The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 342: a message

Chapter 342 A piece of news

Qi Changhe felt very sad when he saw his grandson who was forced to grow up. He patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, grandpa will break through to the **** level and then take revenge. If grandpa can't finish it, just wait until Xiao Hao grows up to take revenge. "

"No, grandpa, I will grow up soon. Grandpa, don't go." Qi Hao cried anxiously, he was still a child after all.

Qi Changhe sighed, "Xiao Hao, our family was almost wiped out this time. Although there were reasons for betrayal by trusted people, the main reason was us. Our Qi family has been passed down from generation to generation, and we all have the ability to find rare medicinal materials. We feel that This is just a way to make a living, but in the eyes of some people, it has become a means of making money. We do not have the foresight to be prepared for danger in times of peace, nor the ability to change when faced with danger. Even my grandfather, the most powerful person in the family, is being plotted against. Yes, what the family has experienced is inevitable.”

Qi Hao had tears on his face as he listened to his grandfather.

"Grandpa thought that the Qi family was really going to be exterminated this time, but in a twist of fate, Xiao Hao met Young Master Yu, and we were able to survive, and with this encounter, in the final analysis, it was Xiao Hao who Hao's fate. The family that brought us here has not yet become a big deal. As long as grandpa breaks through to the **** level, with grandpa's strength, he can at least weaken the strongest strength of his family. This will also give you a chance to grow. If grandpa cannot completely do it this time. I’ll leave it to Xiao Hao to take revenge in the future, but definitely not now.”

Xiao Hao burst into tears. He knew he couldn't convince his grandfather, but he really didn't want to lose his only relative.

"Xiao Hao, you have to remember that even if you are needed to do this in the future, you will have to leave your bloodline after you get married and establish a career. You will be the only one left in the Qi family. You cannot let the bloodline of the Qi family be cut off. Between revenge and bloodline Of the two, bloodline inheritance is more important.”

The thing that Qi Changhe is most worried about is his grandson. If Young Master Yu can accept Xiao Hao as his medicine boy, he will have nothing to worry about. At least his grandson can grow up safely.

What he has to do is to do his best to avenge his relatives. Even if he cannot eradicate all his enemies, he still has to kill all the enemies with high levels of cultivation to give his grandson time to grow up.

The grandson is still young, and he can't understand why he did this. The grandson thinks that revenge can wait until later, but he doesn't know that they are two people, and one of them will have no big development prospects after he breaks through to the **** level. If he waits until later, It is immeasurable to what extent one's strength will increase by taking revenge on one's enemies.

  The two of them had a huge disparity in strength against the previous family, so the possibility of revenge was even slimmer.

Qi Hao cried and shook his head, but he also understood that he could not change his grandfather's mind, and he felt extremely painful.

Qi Changhe patted his grandson on the shoulder, took out a gift ring and put it on his hand, "Wait a while for you to recognize the master. This is the wealth accumulated by our Qi family from generation to generation. You can use the spiritual stones in it for cultivation, and the rest You can make your own arrangements in the future. There is a brocade box inside, which contains the property deeds of our Qi family, including the ancestral home that they occupied. With your age and strength, you cannot get these things back or keep them. You can give them to Mr. Yu. As a tribute to study with him.”

 Qi Changhe lovingly arranged his grandson's future. These property deeds are like useless paper in the hands of the grandson, but if they fall into the hands of powerful people, they are wealth. They can not only make those enemies easier, but also let the master know that they know what they have in mind.

Although it is a bit troublesome, it is not impossible.

Qi Hao didn't say a word, but he was thinking in his heart. Although he really wanted to follow Mr. Yu, he had planned to do so before, and wanted to discuss it with his grandfather. But now he understands that the only thing that prevents his grandfather from taking revenge now is his own safety.

If Mr. Yu really accepts him, grandpa will definitely go for revenge alone without any hesitation. He had witnessed with his own eyes the process of his enemy killing his whole family, and he understood that even if his grandfather's cultivation level was restored and he broke through to the **** level, he would not be able to defeat so many people.

 So as long as he does not go with Mr. Yu, grandpa will give up and take revenge immediately because he is worried about him.

Although he was young and wanted to avenge his relatives, he did not want to do so at the expense of his grandfather.

So he made a decision in his heart that even if Young Master Yu agreed to accept him as a medicine boy, he would not go with Young Master Yu. “You are hungry, Grandpa will cook for you.” The grandson has just awakened his spiritual roots. He has not yet reached the level where he does not need to eat, and he still needs to grow, so he must eat food.

Here Qi Changhe went to cook for his grandson, and Ji Jiuzhong told Yan Xiangluo something.

“I heard the news today that starting from tomorrow morning, the entire town will conduct door-to-door identity checks.”

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, and she knew it was probably because of her without even thinking about it.

In fact, Ji Jiuzhong heard more detailed information, which Wuji went to investigate. Liu Jue issued an order that not only the border town where they were located, but also everyone traveling across other borders needed to check their identity documents. Not only the borders to the inner continent, but also the borders to other outer continents require strict identity checks.

Ji Jiuzhong understood that Liu Jue saw that they had not confirmed their identity in any city and guessed that they wanted to go to the inner continent or other outer continents.

Yan Xiangluo sighed, "Before, you said there was a way to go to the inner continent. Is it still feasible now?"

If leaving is imminent, Yan Xiangluo is willing to give up the earth-type five-element beads no matter how reluctant she is. As long as the promotion pills are refined for the three white eagles, they will leave immediately.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled confidently, "Don't worry, you can make alchemy with peace of mind. We must get the five-element earth beads."

 Since he was a child, he has encountered many difficulties. This is nothing. What he wants to get, he must get it.

Especially the earth-type five-element beads, he knew very well that this was probably the only opportunity to get the earth-type five-element beads, and he must not miss it.

"Can we not stay here any longer?" Yan Xiangluo knew Ji Jiuzhong's abilities very well. Since he said so, there was a way to solve the current predicament.

“We will leave at dawn tomorrow,” Ji Jiuzhong said.

 “Where to go?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

“Luoluo thinks where is the place Liu Jue thinks we are least likely to go to right now?” Ji Jiuzhong asked without answering.

Yan Xiangluo frowned and thought about it. In Liu Yu's eyes, there was only one place they were least likely to go, and that was Musui City.

In Liu Yu's mind, he thought that going to Mu Sui City was equivalent to throwing himself into a trap, but the most dangerous place is often the most unexpected place, and it is also the safest place at the moment.

 “Musui City.” Ruan Xiangluo said.

 (End of this chapter)

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