his goal in life.

Yan Xiangluo laughed and said, "I'm not that great."

"No, you are very powerful." Qi Hao said stubbornly.

In his mind, Yan Xiangluo, who can save his grandfather and enable him to awaken his spiritual roots and start practicing cultivation, is the most powerful person in the world.

Yan Xiangluo didn't argue with a child. When he started practicing and saw more, he would know that she was really not that powerful.

At this time, she didn’t know that the most powerful person in Qi Hao’s heart had never changed in his life.

Ji Jiuzhong, who had been silent at this time, said, "We just arrived here today, can we stay here for a few days?"

Although Qi Hao really wanted them to live in his home, he did not agree hastily. Instead, he looked at his grandfather.

This move made Ji Jiuchong nodded secretly. This child was determined.

Qi Changhe immediately said, "It's an honor for us that our two benefactors can stay at home for a few days. However, our family is lonely and we have no servants to take care of us. If our two benefactors don't mind, feel free to stay for as long as they want."

In fact, even if they wanted this courtyard, he would give it to them without hesitation. A courtyard is incomparable to the life-saving grace. The value of the Spirit Ascension Fruit is not as valuable as a Spirit Ascension Pill, not to mention that he has already eaten one person. A recovery pill is enough, and the deal with them is a loss-making deal.

 “Then I’m sorry.” Ji Jiuzhong said in a natural tone.

 It is much safer to live here than in an inn, and Yan Xiangluo will naturally not object.

The happiest person is Qi Hao. His most admired benefactor will stay in their house for a few days, and he can see his benefactor every day.

“Please tell me your surname, sir. We, my grandfather and my grandson, must know who our benefactor is?” Qi Changhe asked again.

Yu Xiangluo glanced at Qi Hao and said, not wanting to deceive him, "My surname is Yu."

 The rest is not said.

Qi Changhe wisely did not ask any more questions, "Sir, there are other courtyards in the courtyard. You can choose the rooms in them and live wherever you want. Let Xiaohao clean them up."

Yan Xiangluo has no habit of bossing around children, "We can do it ourselves."

Qi Changhe was a little embarrassed to speak, but when it came to whether his grandson could cultivate, he still asked shamelessly and cryptically, "Master Yu just said that he can help Xiao Hao awaken his spiritual roots. What do you need me to do?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "When your spiritual roots recover tomorrow, I will help Xiao Hao awaken his spiritual roots. Xiao Hao's fire spiritual root talent is too strong and cannot be awakened by the normal spiritual root awakening method. I will place one tomorrow. The formation will help him awaken his spiritual roots. When the time comes, you can personally protect him."

 Qi Changhe knew that Yan Xiangluo could indeed help his grandson awaken his spiritual roots. He was happy and at the same time shocked.

After all, being able to let him protect the law means that tomorrow he will recover most of his cultivation. He will also set up formations according to the young master's wishes. In other words, this young master is not only an alchemist but also an formation master?

 (End of this chapter)

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