The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 348: uneasy feeling

Chapter 348 Uneasy feeling

Pangu Space seemed to have been changing silently since she came to the Higher Continent, except for that big change. Unknowingly, it became more and more similar to the outside world, but she didn't notice it at all, and she didn't feel it. Something is wrong, this is so abnormal.

 Every change in space used to be very noisy, but now why is it so silent?

Just like those mountains in the distance, she didn’t know exactly when they appeared. The most important thing was that she didn’t feel anything was wrong.

  Could it be that at some point that she didn’t know, Pangu Space changed into something that she didn’t know about?

What she is most worried about is not the changes in the space, but that the changes in the space have become invisible to her as the master. Will one day the space lose her control?

Although there are sporadic records about portable spaces in some ancient books she has read, no portable space is as weird as hers.

 Suddenly, Yan Xiangluo felt a little unsure.

She has not carefully sensed anything in the space, but one thing she knows without having to sense it is that there is nothing useless in Pangu Space.

It was only then that she realized why Pangu Space existed, and what was the reason for its changes? Are you really its owner?

 An uneasy feeling came over me.

"Master, this is for you." Yan Xiangluo's thoughts were interrupted by Wu Shuang's voice.

Then she saw the formless Wushuang transformed into a small human form, holding a shiny ball the size of a little finger cap and handed it to her.

"What is this?" Yan Xiangluo asked, holding the bead with her fingers. She could feel the rich spiritual energy in the bead.

Wushuang said with a proud tone, "This is the Yuan Pearl condensed after my promotion. It contains my most pure power. After the master takes it, the spiritual root will become stronger and stronger."

Yan Xiangluo's spiritual roots have been nurtured to the limit by Wushuang these days. It is no longer possible to increase the spiritual root level by simply absorbing Wushuang's spiritual energy.

 But now that Wushuang gave her a Yuan Bead, does it mean that this Yuan Bead can continue to improve the quality and strength of her spiritual roots?

“Can you continue to improve the quality of my spiritual roots?” Yan Xiangluo said in surprise.

Wushuang's soft body danced in mid-air, "Of course, Yuanzhu is much more powerful than my spiritual energy."

“You also had Yuanzhu before?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

 Wushuang suddenly shrank, "No, this is the first one."

 Wushuang then became cheerful again, "But there will be more in the future, mainly due to its contribution."

Yan Xiangluo looked at the direction Wushuang pointed, which was the space stone milk.

Since coming in, Wushuang has been practicing on the space stone milk with Yun Tuan. The space stone milk of emotions is of great help to the cultivation of spiritual beasts and spiritual consciousness bodies.

Wushuang has not advanced for so long since he formed his spiritual consciousness. He has only been cultivating in the space stone milk for a few days, and he has actually advanced.

 Although it has accumulated over a long period of time, it also proves how powerful the effect of space stalactite is.

 After all, one drop of the spiritual spring dripping from the space stone milk can change the fate of the monk.

“Can others eat it too?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Wushuang shook his head and said, "The power of the Yuan Zhu is very strong, and ordinary people's spiritual roots cannot bear it. The master has a contract with me, and will not be exploded by the power of the Yuan Zhu. If the Yuan Zhu cannot be absorbed, it will be temporarily preserved. If others cannot absorb it at once, It will burst the spirit root and break it into pieces." Yan Xiangluo was still frightened. She also thought that if others could eat it, she would give Ji Jiuzhong one to eat. In this case, let's forget it. No matter how good her medical skills are, she can't cure the roots that are broken into pieces.

“Eat it directly?” Yan Xiangluo looked at the small yuan bead in her hand and wondered how such a small one could have such strong power.

Wushuang said, "Just eat it directly. After eating, the owner will not need to pay attention to it. It will automatically nourish the owner's spiritual roots. When the spiritual roots are saturated, it will stop. When the spiritual roots are needed again, it will continue to absorb the spirit roots." The root absorbs until the power of Yuan Zhu is completely absorbed."

Wushuang made it so clear that Yan Xiangluo put the Yuanzhu into her mouth without hesitation.

The Yuanzhu was very small. As soon as it entered her mouth, she scratched it, automatically reached her Dantian, and then attached to her Five Spiritual Root Tree. The power in the Yuanzhu was continuously input into her spiritual roots, and she could clearly sense it. Changes to the spiritual root tree.

Her spiritual roots are the five spiritual roots condensed together, and have always been five colors. However, after Wushuang's previous cultivation, the color of her spiritual roots has turned into one color, transparent color, although it can still be seen that it is a five-element spiritual root. The roots are twisted together to form spiritual roots, but there is no difference in color.

 But as soon as the power of Yuan Zhu entered the spiritual roots, she found that the dividing line between the five spiritual roots became blurred.

  She was extremely shocked. Could it be that her spiritual roots would merge into a real spiritual root?

Is that still a five-series power?

She quickly sensed the different types of spiritual roots, and found that the power of the five lines was still clearly present.

She breathed a sigh of relief, okay, okay, the relationship has not changed. She is already accustomed to using the five-system power. If the five-system power becomes one because her spiritual roots become one, she will still cry to death.

Wushuang watched Yan Xiangluo eat the Yuanzhu, and then went to the space stone milk to huddle with the clouds and start practicing.

Ji Jiuchong’s spiritual beast Wuji is also nesting on the space stone breast. Everyone knows that this place is a treasured place for cultivation.

Looking into the distance of the space again, Yan Xiangluo took a deep breath. Just change. She couldn't change anything. Sooner or later, she would know what was going on.

 Now she is focusing on improving her cultivation strength. No matter what she encounters, strength is her greatest asset.

At this time, outside the space, the carriage attached to the sky has arrived at the city gate, and the carriage stopped.

The space was under the carriage, and Yan Xiangluo could only see pairs of boots standing on both sides of the carriage. She heard voices, checking the people in the carriage.

"Who are you looking for, young master? Why do you have to use a mysterious mirror to check the entrance and exit of Dusui City?" This question was asked by the carriage owner, who obviously had a good relationship with the person checking.

“Just listen and don’t spread the word. I saw a beauty at the Five Elements Pearl auction. It is said that she is even more beautiful than the most beautiful woman in mainland China.”

“Oh, no wonder they mobilized so many troops.”

“Alas, if people dare to come to Dusui City, we will just show off.”

“If I were willing, I would have posted it a long time ago. I haven’t found it after searching for these days. Obviously, I am not a person who follows the trend.”

 “Who says it’s not the case? That’s why the young master is even more angry.”

 As the two people spoke, the carriage started again.

Yan Xiangluo raised her eyebrows. She had always known that she was good-looking, but was she so exaggerated that she was even more beautiful than the most beautiful woman in the mainland?

 (End of this chapter)

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