The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 354: Make a sound in the east and attack in the west

Chapter 354: Attacking in the East and Attacking in the West

Ji Jiuzhong had a headache. Having an overly smart father-in-law really tested his IQ.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "It's hard to find them, so let them come to me."

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes, looked at the man in his arms and said, "Do you want to participate in the continental competition?"

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "We don't know the rules of the Continental Hegemony Competition or the cultivation strength requirements of the contestants. It's not sure whether we can make it in time to participate in the competition. If you want to be famous, you don't have to participate. What I'm best at is What is it?”

“Medical skills.” Ji Jiuzhong blurted out without even thinking.

"Yes, even if I can participate in the competition, it is impossible to get a ranking in the continental competition with my current cultivation level, but it will be much easier with medical skills." Yu Xiangluo's eyes were shining brightly, although Her face is not what she originally looked like, but the look in her eyes cannot be changed.

Ji Jiuzhong did not agree with her idea, "Don't be in a hurry, think about it carefully and then decide what to do."

 In fact, he felt that it would be better to let Yan Xiangluo expose her medical skills than to participate in the Continental Competition. As long as she participated, her name would be on the list of the competition. As long as Yan Chengye and his wife paid attention, they would be able to discover their daughter.

However, to participate in the competition, you must participate in the competition. He does not yet understand the rules of the competition and the cultivation strength of the participants. Although he has got the list of participants, he has not read it yet. Therefore, he is not in a hurry. Make a decision.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Anyway, we have to go to the inner continent to find them, so let's get the earth-type five-element beads first."

Thinking of the five-element pearls of the earth system, Yuan Xiangluo asked, "Didn't Young Master Daqian say at that time that he would wait for the destined person in the Southern Continent? Why do we have to exchange the five-element pearls in the Mu Sui Continent?"

In fact, she thought she could go to the inner continent first, and then she could refine the god-level birth elixir and then go to the southern continent to go to the Daqian Auction House to exchange for the earth element five-element beads. However, Ji Jiuzhong insisted on exchanging them in the Mu Sui Continent, and she never Figure out why.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at the person in his arms and explained, "Have you ever thought about why Daqian Auction House, which is located all over the continent, chose the remote Siyun City to auction the five-element beads in the Mu Sui Continent?"

Yan Xiangluo was stunned and shook her head, "I never thought about it. Is there anything else in it?"

Ji Jiuzhong was born in the royal family. He has been exposed to high-level families since he was a child, so he has a good understanding of the thoughts, practices and styles of such families.

"For a family like Daqian Auction House, which plays an important role in the mainland, when they do such an important thing, they will ask the Celestial Master to see the fortune and auspiciousness in advance. This is one of them. Another thing is that they choose Sifang City in the mainland for the auction. main reason."

Ji Jiuzhong explained to Yan Xiangluo.

“Those who need the god-level birth elixir are in the Mu Sui Continent.” Yu Xiangluo blurted out.

She admits that she has little experience in traveling abroad, but when it comes to the internal fighting, tactics and style of the big family, Yuan Xiangluo is not convinced by anyone.

  After all, she was not a piece of cake to survive in the family with a weak body, especially after her grandmother passed away and lived until she died beyond treatment.

Hence, after Ji Jiuzhong’s analysis, she immediately understood that Daqian Auction House was attacking in the east and in the west. Daqian Auction House had already made a plan when they put out the five-element earth beads for auction. Sifang City was just a cover, and they knew very well that they would not get a god-level birth pill at the auction. This was just a ploy on their part.

Finally, he said that he would wait for the destined person to exchange it in the southern continent. In fact, it diverted everyone's attention to the southern continent of the inner continent, making them think that the person who needed the birth pill was at the headquarters of Daqian Auction House, which can also be said to be the main house. , In fact, the person who needs the Baby Pill is in Mu Sui Continent, and should be at the Daqian Auction House in Mu Sui City.

 This is also the reason why Ji Jiuzhong chose to exchange it in Mu Sui Continent.

They can get the earth-type five-element beads in the shortest time by exchanging them in Musui City. The shorter the time, the safer it is for them.

Daqian Auction House is very experienced. After they successfully exchange, they will immediately throw away the burden of the earth-type five-element beads and let people shift their targets to the people who get the earth-type five-element beads, thus reducing the risk of people taking the birth-birth elixir.

 After all, the Baby-Birth Pill is for healing the Nascent Soul, and a god-level Baby-Birth Pill is needed. It can be seen that the opponent's Nascent Soul is almost useless. Also, although the birth pill and the life pill have the same effect, one is used to restore the spiritual root and the other is used to restore the soul. But restoring the spiritual roots is much easier than restoring the Nascent Soul. You will know this just by looking at Qi Changhe. After all, the Nascent Soul was injured like this, and the spiritual roots were not much better.

Although Yan Xiangluo has not seen the patient, she knows very well that this person not only needs a god-level baby pill, but also a life-giving pill. However, the life-giving pill does not need to be a god-level pill.

 Therefore, even after taking the birth-birth pill, it will take a long time for this person to recover.

Ji Jiuchong looked at Yu Xiangluo with burning eyes. Along the way, this girl obviously had little experience in the outside world, but when it came to matters involving high-level families and forces, she was very transparent, almost at the first glance. The reason why she needs it is because she hasn't used her brain to think about these things. If she had, I'm afraid she wouldn't have anything to worry about.

Ji Jiuzhong could see that Yan Xiangluo relied on his thoughts and decisions without knowing it. It wasn't that she couldn't think of it, but that she was too lazy to think about it.

The more he got to know her, the deeper Ji Jiuzhong found himself trapped. The girl in front of him was like an endless treasure. Just when you thought you knew her, she would give you new insights and break your previous view of her. and positioning.

She is indeed the person who has caught his eye and his heart. She is so special that he likes her so much that he wishes he had a treasure like Pangu Space and hid her inside so that no one can see her.

It's a pity that Luo Luo is the one who has the ability to hide people now. She hasn't wanted to hide him yet. This shows that although she accepts herself, she doesn't love herself as much as she loves her. Ji Jiuchong is happy but also a little heartbroken. .

"Yes, even if this person is not in Daqian Auction House, he is still in Mu Sui City. I just felt Daqian Auction House on the street. The courtyard inside the auction house is blocked by a barrier. It is a very strong barrier. In other places, Although the auction house also has protective measures, they are only high-level defensive formations. "Ji Jiuzhong's decision is never based on guesswork.

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes and said, "If you are so obviously protected, it is very likely that this person is not in Daqian Auction House."

Ji Jiuzhong praised, "You're so smart Luoluo."

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. This was worthy of him praising himself. He continued, "It has nothing to do with where people are. What is important is how we can redeem the unearthed Five Element Beads in the shortest possible time."

 (End of this chapter)

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