The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 362: elixir effect

Chapter 362 Effects of elixirs

The old man nodded, "Let me tell you, they can't refine such a god-level elixir, and the family can't cultivate such outstanding descendants. It's a pity that they have no intention of being friends with us."

What Young Master Daqian still doesn't understand now is that he missed the opportunity to interact with the family of a generation of alchemy masters, but he also knows that even if he fights for this opportunity, he won't get it. Since they don't use their real appearance, I just don’t want to reveal my identity.

  He had some regrets about not being able to be friends with each other before, but now he feels even more regretful. Although I know in my heart that even if we work hard, we will not be able to meet each other, but if we don’t work hard, we will always feel that there is a chance.

“Third Grandpa, my grandfather, father and uncle are all worried about your old age. Now that the baby pill is available, Third Grandpa should take it quickly. I have arranged for someone to protect the law. Third Grandpa can rest assured that you will recover.”

The most important thing now is the injury of Third Grandpa. Third Grandpa's cultivation level is the highest and strongest in the Daqian family. It can be said that he is like Daqian's Dinghai Shenzhen. Originally, the cultivation level could be further improved, but unfortunately, Yuan Ying was injured and almost died due to a conspiracy. Now they just hope that he can recover as before, and they don't dare to think about going further.

 After all, this failure has damaged the foundation of Third Grandpa, and being able to maintain his original cultivation level is considered the best result.

The old man nodded and said, "It's time for me to go back. I have to settle the accounts myself."

As soon as he finished speaking, he threw the god-level birth elixir into his mouth, and the elixir melted in his mouth. He had never eaten an elixir that was so easy to digest and absorb, and he was fascinated by the alchemy master's alchemy skills. The new understanding is too strong.

But he was not allowed to think too much. The effect of the elixir went straight to the Nascent Soul in the Dantian. The Nascent Soul, which was about to disappear when it was lying on the lotus platform in the Dantian, moved a little when the effect of the elixir arrived, and then sat down. stand up.

The old man was shocked. He knew the effects of the Baby-Birth Pill, but this was the first time he had heard of it, and it was the first time he had seen such a Baby-Birth Pill with such overbearing effects.

 But the shock was not over yet. Yuanying became energetic at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a few breaths, Yuanying stood up, stood on the lotus platform, and stretched comfortably.

 You were able to heal Nascent Soul so quickly?

  The old man could not believe what he saw inside, because he clearly felt that his Nascent Soul was not only healed, but also in better condition than before when it was not injured.

But it's not over yet. After the Nascent Soul recovered, the spiritual power in the Dantian was also recovering. The Dantian was absorbing the spiritual energy like a motor that absorbs the spiritual energy. Young Master Daqian could clearly feel the crazy influx of spiritual energy around him. The third grandfather’s body was gone.

 He was shocked that he was about to start recovering his cultivation so soon, and then he thought that the spiritual energy was not enough for such an absorption speed.

He quickly took out the high-grade spirit stones and set up a spirit gathering array around Third Grandpa. Then he took out his own spiritual energy treasures and placed them at the center of the array. He was willing to put one in each place. This was the first time he used the spiritual energy treasures so arrogantly. once.

He withdrew from the formation and watched the third grandfather inside the formation absorbing spiritual energy faster and faster.

 No, it’s not enough.

These spiritual treasures were prepared by my father for Third Grandpa, and they were accumulated by me over the years.

 He made a gesture, and a middle-aged man immediately appeared in the darkness, "Young Master."

"Take out all your spiritual energy treasures and compensate you twice as much when you get back." Young Master Daqian said decisively.

He was actually very excited. Absorbing the spiritual energy in this way showed that the third grandfather recovered very quickly. The effect of this elixir was so good. He had to ensure that the spiritual energy was enough for the third grandfather so that the third grandfather could recover to the optimal level. The middle-aged man naturally knew what the young master meant, and immediately took out all his spiritual treasures, and then asked the protectors hidden in the dark to take out their own treasures.

Young Master Daqian kept putting treasures into the spirit gathering array. As soon as the spiritual energy of the treasure at the eye of the array was exhausted, there would immediately be a top.

Seeing that the spiritual energy treasures are about to be used up, the third grandfather’s speed of absorbing spiritual energy has not slowed down at all. What should I do? The spiritual energy treasures are still not enough.

This is why people who have broken through to the **** level are willing to go to Yunshang Palace. Without financial support, it is difficult to advance successfully. These spiritual treasures are not something ordinary families can afford. The spiritual energy in Yunshang Palace is many times richer than outside, so you can advance without spiritual energy treasures.

At this moment, he saw Third Grandpa raise his hand, and a gift ring came towards him. He stretched out his hand to catch it. At first glance, he saw that it was full of spiritual treasures. Apparently, these were accumulated by Third Grandpa himself in order to advance and break through. The spiritual treasure used.

Now he couldn't care about anything else and continued to put spiritual treasures into the spirit gathering array.

Time passed little by little, and for half an hour, Young Master Daqian saw the third grandfather’s head being shrouded in the light of promotion.

He was extremely shocked. The third grandpa was actually going to be promoted. Oh my God, he had thought that it would be the best outcome if the third grandpa could regain all his cultivation strength. He was already prepared for the third grandpa's cultivation to regress. , but it turned out that the third grandfather was going to advance.

 Before he was promoted, he suffered devastating injuries due to a conspiracy. This god-level baby pill not only healed the third grandfather's injuries, but also allowed him to advance smoothly?

He had never dared to think of this situation before. It was simply the biggest surprise in his life.

His heart was beating loudly. Although he was very excited and shocked, Young Master Daqian was still calm and continued to put spiritual treasures into the formation. The aura must not be cut off at this time, otherwise the promotion will fail.

About half a quarter of an hour later, the promotion light was bright, and then they came together from the top of Third Grandpa's head and sank into his body, which meant that he had successfully advanced.

The young master Daqian breathed a sigh of relief and laughed happily when he saw the third grandfather standing up. The aura around him became more than a little stronger.

“Third Grandpa, not only have you recovered from your injuries, but you have also been promoted successfully?” Young Master Daqian asked even though he saw it with his own eyes.

The old man stopped laughing, walked up to Young Master Daqian, patted him on the shoulder, and said in a loving and grateful tone, "Thanks to Xiu Wen, otherwise I really wouldn't have been able to advance successfully this time, and the effect of this elixir would have been wasted. Now, Third Grandpa doesn’t know when he will find another opportunity to make a breakthrough. This alchemist is a veritable master of alchemy, but it’s a pity that he is too low-key.”

 “This is what editing should do.”

Young Master Daqian saw with his own eyes the effect of this god-level baby pill. At this moment, he felt extremely regretful. If he had known that the effect of this pill was so strong, he would have made friends with that young master even if he had risked his face.

It's too late to regret it now. I feel that I didn't underestimate others, but I still did.

 (End of this chapter)

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