The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 357: Big Thousand Exchange (1)

Chapter 357: Big Thousand Exchange (1)

However, he felt warm in his heart. He bought so much food because of her. I've even tasted it, but I didn't expect him to be such a careful person.

Yan Xiangluo took the gift ring and gave Ji Jiuzhong a bright smile, "I haven't eaten for five days, you are so considerate."

Ji Jiuzhong saw her happy look and whispered, "Then can you let me hold her for a little longer in the future?"

"What did you say?" Yan Xiangluo didn't hear what he said clearly, so she turned to look at him and asked.

Ji Jiuzhong coughed slightly and said, "Are you going to follow me or wait in the room?"

Yan Xiangluo retracted her gaze and looked at the various foods in the storage ring, "Of course I will go with you. If there is any danger, I can take you in immediately."

Ji Jiuzhong immediately picked her up after hearing this, and held her tightly, as if he was afraid that she would enter the space immediately.

Seeing his gentle eyes that could make water drop on her face, Yan Xiangluo's face turned red again.

 “I’m going in, otherwise time would be really short.” After saying this, he entered the space.

The corners of Ji Jiuzhong's mouth curved wider and wider, Luoluo had begun to care about his thoughts, well, the relationship was one step closer.

He put an invisibility pattern on himself, left the inn, and only removed the invisibility pattern when he was near the Daqian Auction House.

Even a Xuan Wen master is not willing to waste Xuan Wen like him. After all, it is not easy to carve a Xuan Wen, and not everyone can care less about the mental energy consumed.

There were not many people on the street. Ji Jiuzhong came to the door of Daqian Auction House and stood there.

 Daqian Auction House’s door is closed except for auctions, but there is a courtyard nearby to receive customers who have things to auction.

However, the door was closed at this time. After all, the curfew was about to begin at the end of Youshi, and almost no one came at this time.

Ji Jiuzhong knocked on the door, and soon a voice came from inside, "Who is it? There's a curfew. If you have anything to do, come tomorrow."

Ji Jiuchong knocked on the door again without responding, indicating that he had something to do today.

The people inside had no choice but to open the door, mainly because the young master had ordered that all Daqian Auction Houses, no matter which continent they were in, would receive guests at any time before they got the god-level baby pill.

The door opened, and a man who looked to be in his twenties frowned when he saw Ji Jiuzhong. Although he was unhappy in his heart, it was not obvious on his face.

 “Sir, what’s the matter with you?”

Ji Jiuzhong didn't say anything, and only mouthed three words, "Birth-birth pill."

The man was stunned for a moment, then looked at him and his expression changed. He made a gesture of invitation with a great attitude, "Master, please come in."

After Ji Jiuzhong walked in, the man immediately invited people to sit down in the main room. After serving tea, he asked, "Do you have a god-level baby pill in your hand?"

The man was very excited. If the god-level baby pill that can be exchanged for earth-type five-element beads appeared here in their Mu Sui City, he must have meritorious service in the eyes of the young master. He could be mentioned again, even if he was the general manager possible.

Ji Jiujiang nodded and said, "Let the person who tells the truth come and talk to me."

 The man was stunned for a moment, "Can I take a look at the elixir first?"

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at him sharply, "What do you think?"

The man said sarcastically, "Master, wait a minute." He knew very well how someone could show such an important elixir to him at will, and he immediately trotted towards the side door.

As he was about to go out, Ji Jiuzhong said again, "Let Daqian's master or young master come and talk to me."

The man's feet suddenly froze when he stepped out, "My master is in the interior and rarely goes out. The young master also has to visit various places, so he may not come to Musui City at any time."

Although he said this, he was shocked in his heart. The young master is indeed here, and he has been there since the auction ended, but he did not tell the outside world. Except for a few of them, not even the other people in Daqian knew that the young master was there. , how did this person know that the young master was there?

 Is he deceiving himself?

Ji Jiuzhong raised the corners of his lips in an evil manner and said with certainty, "Young Master Daqian is here."

The man's heart sank, how could he be so sure, but his reaction was still very quick, "I don't even know that our young master is here, how did the young master know about it? This information is really well-informed, I will ask the chief steward for instructions, young master, wait a moment. "

Now he doesn't dare to say more, for fear that his words will reveal some information.

Seeing him leave, Ji Jiuzhong picked up the tea cup and drank tea leisurely.

Yan Xiangluo was in the space picking up the various foods Ji Jiuzhong bought for her and looking at them while eating. Seeing that man walking away, he curled his lips and said, "You are too young to fight with Ji Jiuchong. He was the one who defeated the entire Tianshun Empire's royal family and hundreds of officials."

The man quickly ran to the backyard and broke into the steward's room. The steward was about to fall asleep and was startled by him.

 “What are you doing? Why are you so unruly?”

The man's heart was beating like thunder as he said, "There is a young man who says he has a god-level baby pill. He is sitting in front of him."

 The steward almost fell off the bed when he heard this, "Are you sure?"

The man said, "I didn't see it either, and they didn't show it to me, but this man is very calm, as if everything is under his control."

"Let's go to the front." The steward quickly got out of bed and put on the clothes he had just taken off. He was so anxious and excited that he couldn't fasten his clothes.

 The man tied it on for him.

“Steward, the young master said that he only saw the master and the young master, and he was quite sure that the young master was here.” The man quickly grabbed the steward who was about to run out after getting dressed.

When the steward heard this, he stopped and said, "Did you let the truth slip?"

The man shook his head like a rattle, "No, I told you that the young master will visit various places. It is not certain when he will come to Musui City, but the young master definitely said that Young Master Daqian is here."

The steward heard that this person was a bit unusual.

"I'll go and talk to the young master." The steward knew that he couldn't make the decision.

Although he is still not sure whether the visitor really has a god-level baby pill, he does not dare to neglect him at this time. What if he really does have it? If he delays the young master's affairs, let alone his position, his life may be There is no way to save it.

 The steward came to the courtyard where Young Master Daqian lived.

 Young Master Daqian has not rested and has been practicing. He will also participate in the continental competition.

The steward interrupted his practice, and he didn't know that the steward must have something important to do, otherwise he wouldn't have dared to interrupt his practice even if he had the guts to do so.

The most important thing for Daqian Auction House now is the god-level baby pill. Could it be that there is news from the Southern Continent?

Young Master Daqian came out of the room, and the steward immediately said, "Young Master, there is a young master who said that he has a god-level baby pill and is waiting in the front room. He only saw the master and the young master, and he was very sure that the young master was here. What will Young Master do if he sees this?"

 (End of this chapter)

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