The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 336: future master

Chapter 336 Future Master

 Oh my God, what kind of evil person did their grandfather and grandson meet? Cultivation, alchemy, formations, how did he master all three to become so strong?

 After all, human energy and time are limited.

 He doesn’t know yet whether Yan Xiangluo is a Xuan Wen master, otherwise he would be even more shocked.

Ignoring his shock, Yan Xiangluo said to Qi Hao, "Xiao Hao, your grandfather has just finished detoxification. Although he has taken the recovery pill, he still needs to rest. Please take us to see the room!"

Qi Hao immediately told his grandfather to have a good rest, and then took Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong out.

“This courtyard is very big, and there are several smaller courtyards. Young Master, you can live wherever you want.” Qi Hao pointed to the courtyard.

 In fact, he really wanted to let Yan Xiang stay in the room next to him.

Yan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiuzhong, "Where do you want to live?"

Ji Jiuzhong pointed to a small courtyard near the main courtyard and said, "Let's live in that courtyard."

This courtyard is closest to the main courtyard where Qi Changhe and his grandson live. It is convenient to come here when necessary. It is also a separate small courtyard, which is convenient and quiet.

 Qi Hao was a little regretful that Ji Jiuchong did not choose to live in the main courtyard, but he also knew that this was because people were following the rules and that guests would stay in other people's main courtyards.

If grandpa hadn't been worried about his safety, he wouldn't be able to live in the main courtyard.

When grandpa asked about their surnames before, Young Master Yu only mentioned her surname, not her first name, nor the name of the other young master. Grandpa didn't ask again. Qi Hao was also very smart, knowing that they didn't want to tell, so he just Talk to Yan Xiangluo directly.

Qi Hao led the two of them to the yard next to them. The nine-year-old child was already very efficient at work. He fetched water and rags and was about to start cleaning the room.

He was stopped by Yan Xiangluo, "You go and accompany your grandpa, we can do it ourselves."

Seeing that Yan Xiangluo insisted on putting down the rag, Qi Hao hesitated and said, "I don't know how to cook."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what he meant. She couldn't entertain them because she couldn't cook. Qi Hao felt it was rude, so he said, "I can."

Qi Hao was even more embarrassed, "You are our patrons."

The implication is that you are either a guest or a benefactor. It makes no sense for the host to let the guest cook for himself without cooking for the host.

"Now I'll cook for you. When you learn to cook later, you can cook for me." Yan Xiangluo looked at the awkward little boy and said with a smile.

“Okay, I will definitely learn to cook.” Qi Hao immediately became energetic.

The benefactor’s words like this mean that he does not exclude you from interacting with him in the future, and that’s good. He will eventually grow up, and there will be opportunities to repay his benefactor.

Qi Hao, who can only throw rice and water into a pot and cook it now, never imagined that one day his cooking skills would be famous all over the world.

 And Yan Xiangluo never expected that her words of comfort would create a master chef.

Ji Jiuzhong said that he would clean the house and asked Yan Xiangluo to go to the kitchen to cook.

Qi Hao happily took Yan Xiangluo to the kitchen. Although the kitchen was full of kitchen utensils, there was almost nothing to eat except rice.

Qi Hao obviously just realized that even if Yan Xiangluo could cook, he didn't have anything to cook at home. He looked at her cautiously and said, "I only have rice at home."

Yan Xiangluo has already seen that there is indeed only rice in the kitchen, not much, only half a bag. There is still a small half tank of water in the water tank on the side. She understood that these days, the child probably just boiled rice with water and drank porridge with his grandfather.

For such a young child, he couldn't get water from the well in the yard. He didn't know how long he had used the water in the water tank.

Yan Xiangluo rubbed Qi Hao's head, "I have both. You go take care of your grandpa. I'll call you when the meal is ready."

It is not strange at all that a noble man can cook and carries rice and vegetables with him. The world of a child is simple.

Yu Xiang cleans the water tank neatly, fills two more buckets of water and pours them into the water tank, cleans the pot, steams the rice first, takes out a few vegetables from the storage ring, and starts washing and cutting them.

 In less than half an hour, she had prepared four dishes and one soup.

“Qi Hao, it’s time to eat.” Yan Xiangluo stood at the door of the kitchen and shouted.

Although her voice was not loud, she used spiritual power. Qi Hao, who was accompanying his grandfather in the main room, heard it and ran out happily.

Qi Changhe felt a little sad when he saw his grandson's cheerful figure. His grandson had not been so happy in three months.

Yan Xiangluo handed Qi Hao the vegetable porridge prepared for Qi Changhe, "You send your grandfather's meal first, and we will eat when you come back."

Qi Hao was so moved that Young Master Yu actually made porridge for his grandfather. The porridge was much more delicious than what he made.

"Thank you." Qi Hao said with a choked voice.

 Since the incident at home, it was the first time someone was so kind to them, which made his young heart filled with hatred feel warm.

I was so moved that I wanted to cry again, but I thought that I was a man, and men would not shed tears easily. I had cried several times today, and I couldn’t cry anymore. It was too embarrassing. Therefore, although my voice was a little choked, the tears did not fall.

 After thanking him, he quickly brought the porridge to Grandpa.

Yu Xiangluo used the sound transmission stone to call Ji Jiuzhong to come over for dinner. When Ji Jiuchong came over, Qi Hao also came back, still holding an empty bowl in his hand. It was obvious that he came back after waiting for his grandfather to finish the porridge.

The three of them sat down at the table in the kitchen. Qi Hao said, "Why don't you go to the main room to eat?"

Yu Xiangluo said, "It's too far. Carrying it back and forth is troublesome and wastes time."

Qi Hao has been eating in the kitchen during this time, but he can't help it. In the past, the rules at home were very strict. If it hadn't been for a sudden disaster at home, he might never have the chance to eat in the kitchen or even enter. kitchen.

He was curious as to why Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong, who in his eyes were like noble gentlemen, could cook and eat in the kitchen so naturally, without feeling at all that they were losing their status.

Qi Hao's outlook on life opened a new door at this moment, and the rules that bound him were marginalized in his heart.

However, even though he was curious, he didn’t ask. He sat down and ate obediently. After just one bite, his eyes lit up, “It’s so delicious.”

  It was not because he had not eaten delicious food for a long time that he felt it tasted good, but because he had never eaten such delicious food before. These are obviously ordinary vegetables, they don’t even have meat, so how could they be made so delicious by Young Master Yu?

Yan Xiangluo explained, "I am an alchemist. When making alchemy, you need to control the heat well. The same goes for cooking. Different types of dishes require different heat levels. As long as you are familiar with their needs for heat and control the fire well, you can If you can bring out the best flavor of the food, the food will naturally taste better.”

Qi Hao said in confusion, "I used to have alchemists in my family, but they didn't know how to cook."

 (End of this chapter)

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