The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 352: Contest

Chapter 352 Hegemony Competition

Seeing Liu Yu turning around and going back halfway, everyone started talking again.

“Young Master Yu, what’s going on? Why did you go back halfway?”

"I heard what the guard said. It seems that the late Lord asked Young Master Yu to stay in the city to handle affairs."

“It seems that the next Lord of the twilight continent is none other than Young Lord Yu.”

 “That’s not necessarily the case.”

"How to say?"

"Haven't you heard? The Continental Competition is about to begin. This time, not only Young Master Yu will go to the Twilight Continent, but two new talents from the Liu family will also go there. If they rank higher than Yu in this competition, Young Master, let alone the next one, even the Young Master is very likely to be replaced. "

Yan Xiangluo’s eyes lit up when she heard about the continental competition. This was a good opportunity to get to know the powerful figures in the continent.

I just don’t know who is participating in the Continental Hegemony Tournament. Can only powerful families in the mainland participate, or can everyone with a sufficient cultivation level participate?

She can hear it, and Ji Jiuzhong can naturally hear it too. Without her, Ji Jiuzhong will also know the news about the continental competition clearly.

The streets have returned to normal order. Yan Xiangluo looked away, checked the herbs, and began to make elixirs.

Ji Jiuzhong continued to wander around the main street, looking for a convenient inn. He was also observing the people coming and going, listening to the conversations of pedestrians, and extracting the information he needed.

As he walked, he saw the plaque of Ignorance. After squinting his eyes, he walked into Ignorance.

  Someone came up immediately and said, "Master, please come this way."

The unknown business in Shuisi City is indeed unparalleled in other cities. There are many people who come to buy news.

The person who received him took him to a room, first asked him to sit down and poured him tea, and then asked, "What news does the master need?"

In order to protect the privacy of the guests, when there are many people, each guest will be in a separate room. The room has an isolation formation. Even a god-level expert cannot detect the scene inside the room and cannot hear the sounds inside.

Ji Jiuzhong did not drink tea and said directly, "I want the list of contestants for this continental competition."

I wonder what the point of buying a list for the Continental Hegemony is? Even if he also participates, he knows who is participating, and if he wants to get a good ranking, he must win with real ability.

“Registration for the Continental Competition has not ended yet, and the current list is incomplete.”

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Just give me the list as of today."

I don’t know why the guys don’t understand. They spend the same money, so why don’t they wait a few days to buy the entire list? But what they don’t know is the business of buying and selling news, and they never ask customers why they buy news.

“Now that the list is not complete, the price will not be reduced.” I don’t know, but I still want to make it clear. If the other party knows the full list, he will buy it at the same price, which will ruin his reputation.

Ji Jiuzhong nodded slightly, "Okay."

Since people are willing to do it, they naturally don’t care whether the other party suffers a loss, they just make this money.

 “Ten high-quality spiritual stones.”

It was only ten high-grade spiritual stones, which were not expensive. Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand and ten high-grade spiritual stones appeared on the table without any hesitation.

 The main thing is that this list is not a secret. Everyone can know it when the registration ends and the competition begins. Just because the names of all contestants will appear on the ranking list.

 Hence, I don’t know that the pricing is still very reasonable.

The waiter put away the spirit stone and said, "Sir, wait a minute." Ji Jiuzhong nodded, picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea. The waiter quickly left the room to get the news.

Unexpectedly, the waiter left very quickly. Ji Jiuzhong didn't even finish a cup of tea before the waiter came back.

He handed him a jade slip and said, "The list is imprinted on the jade slip. Young Master can check it now."

Ji Jiuzhong put away the jade slip directly, "There is no need to doubt the credibility of the unknown."

After finishing speaking, he stood up and left the room. Even if he were to look at it now, he wouldn't know whether it was true or false. Besides, he was hungry, and he didn't know that those who were in this business would not do anything to ruin their reputation.

I don’t know that the clerk is very satisfied with his attitude. I don’t know that they are buying and selling news, so credibility must be the first priority. Otherwise, how could the business be so big and lasted for so long.

Ji Jiuzhong left the room and walked to the front door. He was about to leave, but someone outside wanted to come in.

Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes flashed with an unnoticeable glare, but he lowered his eyes to cover it up and quickly stepped aside to let people from outside come in first.

Qin Suyue glanced at the man who got out of the way. He was dressed in ordinary clothes and had an ordinary appearance. The ordinary one could not be more ordinary. She only glanced at it and then withdrew her gaze. She would not choose such a man even for the sake of cultivation.

She didn’t know that the man she despised in front of her was the one she wanted.

 After Qin Suyue entered, Ji Jiuzhong left without knowing.

Qin Suyue followed Liu Yu, so she must live in the Liu Mansion. What kind of news is there in the mansion of the Lord of the Continent? Why does Qin Suyue use it to buy news?

That is what she is doing now that she does not want Liu Yu to know. It seems that Qin Suyue is not a calm person no matter where she is.

Ji Jiuchong didn't give way to her out of fear, but out of disgust. He was afraid of being tainted with any trace of Qin Suyue's aura.

 Coincidentally, the person who received Qin Suyue was the unknown man who had just received Ji Jiuzhong. In the same room, the waiter changed the tea cup and poured tea for Qin Suyue.

“Miss Qin, what news do you need?”

 Just by hearing the title, you can tell that the guy is very familiar with Qin Suyue. Not long after arriving in Mu Sui City, I was having a good time.

Qin Suyue drank tea and said in a casual tone, "I want information on all the people with the surname of Ju and Long among the people who came from the lower continent in the past six years."

The unknown clerk was stunned and said, "Ms. Qin, I'm going to check if there is such information."

They do have a list of people from the lower continents, but he really doesn’t know if there are people with the surnames Ju and Long. He will have to check to find out.

Qin Suyue nodded, "If you have any, just bring it back to me."

"Okay, Miss Qin, wait a minute." The unknown clerk got up and left.

But I muttered in my heart: People who came to buy news today are so strange. They bought news that they did not expect, and even news that could not be sold at all.

I really don’t know why they wasted their spiritual stones like this.

Qin Suyue waited for a cup of tea before the waiter came back and handed her a jade slip, "Miss Qin, the information about the people named Yuan and Long is here."

 Although there were not many people from the lower continent, there were quite a few in the past six years. It took him some time to find out. Normally, no one would buy such news.

 Qin Suyue took the jade slip, paid the reward, and left.

Unknown to the outside, Ji Jiuzhong stood at the corner, watching Qin Suyue come out, and asked Yan Xiangluo to release Wuji.

 (End of this chapter)

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