The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 351: his arms

 Chapter 351 In his arms

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him and understood what he meant. When the two of them are together, their spiritual pets will inevitably be together often. Now that they are hugging together like this, they don't have to worry about their spiritual pets not getting along.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled even brighter after receiving a roll of his eyes.

Yu Xiang was speechless. She didn't know what made this man happy. She didn't say anything to him and continued to study her own elixir.

After refining the Baby-Birth Pill into the Baby-Broken Pill last time, she was only a little bit away from being a god-level alchemist, but this was not so easy to expose.

Ji Jiuzhong continued to meditate. The next morning, Ji Jiuzhong took advantage of the time when the city gate opened to ask Yan Xiangluo to leave the space.

After leaving the space, Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong and said, "How can I put the space on you?"

Ji Jiuzhong doesn't have as many vines as Zhetian. All she needs to do is fall on the vines that cover the sky. Ji Jiuzhong doesn't have any place for her to stay.

As soon as she finished speaking, Ji Jiuzhong bent down and picked her up. For a moment, the girl in his arms seemed to fill his heart.

In addition to being hugged by her grandmother in another life when she was a child, Yan Xiangluo was also hugged by her parents here. This is the first time she has been hugged by someone since she was ten years old, and she was still an adult man.

She could feel Ji Jiuzhong's strong arms very clearly, and even felt the heat on his hands was a bit scalding. Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment.

This is the first time she has been so close to Ji Jiuzhong, with their bodies close to each other and their faces facing each other. She can even clearly feel Ji Jiuzhong's heartbeat and breathing.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled when he saw her stunned look, and said in an extremely gentle tone, "Luoluo can just go in like this."

Ji Jiuzhong's breath hit his face when he spoke, and his unique and refreshing breath filled his nose. Yan Xiangluo suddenly came back to her senses, her face was as red as fat, and she entered the space as if she was running away.

Because she was being held by Ji Jiuzhong, Yan Xiangluo, who was still shy when she entered the space, almost sat down on the ground. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and flipped over in the air, landing on the ground and standing firm.

  His face became redder and hotter. He patted his heated cheeks hard with his slender white hands. He was a little annoyed at why he was so untempered. Isn't he just good-looking?

Suddenly, she thought, if she came into the space like this, would she also be in his arms when she went out?

When she thought about falling into his arms when she went out, Yan Xiangluo suddenly felt a little hot all over.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the empty arms, as if his heart had become empty along with it, and the heart that had just been filled also instantly became empty. He sighed, feeling a little regretful that he could not see Luo Luo's appearance in the space at this time.

 I wonder if his little girl is as excited and happy as he is.

But it was the first time he held his dear girl in his arms. Although the time was short, Ji Jiuzhong was in a very good mood and walked briskly out of the alley.

It took a while for Yan Xiangluo to return to normal. A soft light flashed across her almond-shaped eyes. It turned out that this was how it felt to be held by the man she liked.

Not only did she not hate it, but she also liked it. Now she finally understood why men and women who were passionately in love were so inseparable that they didn't want to separate for a moment.

After calming herself down, she looked outside. Ji Jiuzhong had already walked to the main street. Although she was in space, she felt like she was walking on the street and could see her surroundings clearly.

If she hadn't been in a hurry to refine the god-level elixir, she would have really wanted to take a tour of Mu Sui City.

 Withdrawing his gaze, he took out the medicinal materials and prepared to try to refine it again.

At this moment, she heard a loud noise coming from outside. She turned around and looked out, and saw a group of guards in uniform uniforms walking on both sides of the street and chasing pedestrians on both sides of the street.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong had automatically stood at the door of a shop, facing the street, so Yan Xiangluo could clearly see what was going on on the street. As the guards walked on both sides of the street, the middle of the street became vacant, and an extremely luxurious carriage pulled by six snow-white horses came.

The reason why I describe it as extremely luxurious is because this carriage is the most gorgeous that Yan Xiangluo has ever seen. Even if she is not an armor refiner, she can tell that this carriage was made by an armor refiner.

 The material used is not wood, but a tool-making material made of white jade.

 The six horses are all white, without a single hair on them, and the body of the horse is also white, spotless. It would be fine if it were just like this, but the car cover is colorful, and the turning point of the body frame is edged with gold, and there is a ring of bells made of white crystal stone hanging under the eaves. Therefore, the whole carriage looks extremely luxurious. .

The sound of horse hooves and the ringing of bells made this trip quite impressive.

Although Yan Xiangluo couldn't appreciate this man's vision, he had to admit that this battle was indeed arrogant.

This is Musui City. Anyone who dares to be so showy in the city must be from the Liu Mansion. I don’t know who from the Liu Mansion.

 It’s not the lustful Liu Yu, is it?

Just when she was curious, the two people standing next to Ji Jiuzhong whispered, "Young Master Yu is always so arrogant when traveling."

Another person quickly stopped him, "Don't talk nonsense. You won't be heard if your voice is too low. Be careful of moving your head."

 “I’m just envious.” The man defended.

But his voice became lower, and he didn’t dare to speak as the carriage got closer.

Young Master Yu? Ruan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes, was it really Liu Yu?

At this moment, the carriage had already arrived in front of them. By chance, a gust of wind blew up and lifted the curtain of the carriage, and Yu Xiangluo saw the person sitting inside.

He is a man with outstanding appearance wearing a snow-white brocade robe and a white jade crown. He held his chin with one hand, closed his eyes slightly and fell asleep. Although his eyes were closed, people could feel the pride in him.

Yan Xiangluo has never met Liu Jue, but apart from the Lord of Musui Continent, the only person who can walk like this in Musui City is Liu Jue.

Yan Xiangluo sneered at Liu Yu. He looked like a human but didn't do human things. Yan Xiangluo hated Liu Jue very much.

If it weren't for him, she wouldn't even dare to show her true appearance.

At this moment, a guard rushed over, came to the carriage and reported, "Young Master, there is a message from the Lord, saying that the Young Master is asked to stay in the city to handle matters before the Lord comes back."

Because the guard happened to be directly opposite Ji Jiuzhong when he spoke, Yan Xiangluo in the space could hear it clearly. People around you should be able to hear it.

 It seems that the events caused by the Shenyu Mountain treasure and the Quancheng treasure are not over yet, and the twilight lord of the continent has not returned yet.

 After a moment, Liu Jue in the carriage spoke, "Go back home."

Yan Xiangluo pouted, no matter how hard you pull, no one can control you.

 The carriage immediately turned around and walked back. As the carriage left, the street returned to its previous appearance.

 People around me also dared to speak.

 (End of this chapter)

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