The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 343: Xiaohao chooses

Chapter 343 Xiaohao’s choice

"Yes, anyway, if we want to get the Earth Element Five Elements Pearl, we have to go to Mu Sui City. Originally, I wanted to go get the Earth Element Five Element Pearl by myself and then we will leave for the inner continent. Now it seems that we have to go together. ." Ji Jiuzhong twisted his slender fingers.

Musui City is a place where the powerful people from the Mu Sui Continent gather. With their cultivations, it would be impossible for the two of them to hide themselves in front of a god-level powerhouse using the face-changing profound pattern. Therefore, it would be very dangerous to get there.

But now the situation is different. Liu Jue is determined that they will not go to Musui City and will focus all their energy on the border. Even other cities have stricter inspections than Musui City. At this time, it is relatively easier for them to go to Musui City than to any other city. No place is safe.

Yan Xiangluo understood what Ji Jiuzhong meant, "Are we still coming back here?"

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "After we get the five-element earth beads, we will find the nearest border and leave. My method will be equally useful at any border."

Since he had already made a plan, Xiangluo didn't say anything else, "You must tell Qi Hao and the others."

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Let's go over and talk. We will get up early and leave early tomorrow morning."

Ruan Xiang lowered her head. Since the door-to-door identity search would begin tomorrow morning, they had to leave before the search. They could not cause unnecessary trouble to Qi Hao and his grandson. They could not leave without saying goodbye, so they had no choice but to leave today. It's too late to say something.

The two came to the main courtyard and met Qi Changhe who was about to deliver dinner to them.

 Seeing the two of them coming, Qi Changhe said, "My cooking skills are average, and the two young masters feel wronged."

After all, there was no need for him to cook before. Although the Qi family was not a big family, it was still a wealthy family. Not to mention that there were servants to serve and there were women, so men like them didn't need to cook at all.

His ability to cook is also due to his experience in going out when he was young. At that time, he had not yet reached the level of cultivation that did not require eating, so he learned to cook, but his cooking skills were indeed average.

Yan Xiangluo saw Qi Hao wilted and his eyes were red, and raised his eyebrows. Why did this child's eyes become red from crying? What happened?

The spiritual consciousness checked and found that his body was normal, so it was not a matter of cultivation or health.

"We won't have dinner. We came here to say goodbye to you. We will leave early tomorrow morning." Yuan Xiangluo said.

Qi Changhe was stunned. Didn't he say that he would stay for a few more days? Why was he leaving so suddenly?

Although he was confused, this was a private matter and he couldn't interfere. Thinking of his grandson's affairs, Qi Changhe invited the two of them to the main room.

"Young Master, there is something I wanted to discuss with you tomorrow morning, but you two have to leave tomorrow morning, so I will talk to you now." Qi Changhe went straight to the topic.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his eyes and knew what Qi Changhe was going to say.

 “Please speak.” Yan Xiangluo made a gesture of invitation.

Qi Changhe glanced at his grandson, "To be honest with you two young masters, our Qi family has been making a living by selling medicinal materials for generations. Just because our Qi family bloodline has a special ability, that is, we have an inspiration for rare medicinal materials. We can easily collect some rare medicinal materials. The Qi family makes a living because of this ability, but it is also because of this ability that we are the only two left. Mr. Yu is very skilled in medicine and has a strong talent in alchemy. He has been interested in alchemy since he was a child. Because he had never awakened his spiritual roots and could not become an alchemist, he was not allowed to learn alchemy. However, because his family is in the medicinal materials business, he knows the medicinal materials very well. I wonder if Mr. Can you accept Xiao Hao as a medicine boy by your side and introduce him to alchemy?"

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes, Qi Changhe was quite shrewd. Knowing that it would not be easy for Luo Luo to accept his grandson as his disciple, he took a roundabout approach and stayed with Luo Luo as a medicine boy. The requirements were very low, as long as he introduced Qi Hao to learn alchemy. After that, Qi Hao's talent for alchemy slowly emerged and caught Luo Luo's eyes. It was not impossible to become her disciple.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. She really didn't expect Qi Changhe to have such a plan. Ji Jiuzhong asked her before if she wanted to accept Qi Hao as her disciple.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Qi Hao. The little guy was not in a good mood and felt depressed. Although she did like Qi Hao very much, she couldn't guarantee that she had never thought of accepting a disciple. However, it would be a pity to miss such a good prospect. .

While Qi Changhe was waiting for Yu Xiangluo's decision, Qi Hao suddenly stood up and said, "I don't want to go with Master Yu."

The three of them all looked at him. Yan Xiangluo saw that Qi Hao's eyes were filled with tears, his eyes were extremely tangled, his tone was choked, and his almond-shaped eyes paused.

"Xiao Hao, listen to grandpa." Qi Changhe was anxious. If he missed this opportunity, it would be difficult to find such a strong master for his grandson again.

Qi Hao said stubbornly, "No, grandpa, I don't want to lose you."

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other. Qi Changhe's body had been cured by Yan Xiangluo. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was in better health now than before. Why did Qi Hao say that his grandfather seemed to be about to die? Woolen cloth.

Yan Xiangluo suddenly understood that although they did not say what happened, the only two people left in the Qi family were his grandfather and grandson, which meant that the family had been wiped out, and naturally there was a blood feud. Qi Changhe wanted to entrust his grandson to him. He wanted to entrust his grandson to him. Go to avenge your loved ones, I'm afraid this trip will never come back.

Although she cannot sympathize with their blood feud, she also understands their desire to avenge their relatives, but she does not agree with their method of revenge.

 But they are neither relatives nor friends, just a chance meeting, just a transaction. I have no position to advise them, let alone make any decision for them.

"I'm sorry, we are traveling across the mainland. I don't need a medicine boy, and it's not convenient to take a child with me." Yan Xiangluo didn't want to listen to the argument between their grandfather and grandson.

Even if she had wanted to take Qi Hao as her disciple, she had given up her mind now because she knew very well that as long as she took Qi Hao away, it would be equivalent to giving Qi Changhe a chance to die.

And Qi Hao also made a decision. Even without her mind-reading skills, she could tell that Qi Hao wanted to follow her, but gave up in order not to lose his grandfather. He was a filial child, and filial people will not have bad conduct. She is also willing to fulfill him.

Qi Changhe's eyes darkened. As a person who has lived for decades, he naturally knew that after his grandson said these words, Master Yu would not accept them even if he had the intention.

It would be false to say that he has no regrets, but he can't say anything about his grandson. This child gave up the opportunity for him. What can he say about such a filial child.

 In the final analysis, he is still young and does not understand the importance of opportunities to him. It seems that he will indeed teach Xiaohao personally for a while.

 (End of this chapter)

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