The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 363: Dig out the treasure

Chapter 363 Digging out the treasure

 It is true that there are people who are better than others. No wonder his grandfather and father taught him not to look down on anyone. You don’t know what height this person will stand in the future.

“This man is still in the city, do you want to look for him?” Young Master Daqian hesitated and asked.

The old man waved his hands and said, "Don't do anything. Let's not talk about whether we can find the person. Even if we do, so what, they don't want to interact with people like us at all. And this is Mu Sui City, we can't let the Lord of Mu Sui Continent know about us. Here. In the world of writing, there are many people who are indifferent to fame and wealth, and these people are indeed the ones who are most likely to achieve great achievements. "

Young Master Daqian understands that people like them who come from big families have families to rely on after their death, but their families are also their responsibilities and obligations, so it is difficult to pursue the Tao without distraction, which has an impact on their cultivation and realm.

“When I go back to the Southern Continent tomorrow morning, I want to go and meet that old guy in person.” The old man stood with his hands behind his hands, with strong cruelty in his eyes.

That person wanted to completely destroy him, and he would not be polite. The price must be equal to what he suffered.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo dropped the space on Zhe Tian and came to the tree.

 She had released the authority of the space to Ji Jiuzhong before and never took it back again. Therefore, Ji Jiuzhong could clearly see the outside in the space.

  It is now the end of midnight, the entire Dusui City is quiet, there are no lights, the streets are dark, and the trees under the lush trees are even darker because of the canopy of the trees.

Covering the sky was entangled on the branches, and the fragrant fragrance put the cloud group out. The cloud group found the accurate location and came the channel with the Xiangxiang Luo. "Master, about eleven meters deep."

Yan Xiangluo frowned and said: "Yun Tuan said it is about eleven meters deep. With such a depth, even if Yun Tuan excavates very little soil, the soil dug out will become a big mound after eleven meters. If you want to It’s impossible not to alarm people.”

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "Has Luoluo forgotten where you are now?"

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, and then thought that she was in space, and she could collect the soil dug out from the clouds into space.

 She immediately let Zhe Tian go down a little so that it would be easier for her to collect the soil.

After Yun Tuan received Yan Xiangluo’s order, he couldn’t wait to start digging for treasures. This was what he wanted to do the most.

Hence, Yun Tuan's little claws began to dig quickly. In the blink of an eye, Yun Tuan's figure disappeared, and flying soil continued to come out of the hole the size of a bowl.

After a while, there was a pile of soil at the entrance of the cave. Ruan Xiangluo quickly collected the soil into the space. As time went by, a large pile of bulldozed soil had been piled up beside Ruan Xiangluo, and the fresh smell of earth was getting stronger and stronger. The richer the spiritual energy, the closer it is to a spiritual energy treasure.

Until the earth stopped coming out of the cave entrance, Yan Xiangluo knew that Yun Tuan must have found a treasure.

Sure enough, the voice of the clouds came to mind in his mind, "Master, let Zhe Tian come down and get the treasure out."

Yan Xiangluo immediately asked Zhe Tian to stretch out a vine and go down to get the treasure.

Zhe Tian had been prepared for a long time. Although his elder brother Yun Tuan was very good at hunting for treasures, he was different if he could not pick up the treasures. There was no treasure that he could not pick up. Therefore, after hearing what Yu Xiangluo said, he immediately A vine came out and stretched out like a hole.

Eleven meters deep, its vines are spreading rapidly.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at the vines that covered the sky stretching downwards. Ji Jiuzhong focused on letting go of his consciousness and checking the surrounding situation. If anyone came, he could find it in time.

 Fortunately, it was too dark at night, so a hole as big as a bowl would not attract anyone's attention, and the vines covering the sky could hide it very well.

“Wow, it’s indeed a treasure.” The sky-shattering exclamation sounded in Yan Xiangluo’s consciousness.

After hearing this, Yan Xiangluo was somewhat looking forward to what kind of treasure it was that made Zhe Tiandu utter such an exclamation of exclamation. Then she saw the vines covering the sky pulling out, trying to bring out the treasure.

Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes suddenly flashed, and she felt a little excited. Although this was not the first time she dug for treasure, the treasures she dug out every time were unusual.

When the vines covering the sky were completely pulled out, before Yan Xiangluo could see clearly what the treasure was, she heard Ji Jiuzhong's voice.

“Luoluo, quickly bring the treasure in.”

Yan Xiangluo moved faster than his mind. As soon as Ji Jiuzhong finished speaking, Yan Xiangluo took the thing rolled up by the sky-covering vine into the space.

At this moment, I realized that the aura outside suddenly became rich. The treasure only appeared for a moment, but such a strong aura was emitted. It was indeed a treasure.

"Let the clouds not come out first and bury the soil back." Ji Jiuzhong said again.

Because the treasure is down there, the spiritual energy in the soil is very strong over the years, otherwise the tree would not have grown so lush.

At this time, the entrance of the cave was dug, and the spiritual energy spread out from the inside. If it goes on like this for a while, it will alarm those cultivators nearby.

Yan Xiangluo immediately communicated with Yun Tuan and asked Yun Tuan to fill all the soil back.

Yun Tuan has dug out so many treasures, and this is the first time he wants to fill in the excavated soil. Although he is not willing, he knows that the master is for safety, so he accepts his fate and fills back the soil he released.

The master and the pet cooperated very well. When Yan Xiangluo threw some soil, Yun Tuan kicked it down, but there was still a small pile of soil and the entrance of the hole was leveled.

Yan Xiangluo understands that the soil dug out is solid, and the soil filled back is imaginary, and it will definitely not be filled back.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Let Zhetian use vines to loosen the soil. The soil must be compacted. At least there won't be any problems before we leave."

Yan Xiangluo thought about it. The entrance of the cave seemed flat now, but if it sinks, it will sink for a while, and it will be easy for people to find out that there is something wrong here.

This is Musui City. If the lord of Musui Continent is alerted, it may not be that easy for them to leave Musui City. After all, this is their territory and their power is here.

Yan Xiangluo immediately communicated with Zhe Tian. Fortunately, Zhe Tian and Yun Tuan cooperated extremely well.

Zhe Tian drilled down the vines and consolidated the loose soil, and the clouds filled in the soil thrown out by Yan Xiangluo. They did not stop until the mounds of soil beside Yuan Xiangluo disappeared.

Yan Xiangluo didn't let Ji Jiuzhong leave the space. She went out by herself. Because she had the invisibility pattern, she didn't worry about being seen.

Needless to say, the clouds and sky covered the sky automatically returned to space.

Yan Xiangluo cleaned up all the fresh soil at the entrance of the cave, and then trampled the entrance of the cave firmly with her feet. She did not stop until she could no longer see that the place was passive.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo stopped and was about to go back to the inn, Ji Jiuzhong's voice came to her ears, "Luoluo, someone is coming. Leave quickly and go to the alley on the right."

 (End of this chapter)

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