The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 358: Big Thousand Exchange (2)

Young Master Daqian was stunned. He came to the door so accurately and knew that he was in Dusui City. How could it be possible?

The news about the earth-type five-element beads has been announced in front of everyone. Daqian has made it clear that the earth-type five-element beads will be placed in the Daqian family in the southern continent. Why would anyone come to Musui City to exchange for the earth-type five-element beads?

With his great strength, is it impossible to conceal the whereabouts of the earth-type five-element beads? How did his whereabouts get leaked? Is there a spy inside Daqian?

How could the Daqian family have existed for so many years without any means? The people who can be trusted are all those who have made a soul oath. The more Young Master Daqian thinks about it, the more something is wrong. In any case, it is certain that this person is not simple.

 “What kind of person is he?” Young Master Daqian asked.

The steward immediately called the man who received Ji Jiuzhong, and the man told Young Master Daqian in detail Ji Jiuzhong's appearance and dress, as well as what they said between them.

Young Master Daqian was silent for a moment after hearing this, but decided to go and have a look. What he wanted was a god-level birth pill. As for the identity of the person who came, it didn't matter how he knew he was here. As long as he really had a god-level birth pill. Ying Dan can solve Daqian's crisis.

Young Master Daqian came to the front yard and looked towards the main room as he walked. Looking inside from the door of the main room, he could just see Ji Jiuzhong sitting on a chair and drinking tea calmly.

Young Master Daqian narrowed his eyes. Although the aura of Xuanwen was not heavy, just a trace, he still felt the aura of Xuanwen. After all, he was also a saint-level practitioner.

However, with his Saint-level cultivation, he could only detect a trace of the mysterious pattern of aura, and his level was not that high.

This is because the mysterious pattern is continuous. He cannot sense the mysterious pattern that the opponent uses, which disappears immediately if it takes effect. This shows how high the level of the mysterious pattern used by the opponent is.

 Could the other party be a Xuan Wen master? It was unlikely. Although the other party used Xuan Wen, he could still tell that he was young. He was only in his early twenties at most.

 But he has already reached the fifth level of cultivation at the sect level, and his cultivation talent is not low. A person's experience is limited. He has such cultivation at this age. It can be seen that ordinary energy is spent on cultivation, and even the level of Xuanwen Master cannot be very high.

A flash of light flashed across Young Master Daqian's eyes. This person had hidden his identity. His face was fake, but he was very cautious.

Although Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation level is not as good as that of Young Master Daqian, he has strong mental strength. He sensed someone coming, turned around and saw a man wearing a gorgeous brocade robe walking towards him with his hands behind his back. It was the auction that day in Sifang City. Young Master Daqian whom I met at the meeting.

Ji Jiuzhong stood up when Daqian's master arrived. He still had to abide by the simplest guest etiquette.

Young Master Daqian stepped over the threshold and walked in. Their eyes met, and they were in a stalemate refusing to admit defeat. After a moment, Young Master Daqian smiled and said, "Young master, you are so courageous. Please sit down."

After saying this, he walked to the master's seat and sat down. He was the master, and he knew very well about the principle of when enough is enough.

“Young Master Daqian is indeed well-deserved.” Ji Jiuzhong also praised him in a lively manner, and then sat down again.

Young Master Daqian said straight to the point, "Since the young master is here in disguise, I guess he doesn't want to reveal his identity. I won't ask the young master for his surname. I need to confirm the elixir first. What method do you think can make you feel at ease?"

 Before you take out the earth-type five-element beads, you need to check the other person’s god-level elixir, and you must make sure that the other person has a safe way to approve it.

Ji Jiuzhong was not surprised that Young Master Daqian saw that he had used the Xuanwen Pattern, but he actually admired his frank style of getting straight to the point. Without any delay, he directly took out the medicine bottle containing the god-level baby pill, opened it, poured out the pill inside, and held it in the palm of his hand, "Young Master Daqian, you can confirm it with your own eyes."

Young Master Daqian didn’t expect Ji Jiuzhong to take out the elixir so happily. Aren’t he worried about being robbed?

This is Daqian's territory, and there are many strong people hiding in the dark.

However, although he had many ideas, when he saw the elixir, Young Master Daqian suddenly ran out of ideas.

 Because what Ji Jiuzhong was holding in his palm was indeed the birth elixir that they had worked so hard to obtain, and the lines were indeed unique to god-level elixirs, and they were of the highest quality. This was simply the best result they expected.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Young Master Daqian motionlessly, not missing the subtle changes in expression on his face, and was shocked and surprised.

He calmly held the birth-birth elixir. Young Master Daqian did not confirm that it was true, so he did not pick up the elixir.

After a moment, Young Master Daqian came back to his senses and said, "It is indeed a god-level baby pill, and it is of the highest quality. Master, are you sure you want to change it to the earth-type five-element beads? If you want something else that Daqian has, you can consider it."

The main reason is that the spiritual root of his father, Daqian, the current head of the family, is of the earth element. This earth element five element bead has been used by his father for cultivation, and he would be reluctant to exchange it for it.

This is because I had no choice but to exchange it for a god-level baby pill. If there is any other way, I will never use the earth-type five-element beads.

Because they know that two of the current god-level alchemists in the mainland have both earth and fire spiritual roots. Because they are alchemists with high fire spiritual roots, but the earth spiritual roots are much lower, this is why they came up with the earth spiritual roots after discussion. The main reason why the Five Elements Beads are more attractive to god-level alchemists is that they are more likely to be successfully redeemed.

I don’t know if this young master is a member of two god-level alchemists. If it weren’t for this young master having other desires, he would be happy to see it come to fruition.

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head and put away the elixir, "I only want the five element beads of the earth element."

Young Master Daqian is a little disappointed, but he also knows that since he is here, he must be here for the earth-type five-element beads, and it is impossible to give up the earth-type five-element beads. He said this just to give it a try.

He won't force people if they don't agree, let alone mention it again, as if Daqian Auction House is reluctant to part with the earth-based Five Elements Beads and wants to regret it. No matter how precious the Five Elements Beads are, it's not as important as the reputation of Daqian Auction House.

“The Five Elements Pearl is in the Southern Continent and will be delivered the day after tomorrow at the earliest. How about you stay in Daqian for the past two days?” Young Master Daqian thought about it and said.

Then he added, "Young master, don't worry. I, Daqian, will never do anything treacherous. We, Daqian, will be responsible for your safety in the past two days. If you don't believe me, I, the young master, can make an oath."

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at Young Master Daqian, and said in a leisurely tone, "Young Master Daqian is too cautious. Since I came here instead of going to the Southern Continent, it is because I am sure that the Five Elements Pearl of the Earth Element is here. Get it now.”

Young Master Daqian shrank his eyes after hearing Ji Jiuzhong’s words, and his eyes fell sharply on Ji Jiuzhong.

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