The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 344: Want to learn medicine

Chapter 344: Want to learn medicine

Qi Changhe did not continue this topic, "Originally, I wanted to go collect condensed pearl grass for Young Master Yu tomorrow, but Young Master Yu has to leave early tomorrow morning, and there is no time. I don't know where Young Master Yu will stay for the next few days. I will collect it. Return the Ningzhu Grass to Mr. Yu."

Ningzhucao Xiangluo is really urgently needed and cannot be refused. She and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other, Qi Changhe was so good at doing things, why was the family still in such a bad situation?

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Qi Changhe Road and said, "If you can collect Ningzhu grass, let us know and we will get it."

Yan Xiangluo took out the sound transmission stone and asked Qi Changhe to input the breath of his sound transmission stone. Qi Changhe took out a new sound transmission stone and gave it to Qi Hao, and then used Qi Hao's sound transmission stone to communicate with Yan Xiangluo's sound transmission stone. Shi Liancheng became a good friend.

 The Sound Transmission Stone can only be used by monks, because its use requires the input of spiritual power. Qi Hao has never awakened his spiritual roots, and cannot use it without spiritual power, so he has not had it.

Yan Xiangluo did not refuse, understanding that Qi Changhe wanted to give his grandson a chance, and she really liked Qi Hao.

And she is not at all opposed to Qi Changhe's approach of putting things out in the open.

Qi Changhe asked Qi Hao to take out the brocade box and put it in front of Yuan Xiangluo, "Master Yu, here are all the house deeds of my Qi family. There are a total of sixteen deeds in several cities in the mainland, including the Qi family's deeds." The ancestral home. We, my grandfather and my grandson, can't get these properties back. If Young Master Jun doesn't think it's a trouble, we can treat him as if we were willing to help him heal me and help Xiao Hao awaken his spiritual roots. Although we can't repay Young Master Jun. It’s a big favor, but it’s also our intention. Apart from the ancestral home, everything else should be easy to get.”

A dark light flashed through Ruan Xiangluo's apricot eyes. Qi Changhe was indeed very shrewd. These fixed assets were equivalent to waste paper in the hands of their grandfather and grandson. Even though they had the deed, they did not dare to take them back. Taking the property was equivalent to giving it away. Come and kill someone. Giving it to her can not only repay her kindness, but also make the enemy's plan fail, killing two birds with one stone.

 But he said it frankly, and it was not objectionable.

However, it is useless for her to want these fixed assets now. After all, she cannot protect herself, so she has no time and experience to manage these properties. However, she inexplicably wanted to keep the family wealth for Qi Hao.

 She looked at Ji Jiuzhong. She had no one in her hands to do the work, and she couldn't manage so many properties if she wanted them back. As for hiring local people, she couldn't trust them. But Ji Jiuzhong was different. He was used by people, but he didn't know when Changfeng and the others would come to the higher continent.

The two of them just looked at each other, and Ji Jiuzhong understood what she meant and nodded, "Take it, I'll arrange for someone to take care of it."

Yan Xiang was relieved, so Changfeng and the others should be here soon. Ji Jiuzhong's estimate of his people's strength should be very accurate. He must have arranged for Changfeng and the others when he left the lower continent, and he also knew the approximate time for them to come to the higher continent.

  She was not worried about whether Changfeng and the others could come to the higher continent, but she was worried about whether they could pass the Xueyuan hurdle and not be fooled.

I also thought that their master Ji Jiuzhong was so shrewd that he could be described as cunning. His subordinates who have been with him for so many years must have learned a bit of his shrewdness so that they would not be fooled. Otherwise, how could Ji Jiuzhong be so smart? Not worried.

Qi Changhe felt relieved when he saw that they accepted the deeds happily. He would be really worried if Yan Xiangluo refused to accept the deeds. Although he had the intention of taking advantage of them when he gave away these house deeds, he did not hide his thoughts. He told Ruan Xiangluo openly that he did not want these house deeds to fall into the hands of his enemies, so he gave them to Ruan Xiang with two birds with one stone. fall.

Yan Xiangluo didn't say that he accepted these property deeds because he wanted to keep them for Qi Hao.

She directly pushed the brocade box containing the house deed to Ji Jiuzhong, and Ji Jiuzhong naturally put it away.

“Xiaohao, do you really want to become an alchemist?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Qi Hao nodded, "I really want to."

“Why do you want to become an alchemist?” Yan Xiangluo asked again. If you want to succeed in learning any skill, hard work alone is not enough. The most important thing is preference and talent.

Qi Hao has talent in alchemy, and it is pretty good, but talent alone is not enough. If you don’t like the skills you have learned, it will be difficult to persist, and it will be even harder to achieve high achievements.

Look at those powerful people who have achieved great things, which skill they are good at is not something they sincerely like.

Qi Hao blinked and said, "I like medicinal herbs and alchemy, so I want to become an alchemist."

 After finishing his words, he added another sentence, "I want to become an alchemist like Mr. Yu."

Yan Xiangluo smiled. This boy is also smart. He will probably be even smarter than his grandfather when he grows up.

 “Do you want to learn medicine?”

Qi Hao's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he replied solemnly to Yu Xiangluo, "I never thought about it before. I used to think that medical skills are of little use and are not as magical and direct as the effects of elixirs. But since I met Young Master Yu, especially after seeing Master Yu saved my grandfather with his medical skills, and I realized that people with superb medical skills can fight against death, so I really want to learn medical skills now."

 He used two special words in a row to express his desire to learn medicine.

Before meeting Yan Xiangluo, in his heart, his grandfather was about to die, so after Yan Xiangluo not only saved his grandfather but also restored his grandfather's cultivation, Qi Hao's medical skills took over his mind. A higher position than alchemy.

Even if the elixir can save people, without superb medical skills, his grandfather may be able to survive without superb medical skills. Even with the elixir, his grandfather may be able to survive, but his cultivation level cannot be restored.

 This is what my grandpa told him when he was impressed by Mr. Yu’s superb medical skills.

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo took out a map of human acupoints and spread it out on the table. "Learning medical skills is much more boring than refining alchemy, and there are more things to learn. This is a map of human acupuncture points. If you want to have superb medical skills, You need to know a person’s body structure, acupuncture points, meridians, etc.

Qi Hao came to Yan Xiangluo with interest and looked at the acupoint map on the table, "Are the dots on it the human acupuncture points?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Each acupuncture point has a number. The name of the acupuncture point is written behind the corresponding number on the acupuncture point map. You need to write down all these acupoints. You must be able to read these acupoints with your eyes closed. If you think about it in your mind, you can accurately find the location of these acupoints on a person when you see him. If you can do this, I will give you a medical book next time we meet. "

Qi Hao’s eyes suddenly lit up, “I can definitely do it.”

Qi Changhe didn’t expect that Yan Xiangluo would give such a precious acupuncture point map to his grandson. He immediately stood up and said, “Thank you, Mr. Yan.”

Ladies, the second update is at around three o’clock in the afternoon.



 (End of this chapter)

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