The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 361: need comfort

Ji Jiuzhong likes it most when she is not polite to him and signals her to quickly shed blood to identify the master. He also wants to see what changes will happen to Pangu Space after collecting the Five Elements Pearls.

Yan Xiangluo dropped another drop of blood on the gold five-element bead. The light flashed and the gold five-element bead also disappeared.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the space, waiting for the space to change.

A while passed, and the space was quiet, with no movement or change at all.

Yan Xiangluo frowned and said, "Why is there no movement? The Pangu Space was opened because I contracted the Five Elements Pearl of the Fire Element?"

Hearing this, Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes flashed twice, and he let go of his spiritual consciousness to perceive. After a while, he withdrew his spiritual consciousness and said to Yan Xiangluo, "Luoluo, can you feel if there is any change in the aura in the space?"

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo immediately let go of her spiritual consciousness to sense the aura in the space. Only after this perception did she know why there was no movement in the space after the Five Elements Beads were gathered together. It turned out that changes in the aura could not be detected without perception.

The original aura only had the aura of Pangu, and the aura was particularly pure. Although it was due to the space opened by the five-element beads of the fire element, there was no fire power in it. Later, after getting the water and wood five element beads, her aura remained unchanged. The power of water and wood needed to be used by herself.

 But after collecting the Five Elements Beads today, I suddenly have the power of the five elements in my aura.

 In this case, people with five spiritual roots like her and Ji Jiuzhong would get twice the result with half the effort by practicing in space.

 The absorbed spiritual energy can evenly maintain the balance of the five elements of power in the body, so that the cultivation level will increase in a balanced manner.

Although Yan Xiangluo's five powers will grow according to which power he absorbs due to his special spiritual roots, Ji Jiuzhong is not the same. Although she didn't know how Ji Jiuzhong achieved balanced growth in cultivation, she was still sure of this.

Ji Jiuzhong was also shocked by the power of Yan Xiangluo's space.

“You should practice in space when you have time in the future. This way your cultivation level will improve faster.” Yan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiuzhong.

 He gave her the gold five-element beads. Isn't it right to let her practice in space?

The aura with the aura of Pangu and the power of the Five Elements, coupled with the palace experience magic weapon, and Ji Jiuzhong's super training talent, it is difficult to advance slowly.

 Besides, Ji Jiuzhong is hers, and it is necessary to treat her own people well.

Yan Xiangluo didn't realize it. She instinctively classified Ji Jiuzhong as hers. She no longer looked cold in front of Ji Jiuzhong, but showed her true temperament.

Even she herself doesn’t know her true temperament.

"Okay, it seems I can't live without Luoluo from now on." Ji Jiuzhong responded with a smile, making a pun.

How come the smart Yan Xiangluo couldn't understand the meaning of his words? She didn't answer his words and asked, "How are you injured?"

Ji Jiuzhong frowned when he mentioned injuries, "It's very uncomfortable. He is a saint-level practitioner, and all my internal organs are injured."

Upon hearing this, Yan Xiangluo quickly felt his pulse. Sure enough, all the internal organs were seriously injured. She immediately said angrily, "Then you are still talking nonsense with me here and you don't want to heal the injury quickly."

 When he said this, he took out a repair pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

Yan Xiangluo saw that Ji Jiuzhong looked fine and thought he was only slightly injured. Otherwise, he would have given him pills first.

Ji Jiuzhong opened his mouth and ate the elixir. While eating, he said, "I need comfort." Yan Xiang was speechless. Is this person acting coquettishly?

"How to comfort him?" But seeing that he was injured because he was trying to exchange the Five Elements Beads for herself, Yan Xiangluo's tone was much gentler.

 “Hug me for a while.” Ji Jiuzhong opened his arms.

Yu Xiangluo rolled her eyes in her heart, is this considered comfort?

 But he still took the initiative to throw himself into his arms, put his arms around his waist, pressed his face against his chest, and hugged him tightly.

Ji Jiuzhong was stunned. He didn't expect that Yan Xiangluo would be so easy to talk to. He was caught off guard by the benefits he had.

He quickly retracted his arms and hugged her carefully, feeling as if he was holding some kind of treasure in the world.

In his heart, Yan Xiangluo is not the only treasure in the world, an irreplaceable treasure.

Yan Xiangluo lay in his arms and smiled when she heard his heartbeat speeding up unconsciously. It turned out that he was so nervous too!

After a while, Yan Xiangluo's soft voice came, "Are you feeling comfortable?"

Ji Jiuzhong finally came back to his senses and said in a muffled voice, "I still need to be comforted for a while."

Yan Xiangluo twitched the corner of her mouth, broke away from his arms, and rolled her eyes at him, "Have you forgotten that there are things to do tonight and you will leave Musui City tomorrow morning?"

Ji Jiuchong touched his nose and said, "No delay."

Yan Xiangluo ignored him, and Ji Jiuzhong explained, "The curfew has just begun, and the patrolling guards are more diligent. Let's go back later, and the patrolling guards will not be so careful at that time."

Yan Xiangluo sat on the edge of the Lingquan Pond. She picked up the snacks and continued eating. She patted the place next to her and said, "Sit down and eat together. It's still early at midnight. Let's rest for a while."

Ji Jiuzhong suffered internal injuries. Although her injuries were healed by the elixir, she needed to rest and adjust.

Ji Jiuzhong sat down next to her obediently, right next to her. Although Yan Xiangluo was helpless, she did not refuse.

Ji Jiuchong immediately happily ate some snacks with Yan Xiangluo.

Normally, he rarely eats these things. In the past, he always felt that his time was limited and would not waste time on eating. Except when he had to eat when his cultivation level was low at the beginning, and later when he could not eat, he could not eat more than a few meals a year. meal.

The two of them were eating in a good mood. Young Master Daqian was standing in front of an old man at this time. The old man's face was gloomy and his breath was unstable. At a quick glance, he thought that his life span was over and he would die in the next moment. .

“Third Grandpa, this is a perfect god-level baby pill.” Young Master Daqian handed over the medicine bottle respectfully.

Hearing this, the old man's eyes suddenly became brighter. He took the medicine bottle, opened it and poured out the god-level baby pill inside. His eyes suddenly shrank.

“Is this made by that old guy?”

Young Master Daqian shook his head and said, "I don't know. The person who came here is very cautious. He is a very young man, only in his early twenties. He used the face-changing mysterious pattern to cover up his original appearance, but his temperament and talent are excellent. Yes, my grandson can’t compare to him, he is already at the fifth level of the clan level.”

After finishing his words, he added, "He is very sure that his grandson is in Musui City, and he is also sure that the five-element beads of the earth system are here. His grandson has not been able to detect the depth of the other party."

  The old man was not in a hurry to take the birth elixir. Looking at the elixir in his hand, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and he said in a regretful tone, "It seems that there is a hidden alchemy master in the mainland."

Young Master Daqian was stunned and then asked, "Third Grandpa, are you saying that this baby pill was not made by those god-level alchemists?"

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