The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 345: like me

 Chapter 345 Like me

Yan Xiangluo waved her hand, "I'm just introducing him. Whether he can succeed in his studies depends on himself. And Xiaohao, you have to promise that you will never use the medical skills you have learned to harm others. Of course, I mean The most important thing is to take the initiative to harm innocent people. As for your enemies and those who want to harm you, don’t be polite. To learn the skills, you must first protect yourself before you can protect the people you want to protect.”

Qi Hao immediately raised his hand to make an oath, but was stopped by Yan Xiangluo, "Although the restraint of the oath is very effective, I hope you can restrain yourself. What should and should not be done? You have the ability to make your own decisions. How far you can go in cultivation depends on how high your virtue is. You cannot let God make the decision for you. It is better to take control of your life. I believe in you. If you promise today, I will definitely do it.”

No one has ever believed in him so much. Qi Hao was very excited, "Qi Hao will definitely do it. He will never forget the teachings of Mr. Yu today."

It was only then that Qi Changhe understood that Mr. Yu really liked his grandson, was very optimistic about his talent, and trusted his conduct.

The main reason why he didn't agree to grandson being his medicine boy before was that grandson was worried about him, and Mr. Yu didn't want him to die in revenge for taking away Xiaohao.

Although Mr. Yu looks noble, he does not have the arrogance and ruthlessness of a nobleman. He has his own bottom line in his actions, which is difficult for people in the world to achieve.

Yan Xiangluo stood up and said, "Whether you are learning medical skills or refining elixirs, the familiarity with medicinal herbs is very demanding. You must not only know the medicinal herbs, but also understand their medicinal properties. This is very important for prescribing the right medicine and refining elixirs in the future."

"Thank you Mr. Yu for your guidance. I will definitely work hard to identify the acupuncture points and the medicinal properties of the herbs." Qi Hao solemnly gave a gift to Yu Xiangluo. In fact, he wanted to kowtow to Yu Xiangluo, but that was something that only an apprentice could do. He Hopefully one day he can do it.

“I believe you can do it.” Yan Xiangluo patted Qi Hao on the shoulder, and then went back to the small courtyard where they lived with Ji Jiuzhong.

Back in the small courtyard, Ji Jiuzhong looked at her and said, "Is this your talent?"

Yan Xiangluo pursed her lips and said, "Not really, I just thought that it might be fate for me to meet him. When I was studying medicine, I learned it by myself from books. In order to accurately control these acupuncture points, I I had countless needles inserted into my body, and I often fainted. I couldn't function for several days, so I became familiar with the silver needle technique in order to make the prescriptions I prepared more accurate. When it comes to treating patients, I have read through the herbal books, memorized the medicinal properties of each herb, and tried to improve the prescription countless times. I have formulated the most suitable prescription for the patient's specific situation, which is why I have the medical skills I have today. "

Ji Jiuzhong heard her talk about how she learned this skill for the first time. He was very curious about how she managed to develop such good medical skills while avoiding the eyes of so many people in the Tianshun Empire at such a young age.

But one thing he knows very well is that anyone with super abilities does not come easily. It requires hard work and effort that ordinary people cannot imagine. Just like himself, in order to learn weapon refining and formations, he almost It took all the time. After all, his body was different from that of a normal child, so he had to work harder.

Yan Xiangluo turned to look at the main courtyard, "I want to see if there can be anyone like me."

What she said was actually about the time when she was in poor health. She was able to possess such superb medical skills because she wanted to heal herself and have a healthy body, which was a strong spiritual pillar to support her.

Although Qi Hao's experience was miserable, he was still different from her. If he could persevere and memorize these acupuncture point maps and the medicinal properties of herbs, it would not be impossible to accept him as his disciple when the time was right.

After all, she also wants to have a successor to her medical skills, so that she can save more people, especially people like her who once longed to be healthy.

Ji Jiuzhong admired Yan Xiangluo's broad-mindedness. It was difficult for someone in this world to pass on their skills to others without reservation. The little girl he liked was more generous than he thought.

 In this comparison, he seems to be very selfish and somewhat unworthy of his little girl. “Get some rest, I’m afraid there won’t be time to rest so peacefully after tomorrow.”

Yan Xiangluo didn't want to dwell on this matter anymore. She gave Qi Hao the opportunity. Whether he could seize it or not depends on him. This can be regarded as a test for him to enter the teacher's sect.

"Okay, sleep peacefully, I'll call you tomorrow morning." Ji Jiuzhong didn't say anything more.

Yan Xiangluo returned to the room and did not continue to study alchemy. She really lay down on the bed to sleep and rest. However, she called Zhe Tian out to keep watch. This was already her habit, and Zhe Tian was also used to keeping watch for her master.

Neither it nor Yun Tuan are war pets and cannot help their master in battle. The master has never disliked them. Therefore, in other aspects, they will do their best to repay their master for their kindness.

 Early the next morning, as soon as it was light, Ji Jiuzhong woke up Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo rubbed her eyes and looked outside, "Are you leaving now?"

“Well, house-to-house searches have begun in the town.” Ji Jiuzhong kept Wuji outside and was very aware of what was going on in the town.

Originally, they wanted her to sleep for a while after seeing her sleeping soundly. However, the town actually started checking her identity so early. They had to leave immediately to avoid causing trouble to Qi Changhe and his grandson.

“You started investigating so early?” Yan Xiangluo suddenly woke up.

 “This is the only time when everyone is here.” Ji Jiuzhong explained.

Yan Xiangluo immediately got out of bed, collected her things, washed briefly, and left Qi's house with Ji Jiuzhong.

 They used the formation disk and teleported directly outside Musui City.

Qi Changhe's cultivation level is higher than that of Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong, so he knew when the two left, but didn't bother them. He also knew their attitude last night, and they would not come to say hello again this morning.

He looked towards the noisy direction of the town, feeling a little confused. Did the two people's departure have something to do with the search?

He then shook his head. The search happened temporarily. How could they know about it in advance? Maybe it was just a coincidence. He glanced at his grandson who was still cultivating after not sleeping all night, and sighed with relief. When his grandson knew that Young Master Yu had left, he would definitely be disappointed.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were more than ten miles away from Musui City.

  It was still early, there was not a single pedestrian on the road, and in the distance we could see the city of Musui in the morning light.

 (End of this chapter)

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