The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 360: Five elements in harmony

Chapter 360 The five elements come together

Ji Jiuzhong gathered his thoughts and let go of his spiritual perception. The rich earth power emanated from the bead. It was determined to be the earth five element bead. Ji Jiuzhong pushed the elixir over generously.

Young Master Daqian saw that he had pushed the pill over first, and he admired his determination and broadmindedness. Although he acted a bit domineering, this man was very generous and made people feel comfortable.

Young Master Daqian immediately pushed the brocade box over, and they both reached out to take back their respective elixirs and five-element beads.

Ji Jiuzhong picked up the Five Elements Bead, and the earth element power suddenly penetrated into his body crazily. It was indeed an excellent treasure for cultivating earth element spiritual roots. Thinking that his own bead also had powerful gold element power, he could Definitely, it is definitely a gold-based five-element bead.

Ji Jiuzhong put the five-element beads into the brocade box, closed the lid and put it away, then stood up and said, "The exchange was successful, I'm leaving."

Young Master Daqian also put away the elixir, got up and sent him out without keeping him. No matter how attentive he is to people he doesn't want to make friends with, they won't pay attention to you. It's better to send him away generously. Anyway, he has got what he wants. .

 In fact, he still admires Ji Jiuzhong's style of doing things. He does what he needs, is decisive and neat, and it is pleasant and comfortable to work with this kind of person.

 It was just the first time that he met someone who did not want to make friends with his young master Daqian, so he was still very curious about Ji Jiuzhong's identity. But he also knew that he couldn't do anything with such a person. The world was so big and capable people emerged in large numbers, and he never underestimated anyone.

 The large Qian family standing behind him would harm the family if they were not careful. He did not dare to take risks. This was also a weakness shared by the heirs of large families. No one dared to risk the family.

"Young Master Daqian, please stay." When he arrived at the door, Ji Jiuzhong said politely, then stepped out and left.

The steward looked at Ji Jiuzhong's back and made a gesture, silently asking Young Master Daqian whether he wanted to send someone to follow him to have a look, or whether he needed to **** the earth element Five Elements Pearl back.

Young Master Daqian looked at Ji Jiuzhong’s back and said, “Don’t do anything, just pretend that no one came tonight and nothing happened.”

Although the steward didn't know the young master's plan, since the young master said this, he knew that the young master did not want to mess with this person.

After the door closed, Young Master Daqian changed his clothes and left Daqian Auction House in a very low-key manner. He used the invisibility pattern and headed to a remote street in Mu Sui City. The person who needs the god-level baby pill is in Dusui City, and has reached the point where he can't leave, otherwise he wouldn't stay here.

This man is a very important figure in Daqian, and is the confidence and security of Daqian today. Otherwise, how could my father be willing to exchange the five-element beads of the earth element for a god-level baby pill.

In fact, in comparison, although the divine infant birth pill is precious, it cannot be compared with the unique earth element five element beads. However, they need it urgently, and they can only use such a big temptation to get the divine infant pill as quickly as possible.

After Ji Jiuzhong left Daqian, he found a relatively hidden alley very close to the tree at the intersection and asked Yan Xiangluo to take him into the space.

As soon as he entered, he saw Yan Xiangluo sitting cross-legged on the edge of the Lingquan Pond, happily eating with a bag of snacks in her arms.

Beside her, there was a cloud squatting next to her, holding snacks in her little paws and eating them with gusto. The vision looked quite harmonious and warm.

Tonight, Yun Tuan will work hard to dig for treasures, but Yu Xiangluo will not let him practice, but let him eat delicious food together.

Ji Jiuzhong walked up to her and handed the brocade box to her, "I got it."

Yan Xiangluo put down the snacks, took the brocade box, opened it, took out the five-element earth bead, and dropped a drop of blood on it. The five-element bead of earth emits a light and disappeared.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his phoenix eyes and asked, "Where are the beads?" Yan Xiangluo couldn't unzip her clothes and let him see. The earth-type five-element beads had already been inlaid on the Pangu flower, but she still had to explain them to Ji Jiuzhong.

"My space is attached to a jade pendant carved into a flower shape. I call it Pangu flower. After the space is opened, the Pangu flower disappears into my body. The Pangu flower has five petals. After I contracted the five elements beads of the earth system, they It was automatically embedded in one of the petals, and now only one petal is empty."

Yan Xiangluo was still wondering, why was there no movement at all in the space after the earth-type five-element beads returned to their positions?

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned. There was such a miraculous thing, Pangu Flower actually submerged into her body.

“Is there still one petal left?” Ji Jiuzhong asked, thinking of her words.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "The only thing left is the five-element gold beads. I have gathered all the five-element beads. I don't know where the five-element gold beads are. They must not be in other low-level continents."

Ji Jiuzhong's mouth twitched. This girl was unlucky. She actually got three five-element beads in a low-level continent like Tianqian. No, she still got one, which is equivalent to her getting it.

 In other words, there are actually four Five Elements Pearls in the Tianqian Continent, and only the Earth Five Elements Pearls are in the higher continent.

 Made him suspect that the Five Elements Pearl seemed to be sent to Yu Xiangluo intentionally by Heaven.

With a thought, he had an extra bead in his hand, "Do you think this is a gold five-element bead?"

Yan Xiangluo looked at the golden beads in Ji Jiuzhong's palm, and her almond-shaped eyes suddenly brightened.

"Oh my god, where did you get it?" Yan Xiangluo said in surprise. This was too unexpected. One moment she was worried that the gold five-element beads would be lost in other lower continents, but the next moment they appeared in front of her eyes.

 Young Master Daqian couldn't possibly give him two Five Element Beads, so it would be the ones he got before.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "I got this in the secret realm of Lingquan. I didn't know it was a five-element bead at the time, but after seeing the earth-element five-element bead at the auction that day, I suspected that it was a gold-element five-element bead. I got it today." I compared the earth-type five-element beads and they feel very similar.”

Ji Jiuzhong didn’t say yes for sure, although he felt it was in his heart.

Yan Xiangluo picked up the gold five-element beads and couldn't believe that she had collected them in such an unexpected way.

“Give it to me?” Yan Xiangluo asked, holding up the beads. Since he took them out, he naturally wanted to give them to her.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and said, "Of course, I've wanted to give it to you for a long time. I thought I'd give it to you after I confirmed it, so as to save you a wasted joy."

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect Ji Jiuzhong to be so willing to give up. The Five Elements Pearl was something that everyone was fighting for, but he actually gave it to her like this.

Furthermore, the combat effectiveness of gold-type spiritual roots is the strongest among the five types. If the big auction house takes out gold-type five-element beads, it will definitely not be so peaceful. The Daqian family in the southern continent may have been robbed countless times.

However, Yan Xiangluo really couldn't refuse this gift, "Then I'm not polite. I really want to know what changes will happen to the space after collecting the Five Elements Beads."

 (End of this chapter)

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