The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 340: Hei Bu Liu Qiu

Chapter 340 Hei Bu Liu Qiu

Seeing what Qi Hao said, Yan Xiangluo didn't dwell on the matter anymore. Although it was indeed a transaction at the beginning, in the end, their grandfather and grandson were indeed the beneficiaries, and she did help them, which was worth far more. More than one spiritual fruit.

 A Spirit-Ascending Fruit, no matter how expensive, was not worth the price of one of her elixirs, not to mention the fact that she gave Qi Changhe two elixirs and also set up a spirit-enlightening array for Qi Hao. Not everyone can arrange this formation, because it is necessary to accurately estimate the talent of the person with awakened spiritual roots and control the spiritual energy in the spiritual formation. The value is no longer comparable to that of their Spirit Ascension Fruit.

To be honest, it was indeed their grandparents who took advantage of her. Although she voluntarily helped them, their grandparents knew that she was not helping the wrong person.

"Xiao Hao, you have just awakened your spiritual roots. Your grandfather probably still has a lot to say to you about cultivation. We won't interrupt you. I'll go cook while you chat." Yu Xiangluo patted Qi Hao on the shoulder and said .

Qi Hao's eyes lit up when he mentioned cooking. He looked at Yan Xiangluo with burning eyes. He had an idea in his mind, but he didn't say it out loud. He had to discuss it with his grandfather first.

"Young Master, I'm ready. Let me cook the meal." Although Qi Changhe knew about Yan Xiangluo's cooking skills, he was a benefactor and a guest. He couldn't let others cook when he was well.

Yan Xiangluo waved her hands and said, "I'm picky, so let me do it. We'll have to worry about it for a few more days."

 They probably won’t leave here until they become god-level alchemists, so they will have to stay at Qi’s house for a few days. Cooking is not difficult for her. The most important thing is that her mouth is really sticky and the food tastes bad and she really can't eat it.

Qi Hao pulled his grandfather and said, "Grandpa, I will learn to cook in the future, and I will cook it for you."

Qi Changhe looked at his grandson and somewhat understood what he meant, "Then there is Mr. Laoyu. I will go out to buy some vegetables and come back later."

 He knew that there was nothing at home except a little rice.

The rice Mr. Yu used for cooking last night was not the rice from his home. He could eat it. It was spiritual rice, and the vegetables were also spiritual vegetables.

Carrying rice and vegetables with you every time you go out shows that your family is very wealthy, so you know that Yan Xiangluo said that she had it in her mouth, which is not self-defeating, it is a fact.

 Leading his grandson into the main room, he found that as soon as he awakened his spiritual roots, he broke through to the eighth level of the warrior level. Although he has not officially entered cultivation, it can be seen that his grandson's fire spiritual roots are indeed very strong.

 Anyone who has just awakened his spiritual roots will be very excited and obsessed with cultivation. He must tell his grandson something before he starts practicing independently.

Although they are the only two people in the Qi family, their father and grandson are the only ones left, but it is a blessing that God has not cut off the Qi family’s fire spiritual root heritage.

Yan Xiangluo went into the kitchen and started cooking. Although Ji Jiuzhong was not willing to let her cook for others, he would not object openly to what she was willing to do.

 I am thinking that in order to settle down, I really need to find a good cook. His little girl can cook occasionally, but she can't cook every day.

 After lunch, Qi Changhe went out. There was nothing at home before because his spiritual roots were almost withered and he had no spiritual power at all. Even those with weak mental strength were not strong enough to take things from the storage ring.

Now that his cultivation has recovered, he is naturally not a poor person. He went to buy some spiritual rice and vegetables first.

Although their family was not rich enough to eat rice and vegetables every day, now that they were entertaining their savior, he would not be stingy. He could see that the concubine and the young master did not eat anything other than rice and vegetables.

 Actually, that’s because he didn’t understand Yan Xiangluo. If it was ordinary food that ordinary people ate, as long as it tasted good, she would be happy to eat it.

Qi Hao had just awakened his spiritual roots and heard what his grandfather said about the inheritance of the Qi family's fire spiritual roots. After lunch, he couldn't wait to start practicing in the room.

He wants to break through to the Yuan level as soon as possible. Only when he reaches the Yuan level can he become a true monk and start practicing. And he wanted to break through to the Yuan level before Mr. Yu left, so that he could be qualified to put forward his ideas.

In the afternoon, Yan Xiangluo was still studying how to refine god-level elixirs. Ji Jiuzhong did not practice or study weapon refining. After talking to Yan Xiangluo, he went out and did not come back until evening.

 Qi Changhe came back quickly after going out, but he didn't bother Yu Xiangluo. He put the spiritual rice, spiritual vegetables and spiritual animal meat he bought back in the kitchen and went back to his room to practice.

He has not forgotten that he still bears the blood feud of his relatives. If possible, he hopes to avenge himself. He does not want his grandson Qi Hao to live in hatred again in the future, let alone be involved in danger.

His current cultivation level is at the peak of the ninth level of the clan. The injury this time was extremely serious, and his spiritual roots have almost withered. Master Yu's medical skills are not ordinary, and the effect of the elixir is also particularly good. Not only has his cultivation level not deteriorated, but it has become even stronger. further.

 The distance to breaking through to the divine level seems to be within reach.

 But he knows very well that it is difficult to seize the opportunity to break through to the **** level, and it also requires a lot of spiritual support to achieve a successful breakthrough.

 Otherwise, almost all the god-level cultivation masters in the entire continent would not be in Yunshang Palace.

Just because not all the people in Yunshang Palace entered after breaking through to the **** level, on the contrary, most of them went to Yunshang Palace to break through to the **** level.

There is only one reason. The spiritual energy in Yunshang Palace is the richest place in the entire continent, because Yunshang Palace is the place closest to the Nine Heavens. The spiritual energy here is different from the spiritual energy in other places on the mainland. It carries the aura of the Nine Heavens. It is easier to achieve breakthrough success.

He is not qualified to enter Yunshang Palace to break through to the divine level, just because Yunshang Palace only recruits monks under the age of thirty who want to break through to the divine level.

 He is already in his fifties, and Yun Shanggong looks down upon someone with his talent.

 But in order to avenge the **** sea, he must break through to the **** level, so he can only rely on himself.

The yard was very quiet. When Ji Jiuzhong came back, it was rare that he didn't see Yu Xiang falling in the kitchen cooking.

 When he saw the fragrance falling, he realized the reason. This girl must have figured out something and was refining the elixir.

Ji Jiuzhong did not disturb her. He went to take a shower and change clothes. When he came out, he saw Yuan Xiangluo frowning and looking down at the alchemy furnace.

Ji Jiuzhong walked over and stretched out his head to take a look. A smile suddenly flashed across his eyes, "Is this a refined poison pill?"

Yan Xiangluo raised her head, glanced at him, and corrected, "What I refine is the birth-birth elixir."

Ji Jiuchong paused and raised his brows, "Birth Pill?" Is this black elixir a birth elixir?

Even if he had never seen a birth pill, he knew that the birth pill would not look like this, not to mention that she had recently refined every level of birth pill.

 (End of this chapter)

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