The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 353: News about parents

Chapter 353 News about parents

Yan Xiangluo was refining elixirs. When she heard Ji Jiuzhong's words, she immediately threw Wuji out.

Wuji, who was still practicing, was a little confused when he was suddenly moved to another place. Fortunately, Ji Jiuzhong caught it, otherwise he would have fallen to the ground. Although it is a very small bird, and there are no people where Ji Jiuzhong is, no one will notice if it falls, but it cannot be ashamed.

But before Wuji could feel aggrieved to Ji Jiuzhong, he was thrown out again, "Follow Qin Suyue and see what news she bought today?"

Only then did Wuji see Qin Suyue in front of her, walking with her waist twisted and charming.

Wuji immediately hid her figure, but she felt disgusted in her heart. Why was she this annoying woman again? When it was in the lower continent, the person it hated the most was her. She was evil and mischievous. Now that it has come to the higher continent, it still encounters her everywhere. It's really haunting.

Wuji resignedly chased after him.

Ji Jiuchong then ran towards an inn he liked and booked a room directly.

The upper room of this inn is on the third floor. The inn faces the street. The window of the upper room Ji Jiuzhong chose is on the street side, so you can see the scene on the street from the room.

Standing at the window and looking to the left, I don’t know. Looking to the right is Daqian Auction House.

This is also the reason why Ji Jiuchong chose this inn to stay, so that he could check some things and do some things.

 About half an hour later, Wuji came back.

“Master, what Qin Suyue bought is the information about all the people with the surname of Ju and the surname of Long who came from the lower continent in the past six years.” Wuji told Ji Jiuzhong what he saw.

"Do you have any information about Luoluo's parents?" Why Qin Suyue bought the information about people named Yuan and Long? The purpose is too obvious.

 Qin Suyue wanted to deal with Yan Xiangluo, but she didn’t know if she had bought the information about Luo Luo’s parents.

They couldn't enter the city these days, and they didn't ask for news. When they came to Musui City, one of Ji Jiuzhong's plans was to ask for news about Yuan Chengye and his wife. Unexpectedly, Qin Suyue did it for him.

"The information she bought did not include the names of the girl's parents." Wuji shook his head.

“Tell me more about those people.” Ji Jiuzhong was a little surprised.

 If there is no news about Yan Xiangluo's parents, there are only three possibilities.

 The first type is that they are so low-key that they are ignored. The second is that they had an accident as soon as they arrived on the higher continent. But this possibility is almost non-existent. Based on Ji Jiuzhong's understanding of Jue Chengye, he can still live well with his clever mind even if he loses all his cultivation. Third, they didn’t use their real names.

Ji Jiuzhong thinks the first and third options are more likely, and the second one can be ignored. But no matter which one they are, it would be difficult for Yan Xiangluo to find them, unless...

Ji Jiuzhong listened to Wuji talking about the information Qin Suyue bought, and Yan Xiangluo in the space once again refined the Poying Dan.

Looking at the dark Po Ying Dan in the stone nest, Yan Xiangluo held her forehead and sighed. God-level pills are really not that difficult.

Just when she was depressed, she suddenly heard Ji Jiuchong reciting a name. Suddenly, she remembered what her father had said to her before. If there were any special circumstances and it was inconvenient to use her real name, the couple would Use Fusheng Yimeng as a pseudonym.

Yan Xiangluo immediately asked Ji Jiuzhong, "What's the matter with the name you mentioned?"

Ji Jiuzhong heard Yan Xiangluo's voice and blinked, "Did Luoluo ask about all the names or just one?"

Yan Xiangluo immediately said, "The name is Juan Fusheng." Ji Jiuzhong explained, "I went to Ignorance today and met Qin Suyue. I asked Wuji to check what she bought and found that she was looking for your parents. I bought back the information about people named Yuan and Long who came from the lower continent in the past six years. I was listening to Wuji's information about these people and recorded it. "

 “Show me.” Yan Xiangluo immediately came out of the space.

In her excitement, she forgot that she was in Ji Jiuchong's arms when she went in, and she was also in his arms when she came out.

Ji Jiuzhong suddenly had someone in his arms. It was the little girl he was thinking about, and he immediately hugged her tightly.

Yan Xiangluo struggled for a while but couldn't break free.

"Anyway, we have to go in later, so let's watch it together." Ji Jiuzhong said the information he had recorded on the table with his mouth. "

Yan Xiangluo was immediately attracted by the information on the table and read it directly.

Within six years, there were not many people with the surname of Yu who came to the high continent from the lower continent, there were six people, and there were even fewer people with the surname of Long, only three.

 But there was a lot of information, each person recorded two pages.

 with with with with with with the surname of with with the surname of "Yun" and "Yun Caiyun" — wasn't included.

 But when she saw Yun Fusheng, she was still very excited and her heart beat a lot faster. Although there is not much information recorded about Yun Fusheng, the shadow of her father can also be seen.

The three people with the surname Long are not her mother's surname, Long, but Long. All three are women, and one of them is called Long Yimeng.

Although Yun Fusheng and Long Yimeng are not named "妘和龙", their names are definitely not such a coincidence. There is only one possibility. In order to avoid trouble and danger, their parents changed their surnames to have the same pronunciation but different characters, and their names also changed to A dream promised to her.

  She was certain that these two people were her parents.

I carefully read the information about the two people and found that there is too little information about the two people. Moreover, judging from the information, there is no relationship between the two people at all.

Ji Jiuzhong kept staring at her expression, which changed from excitement to joy to calmness. Although the process was short, he was sure that there must be information about Yan Xiangluo's parents.

Yan Xiangluo took out the information about Yun Fusheng and Long Yimeng, "They should be my parents."

Ji Jiuchong raised his eyebrows. Sure enough, it seemed that his previous guess was correct. How could Chengye, a person who was smarter than a fox, let his daughter come to the higher continent and not find them.

When he thought of three possibilities before, he thought that the third one was most likely to be anonymous, but how could Luo Luo find them after changing their names? There must be an agreement between them that only they knew.

“Are you sure?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiangluo nodded and said, "I'm sure, my father told me that if there are any special circumstances where it is inconvenient to use the real name, they will use Fu Sheng Yimeng as a pseudonym."

Ji Jiuzhong understood. No wonder she was so sure. As long as the name was what they agreed on, it wouldn't be surprising if the last name was not the same character.

Feng Miao looked at the information from the two people and said, "If they are really them, they should be in the mainland, but it will take some effort to find them."

 (End of this chapter)

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