The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 347: Sent something wrong

Chapter 347 Sense something wrong

Now Ji Jiuzhong already knows about the existence of Pangu Space. The palace can be placed in the space, and Ji Jiuzhong can go in and practice.

Ji Jiuchong’s eyes lit up, “Okay.”

What he needs most now is a suitable place for training. He didn't expect Luoluo to have such a treasure. This girl is so lucky that she actually claimed the palace in Wanghai Forest.

Yan Xiangluo was very interested in seeing Ji Jiuchong. With a thought, the bronze palace given to her by her senior brother fell into the space with a rumble.

  Opening the palace door facing them, "I haven't gone in to experience it yet, so I don't know what the situation is inside. If there is a life-threatening situation, I can sense it and will take you out immediately."

Ji Jiudian nodded, "Okay, I'll go in and try first, but as long as it's not life-threatening, don't take me out."

If he wants to break through himself, every experience must be experienced in life and death. Although he now pretends to be a person in his heart and cherishes his own life, since it is an experience, he must reach the limit, so as to have the effect of experience.

"Okay." Yan Xiangluo agreed. She naturally knew the best level of intensity of training.

 Only when one surpasses one's own strength can it be considered as experience, otherwise it can only be regarded as exercise.

Ji Jiuzhong walked into the palace gate. The door closed automatically. It seemed that only one person could enter at a time. I just don’t know if there are people inside to practice, and whether people can go in again to practice.

With a thought, she thought about opening another door. When the door opened, Yan Xiangluo understood that people who went in to practice could not go in groups, but could only go in alone. Therefore, people had to go in one by one.

 This is good. When they have time in the future, the two of them can practice at the same time.

Yan Xiangluo is not worried about Ji Jiuzhong's safety. The palace belongs to her and is connected to her consciousness. She is very clear about Ji Jiuzhong's situation inside. If there is any danger to his life, she can bring him out with just a thought. .

Yan Xiangluo paid attention to Ji Jiuzhong while cooking.

After finishing the meal, she was not in a hurry to ask Ji Jiuzhong to come out. It was still an hour before the gates of Musui City were to be opened. Through Ji Jiuzhong's experience inside, Yan Xiangluo understood the rules of this palace.

 It should be that the people who enter have different levels of cultivation, and the difficulty of the experience is also different. The dangers you experience are changing at any time, and they change according to your strength.

 In other words, every minute and every second you spend inside is the ultimate consumption of your strength.

 The experience Ji Jiuzhong has gone through now would never be possible if it were her.

Time passed little by little. Yan Xiangluo looked at the time. It was almost time for the gates of Musui City to be opened. She looked at Ji Jiuzhong again. It was a critical moment for training and she could not be disturbed at this time.

With a look of apricot eyes, he ate first, then changed his face, changed his face, changed his clothes, and went out with Zhe Tian.

  I stretched my head and glanced at the official road leading to Musui City, and I could already see people who were about to enter the city.

Although there are many people riding flying spirit beasts and using teleportation patterns and teleportation arrays, there are also many chariots and horses.

Yan Xiangluo said to Zhe Tian, ​​"I will go into the space, and you can take the space dependent or the carriage into the city."

Having done it once before, I can say that it is very easy and I don’t find it difficult at all.

“Master, don’t worry, I’ll hide under that carriage.” Zhe Tian pointed to a carriage speeding not far away.

“Pay attention to safety. If there is a mysterious mirror, you must avoid it. If you can’t avoid it, hide in the space immediately.” Yan Xiangluo warned again, then dropped the space on Zhetian and entered the space again.

 Then he felt that Zhe Tian was running towards the carriage at an extremely fast speed. Fortunately, there were overgrown weeds on the ground, and the sky was reduced to the smallest form of vines. The carriage ran close to the weeds and was not conspicuous at all.

As if Zhetian had calculated the speed and distance, he arrived just as the carriage arrived. The vines wrapped around the shaft of the carriage and hid under the carriage.

Yan Xiangluo could not see clearly outside immediately because the dust brought up by the wheels and the two horses in front was comparable to the sandstorms she had seen in movies in her previous life, blocking her sight.

Estimating the speed of the carriage, it would take a quarter of an hour to reach the city gate. She stopped looking and glanced at Ji Jiuzhong to see that he could still persist.

She was filled with admiration. Sure enough, everyone's success is inseparable from hard work. While everyone in the Tianchen continent envied Ji Jiuzhong's talent and cultivation strength, no one knew how much price and effort he had to pay for it.

His almond-shaped eyes turned, hey, why are there still numbers flashing on the palace? Yan Xiangluo had never seen numbers on the palace before.

At this time, there was a big word on the copper-colored palace. A bright light flashed in Yan Xiangluo's mind. Could it be showing time?

It has been an hour since Ji Jiuzhong went in to practice. This number does not mean the time he went in to practice, right?

 But what is the purpose of showing the time?

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo felt that she didn’t understand the space magic weapon given to her by her senior brother at all.

Since the revealed numbers must have an effect, maybe we will find out when Ji Jiuzhong comes out.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong was very embarrassed. After all, every training level was set according to his peak strength. In the past, every training level was not easy. It almost made him try his best, and sometimes it even exceeded his strength. .

However, he also discovered that every time a power level passed, the spiritual power he consumed would be restored to the eighth level, but the difficulty of the next level would be higher.

After a few times, he discovered that although he only recovered eight levels of spiritual power each time, it was actually much stronger than the eight levels of spiritual power he had when he came in.

In other words, his spiritual power is actually improving after passing each experience level.

 After discovering this, Ji Jiuchong was excited. This is really a good place for experience!

 Suddenly I forgot about what Ruan Xiangluo had done before coming in to cook, and that they had to go to the city at the end of the year. They had already begun to practice selflessly.

The copper tower belonged to Yan Xiangluo, so she naturally sensed the change in Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation aura, and couldn't help but murmur, secretly thinking: It seems that she has underestimated the training effect of the copper tower, and she must find an opportunity to go in and practice.

However, she also knows that the most important thing now is to become a god-level alchemist, refine a god-level birth pill, and obtain the earth-type five-element beads.

But she was about to enter the City of Twilight, and she couldn't do anything during this time, so she just wandered around the space.

To be honest, she has never walked through space so leisurely.

  The atmosphere in Pangu's space was much better than that outside, which was the main reason why she never felt anything when she came to the higher continent.

She has never looked at the mountains in the distance. She doesn’t know when they appeared. Anyway, she was on her way to the higher continent.

 She suddenly noticed something was wrong.

 (End of this chapter)

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