The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 339: Closed eyes

Chapter 339: Eyes closed

Yan Xiangluo raised her head and rolled her eyes at him, "I'm just telling you, but I wouldn't say that to anyone else. I'm not stupid."

Ji Jiuzhong laughed, "It's normal to encounter bottlenecks. After all, this is a god-level elixir, the highest level of elixir. If you can achieve it easily, all the alchemists on the mainland will die."

Yan Xiangluo also knew this in her heart, "I understand. I just want to get the earth-type five-element beads as soon as possible. It seems that I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

Ji Jiuzhong was amused by his somewhat self-deprecating tone, and stretched out his slender hand to rub her hair, "Why is my Luoluo so cute?"

Yan Xiangluo slapped his hand away, "Who is yours?"

 Besides, she's not a child, so why are you rubbing her head? Her hair is messed up.

"You are mine, you can only be mine, you will always be mine." Ji Jiuzhong raised his eyebrows and said domineeringly.

How could he let go of the person he fell in love with, let alone let others **** him away? Luoluo could only be his. Although he had only lived for twenty-two years, this was the first time that he had someone he wanted and someone he liked. It is inevitable that he will win, and he will not let go even to death.

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him again, "I am my own."

Ji Jiuzhong didn't fight her, and followed her, "Then I'm yours, just yours, and always yours, okay?"

Yan Xiangluo said with satisfaction, "This is pretty much it."

Ji Jiuchong’s eyes lit up, as if he had found a way to make her happy.

Suddenly there was a bang from the main courtyard. The two looked at each other, immediately got up and hurriedly walked out of the small courtyard and went to the main courtyard.

They saw Qi Changhe outside the Spirit-Awakening Array looking at Qi Hao inside the Spirit-Awakening Array with surprise.

“The awakening was successful.” Yan Xiang frowned with a smile on her face.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Qi Hao in the Spirit-Awakening Formation. The aura on the little man's body had changed. Sure enough, there was still a big gap between monks and ordinary people, especially the talented monks.

Although I knew that Qi Hao's fire element talent was very strong, it was still a bit surprising to see him start to advance after awakening his spiritual roots.

What kind of family is the Qi family, and how can it have such a strong fire spiritual root bloodline inheritance?

Qi Hao was sitting in the Spirit Awakening Formation. At this time, he had been promoted to the third level of the sergeant level, but he had not stopped and continued to advance.

“How many levels do you think he will advance to?” Yan Xiangluo looked at Qi Hao and asked Ji Jiuzhong in a low voice.

Those who have just awakened their spiritual roots will be promoted immediately. After all, the rank of knight only means that you are qualified to practice. It is not difficult to advance unless there are some special circumstances, such as Yan Xiangluo's special skills.

 Therefore, people who have just awakened their spiritual roots will be promoted one after another. The better the talent, the more promotions they will get. Those with ordinary talents are within the third level, after all, they haven't officially started practicing yet. There are those with better talents who have reached the fifth level of the sergeant level, but those with more are extremely rare.

 At this time, Qi Hao has reached the fifth level as a soldier, but he still has no intention of stopping.

Ji Jiuzhong also whispered, "Qi Hao is special. He is already nine years old. He is older than those children who have just awakened their spiritual roots. In addition, his fire spiritual roots are too strong. He will break through to level six at least, and at most It won’t go beyond level eight.”

Yan Xiangluo's guess is the same. With strong talent and an older age, it is normal for a child with a higher level of breakthrough than an ordinary talented child.

Although the conversation between the two was lowered and Qi Hao in the Qiling Formation could not hear it, Qi Changhe could hear it. The key was that the two of them did not shy away from him. His eyes flickered. This was also the result he estimated for his grandson. However, he personally experienced the process of his grandson's awakening, and once judged that it was normal. The two of them had just come here.

With his judgment so accurate at such a young age, he became a little curious about the identities of the two of them. What kind of family could cultivate such outstanding descendants?

Sure enough, Qi Hao stopped advancing after breaking through to the eighth level of the sergeant level. As his advancement stopped, the Spiritual Enlightenment Formation was also broken.

 Qi Changhe was extremely shocked. Can the formation be set up like this?

He has lived for decades, and this is the first time he has seen that the spiritual formation for awakening spiritual roots can be set up like this. He also knows some formations. Although he has not studied and practiced them specifically, he can do some simple formations. Bu, but I never knew that the formation could be like this.

 Did he know that it was the first time that Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong arranged the formation in this way? It was the result of their research and was also a special arrangement for Qi Hao.

The main reason is that Qi Hao's spiritual energy is not enough. This setting can maximize the effect of the formation. At the same time, the formation will automatically break when the promotion stops. In this way, the formation will not suddenly stop absorbing damage because the spiritual energy is too concentrated. people.

Qi Changhe has been watching closely because he was worried about this. The main role of the Dharma Protector was this. He originally thought that the Spirit Awakening Array was so powerful that he would have to take action, but he didn't expect it to come in handy.

Qi Hao opened his eyes, jumped up, somersaulted and landed in front of Qi Changhe. The feeling of spiritual power in his body made him novel and excited.

He is no longer a waste who cannot cultivate. He can cultivate his spirit and learn the alchemy he wants to learn.

“Grandpa, I have awakened my spiritual roots and can practice cultivation.”

Qi Changhe was also so excited that he almost burst into tears. He patted his grandson on the shoulder and said, "Okay, okay, God has eyes after all."

Qi Hao's eyes were also wet. From the age of three to now, he knew very well that his grandfather and father had tried many ways to awaken his spiritual roots, but they had failed.

He wished that his parents and brother-in-law's family were still alive and could share his joy.

Qi Changhe saw his grandson's expression and knew what he was thinking. Hatred is not so easy to erase. The Qi family's revenge must be avenged, but not now.

"Xiao Hao, kowtow to Young Master Yu. You must always remember Young Master Yu's great kindness and kindness, and never do anything to betray Young Master Yu in your life." Qi Changhe said to his grandson very seriously.

He knew in his heart that people were willing to help their grandson, not only because of the Ascension Fruit and Pearl Grass, but the most important thing was that his grandson fell in love with Young Master Yu.

Although I don’t know what caught my grandson’s eye, if my grandson can follow him, it will definitely be the luckiest thing in my grandson’s life.

Qi Hao was also very grateful to Yan Xiangluo in his heart. Yan Xiangluo was like the sun in his life, illuminating his already gloomy life and warming his cold heart.

Therefore, as soon as Grandpa finished speaking, he knelt down in front of Yu Xiangluo and kowtowed sincerely, "Qi Hao, thank you so much for your great kindness, Master Yu."

Grandparents and grandson spoke quickly and acted quickly. Yan Xiangluo didn't have time to stop him, so he could only help Qi Hao up.

 “I am also destined to you, it doesn’t have to be like this.”

Qi Hao stood up, looked up at Yu Xiangluo and said, "No, you can't be ungrateful. Qi Hao will never forget Master Yu's great kindness to me and grandpa in his life."

 (End of this chapter)

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