The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 350: There is something wrong with the tree

Chapter 350 There is something wrong with the tree

Ji Jiuzhong said, "It doesn't matter, I have always left a mark for them, and they will follow the mark I left to find them all the way."

Yan Xiangluo was surprised. They had been together all this time. Why didn't she find out when Ji Jiuzhong left a mark?

"When we leave Musui City, I will leave them the property deed and a letter. They know what to do." Ji Jiuzhong added.

Yan Xiangluo felt relieved when he saw that he had made all the arrangements, and no longer worried about when Ji Jiuzhong left the mark.

However, this incident made her once again realize her lack of experience in dealing with things outside.

"It will take a few more days for me to break through to the level of a god-level alchemist. Will you continue to practice in the palace these days, or do you have other plans?" Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced outside and said, "Since we are going to exchange for the five-element beads of the earth system, we must know this and the other so that we can win every battle. When it gets dark, let Zhetian find a secluded place. I will go out and find an inn to stay at tomorrow. You give me space, so that I can take you wherever I go, and if anything happens, we can discuss it in time. "

These words made Ji Jiuzhong say that Yan Xiangluo had no reason to refuse, so he responded, "Okay."

 It is indeed more convenient to put the space on Ji Jiuzhong, and Zhetian can also come into the space to practice.

She found that Yun Tuan and Wu Shuang were practicing almost without doing anything recently. She didn't know whether it was because of the subtle changes in space or the increase in the power of space stone milk.

Especially the snack food cloud, not even delicious food can tempt it.

 She didn't want to delay Zhetian's cultivation because of these trivial matters.

Yan Xiangluo continued to study alchemy, while Ji Jiuzhong meditated on the side, stabilizing his cultivation, summing up the experience of promotion, and improving his own realm.

Yan Xiangluo has been staying in this tree for three days and knows that the curfew in Musui City is at the end of Youshi.

 Therefore, when the time came, she communicated with Zhetian and asked him to leave the tree and find a secluded place for Asuka Jikonoe to go out.

Zhetian, who had been immersed in practice for the past three days, heard his master's order and was about to quit practice when he suddenly realized that the spiritual energy he had absorbed came from this tree.

Something is wrong. How come there is so much spiritual energy in this tree for it to absorb? After all, it has been cultivating for three days. Not only has the spiritual energy not decreased, it is still abundant.

 This is simply not the aura that can be contained in a tree.

Since it is a divine plant, it is clear that this tree has not cultivated spiritual consciousness. Suddenly Zhe Tian thought of something, there couldn't be a treasure under this tree.

Zhe Tian immediately used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with Yan Xiangluo, "Master, the spiritual energy I have absorbed in the past three days of practice is from this tree. There are treasures containing spiritual energy under this tree or in the tree. Master, let me Come out and take a look at Yun Tuan!”

It can only look for plant treasures, and other treasure hunting requires its big brother Yun Tuan.

Upon hearing this, Yan Xiangluo looked at the tree outside. Apart from being extremely tall and lush, there was nothing special about this tree. How could it have the aura to support Zhetian for three days of cultivation? It was indeed abnormal.

She told Ji Jiuzhong, who had already seen the situation outside during the day. The tree was growing in all directions. If there was any movement, strong men from Musui City would soon come to check.

  But if there really is a treasure that contains spiritual energy, it would be a pity to miss it.

"Let Yun Tuan go out and take a look, and then decide what to do." Ji Jiuzhong said.

Yan Xiangluo immediately went to call Yun Tuan. Yun Tuan was interrupted in his practice, but he was not angry at all because he knew very well that his master would never interrupt his practice unless something happened.

He jumped down from the stone milk in space and came to Yan Xiangluo, "Master, what's the matter?" Yan Xiangluo pointed to the outside of the space and said, "Zhe Tian found something strange in this tree. He suspected that there was something strange inside. There are treasures containing spiritual energy under the tree, go and take a look."

As soon as the cloud heard that there was a treasure, it immediately left the space and landed on the tree. Its black eyes suddenly lit up.

"Master, it does smell like a treasure, and the aura is very strong. It should be under the tree rather than inside the tree." Yun Tuan said with certainty.

“How deep is it under the tree?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

  She was thinking about the possibility of letting the clouds dig out the treasure.

Yun Tuan made an estimate and said, "It's about ten meters deep."

"So deep?" Yan Xiangluo felt a little worried.

If they dig out the one-meter or two-meter cloud and leave, they can hide themselves, but they don't have to worry about being discovered. But if it's ten meters deep, it's unlikely that you can dig up the treasure without alerting anyone.

Yan Xiangluo told Ji Jiuzhong about the situation, and Ji Jiuzhong also felt that it was not appropriate to dig for the treasure now. If they put Musui City under martial law because of this treasure, it would be more of a loss than a gain.

 After all, their goal is the earth-based five-element beads.

"Let Yun Tuan come back. Let's get the earth element five-element beads first, and then dig for treasures before we leave." Ji Jiuzhong made a decision instantly.

Yan Xiangluo also considered that there was too much noise digging for treasures now, so she asked Yun Tuan to come back, and then asked Zhe Tian to leave the tree and find a hidden place so that Ji Jiuchong could go out tomorrow.

Zhetian is a little reluctant to part with it. The spiritual energy it has absorbed in the past three days is very pure and very fast. The effect is much better than what he used to practice outside.

However, it will never disobey its master's orders. It immediately got down from the tree and ran quickly along the ground to the nearest alley.

Then he found a tree at the end of the alley and climbed up, so that after it entered the space, the space would fall on the tree.

Entering the space to cover the sky, he ran directly towards the space stone milk without any delay, squeezed together with Yun Tuan, Wu Shuang, and Wu Ji, and started practicing.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the four groups crowded together on the flat surface of the stone milk in a small space, and the corner of her mouth twitched, "They actually love each other quite a bit."

She doesn't think much of it if it's just her own spiritual pet. The key is that there is also Ji Jiuzhong's spiritual pet inside, which looks a little weird no matter how you look at it.

One is a divine beast, one is a divine plant, one is a spiritual body, and the other is a flying spiritual beast. Each has its own characteristics. It is impossible for them to get along with each other. Not only did they meet, but they also got along with each other so naturally and harmoniously. It really made her happy. There is an unreal feeling.

Ji Jiuzhong frowned. He knew very well how pretentious his own spiritual pet was. It allowed Wuji to squeeze together with Yun Tuan and the others without any care. This shows how beneficial and helpful the space stone milk is to their cultivation.

“This is good, they have to get used to getting along.” Ji Jiuzhong said with a smile.

He wanted Luoluo to be in love with him like this, but this girl didn't seem to be dependent on feelings. She had always been calmer in their relationship, so now he dared to hold Luoluo's little hand.

 Well, when can we go further?

 (End of this chapter)

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