The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 349: Promoted again

Chapter 349 Advancement again

Yan Xiangluo removed the facial makeup pattern and restored her original appearance. She took out the mirror and saw a beautiful woman with big round almond eyes looking at her in the mirror.

Although sixteen years old is already the age for haircuts, her palm-sized face still has a little baby fat, making her face plump and shiny.

The delicate and straight bridge of the nose, the pink lips as tender as a flower bud waiting to bloom, no matter how you look at it, these facial features are perfect and impeccable.

After looking at herself in the mirror for a long time, Yan Xiangluo sighed, "She is indeed a stunning beauty."

  Putting down the mirror and using Chang Yan Xuan Wen to change her face to a more ordinary one, Yan Xiangluo held her cheek and squinted her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

 She didn't come back to her senses until Zhe Tian asked her where she wanted to go.

Having too good looks is indeed a problem, but who dares to bully a powerful beauty?

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo became more determined that she must become a strong man who can go to the Nine Heavens.

"Master, if you don't make a decision, we will go home with you." The voice covered the sky again.

Yan Xiangluo saw that the carriage had entered an alley, and it was obviously not far from the family's mansion. The carriage slowed down obviously, creaking as it walked on the road paved with bluestones.

Yan Xiangluo immediately said to Zhe Tian, ​​"Leave the carriage and go to the main street of Musui City and find a tree to hide in."

Ji Jiuzhong doesn’t know when her experience will be over. She has not yet become a god-level alchemist. She wants to concentrate on studying alchemy. Therefore, she and Ji Jiuzhong will not leave the space for the time being. They have to find a place to stay. What better place to stay? It's safer on the main street.

No matter how smart Liu Yu is, he will never think that he is right under his nose.

Zhetian immediately left the carriage after hearing this, then carefully climbed up the wall on one side, and headed towards the main street of Musui City under the cover of trees.

Along the way, Yan Xiangluo sensed the prosperity of Musui City. There were already many people on the streets this early in the morning.

There are very few trees on the main street, which makes it difficult to cover your body, so you can walk on the roofs of various shops to cover the sky. After walking for a while, I finally saw a very tall and strong tree growing right in the middle of the street intersection.

 The lush canopy of the tree opened like a giant umbrella, blocking out a large area of ​​shade.

 Zhe Tian rushed towards the tree, reduced to its smallest form, and slid past the ground at an extremely fast speed. No one passing by saw it at all. Even if someone noticed it, they could only see a streak of light passing by without knowing what it was.

In the blink of an eye, Yan Xiangluo's vision changed to looking down from the tree.

This location is well chosen. From the top of the tree at the intersection, you can see the directions of the four roads. It can be said that this is the center of the main street, with many people coming and going.

It’s early in the morning now, and there are a lot of people bustling about.

Yan Xiangluo looked outside for a while, but did not let Zhe Tian come in. Space is now on Zhe Tian. If it comes in, Space will fall on the tree. If she wants to leave, she must go out to leave with Space.

If she suddenly appeared in the tree and left, even in the middle of the night, someone would inevitably find her.

After all, there is a curfew in Dusui City, and there are guards patrolling at night. If anyone is caught outside after the curfew, the punishment will be very severe. Some people will not have a chance to be caught, and their lives will be lost immediately.

 For safety, Zhetian should stay outside.

 Fortunately, the spiritual energy of the higher continent is still very abundant, especially the Mu Sui City. The first reason why it can become the central city of the Mu Sui Continent must be that it is the place with the strongest spiritual energy.

 Zhe Tian gathered his aura, wrapped it around the treetops, and began to absorb spiritual energy for cultivation. It didn't realize that the spiritual energy it absorbed did not come from all directions, but the tree it was wrapped around.

Yan Xiangluo didn't waste any time. She couldn't tell anything by just looking at it. After leaving a trace of her consciousness to pay attention to Ji Jiuzhong, she continued to study the god-level elixir. Three days passed in a flash. Yan Xiangluo did not expect that Ji Jiuzhong could persist in it for such a long time. Every time she felt that Ji Jiuzhong could not hold on anymore, she would make a roundabout way and get through it again.

Just now Ji Jiuzhong took the initiative to ask Yan Xiangluo to take him out.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo thought, Ji Jiuzhong appeared outside the palace. As soon as he came out, he sat cross-legged.

Yan Xiangluo saw the promotion light falling on him and was confused. It turned out that he was about to be promoted.

She looked at the palace with burning eyes. This is really a treasure place for experience, but it is much more convenient than going out to find a place for experience.

Ji Jiuzhong's promotion ended quickly. Although he was only promoted to the first level, it was only a short time ago. They had only been in the higher continent for two months, and they were already at the fifth level of the sect.

After being promoted successfully, Ji Jiuzhong did not ask to go into the copper tower to practice. He went to clean himself up first, and then looked outside and knew that Yu Xiangluo had entered the city.

"Where is this?" Ji Jiuzhong looked outside as if they were at a crossroads.

"There is a big tree at the intersection of the main street of Musui City. This tree grows very tall and lush, with a huge canopy. It looks like it must be tens of thousands of years old." Yuan Xiangluo then took her to the city. The situation was also explained to Ji Jiuzhong.

"How many days have I been practicing in there?" It was not surprising that Mu Suicheng also used Xuanjing to check Ji Jiuzhong.

 “Three days.”

Ji Jiuchong's eyes lit up, "This copper tower is indeed an excellent place for training. When Changfeng and the others come, can we let them go in and train too?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded and said, "Yes, but they cannot be allowed to enter the space."

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "Of course we can't let them enter the space, and don't let them know the existence of the space."

If possible, Ji Jiuzhong would only want the two of them to know about Pangu Space.

 But he knew that the medium of Pangu Space was left to her by Luo Luo’s parents. She should tell her parents when she meets her parents in the future.

He really thought wrong. Yan Xiangluo really hasn't made a decision on this matter. If she could, Ji Jiuzhong wouldn't tell Ji Jiuzhong. As for her parents, she hasn't decided yet.

 It’s not that she is worried that her parents will do something bad to her, but that she is not in danger because she doesn’t know.

"When will Changfeng and the others come?" Yan Xiangluo asked, thinking of the property deeds of the Qi family.

“They should be almost here now, but they are still in the snow source.” Ji Jiuzhong said with certainty.

“If we go to the inner continent, can we still contact him?” Yuan Xiangluo frowned.

She has a feeling that in just a few days, she will be able to break through and become a god-level alchemist. They will only have a few days to go to the inner continent.

 The reason why there are fixed places for entry and exit on the border between the outer continent and the inner continent is because there is a natural barrier between them, so the sound transmission stone may not be able to communicate.

 (End of this chapter)

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