The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 365: What a coincidence

Yan Xiangluo immediately came out of the space and left quickly using the invisibility pattern.

Going around the alley to the door of the inn, Yan Xiangluo looked at the closed door of the inn and slapped her forehead, forgetting that the door of the inn was also closed after the curfew.

Looking up at the ajar window in the room, he was speechless. He was thoughtful. The window was left open for her to climb in.

 But she couldn't climb in directly, as it would easily disturb the guests in the next room.

This doesn't bother Yan Xiangluo. Although her spiritual pets are not war pets, they are of great use.

“Zhe Tian, ​​come out and take us back to the room.” Yan Xiangluo communicated with Zhe Tiantong.

Covering the sky, the fragrant fragrance dropped the space on its vine, and the sky was very fast to climb from Ji Jiuzhong's specially covered window.

Yan Xiangluo came out of the space again and brought Ji Jiuzhong out with him.

“I’m going back to space first.” Yan Xiangluo sent a message to Ji Jiuzhong.

Even though they are in their own room, the aura of the extra person can still be easily detected. Besides, it is not convenient for two people to be in the same room.

Ji Jiudian nodded and said, "Go back and rest for a while. We will leave after breakfast tomorrow morning."

He found the Luoluo Pangu Space very interesting. It was actually the same as the outside, with day and night. Not only that, there are four seasons, and there is no shortage of wind, rain, thunder and snow, just like a real small world.

Yan Xiangluo returned to the space and washed herself, then lay down on her bed and fell asleep.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't take any rest, so he sat cross-legged on the bed and started practicing.

At dawn, there was movement in the inn. When the smell of fireworks came from the kitchen at the back, Ji Jiuzhong quit practicing. When he entered the space, he saw Yu Xiangluo busy in the kitchen.

Such a scene gave Ji Jiuchong a feeling of tranquility. He really wished that time could freeze at this moment, and he even hoped that such scenes could happen more often in the future.

He does not pursue any ideals of immortality. He has lacked love since he was a child, and as long as he can be with Luoluo for the rest of his life, he will be satisfied.

Yan Xiangluo noticed it when Ji Jiuzhong came in. She turned around and saw Ji Jiuzhong looking at her dreamily.

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, "What are you looking at? Come here to eat."

Ji Jiuzhong came back to his senses and walked into the kitchen, "What should I do if I don't see enough?"

"We are together every day, we can see her at any time, how can we not see enough." Yan Xiangluo was speechless. Since this man revealed his feelings to her, he did not hide his thoughts at all, and he could say sweet words at any time.

Had she not seen his cold and ruthless look with her own eyes, she would not have believed that the idiot-looking man in front of her was the regent who was feared by everyone in the Tianshun Empire.

Ji Jiuzhong helped bring the food to the kitchen table, "That's not enough. I want to watch it for the rest of my life. Can Luoluo allow it?"

Yan Xiangluo paused while holding the bowl. She knew that he was asking for an attitude towards her, so she thought for a while and said, "Whether I agree or not depends on your performance."

If she says yes now, their relationship will fade in the future and he will leave. She will be sad and hurt. She wants to completely open her heart to him, but what he has done is not enough.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't expect that he would be able to get her to express her position clearly today. He was already very satisfied with such a word from her, which at least proved that she was taking their relationship and future seriously. "Okay, I will perform well and I won't let Luoluo regret it." Ji Jiuzhong took the opportunity to express his attitude.

Yan Xiangluo sat down and looked at him, then smiled, "I also hope I won't regret it."

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and gave her some food, "Eat. After dinner, the city gate will open, so we'll leave."

The two of them finished breakfast in a warm and sweet atmosphere. Ji Jiuzhong put away the dishes and washed them. He even kept the kitchen clean. These things he had never done before were now easy to do.

Ji Jiuzhong is a very careful person. He discovered that although Yan Xiangluo didn't have any mysophobia, she was very strict with the kitchen and kept it spotless and not greasy at all.

After cleaning up, the two left the space. Ji Jiuzhong naturally picked up Yan Xiangluo, and then she returned to the space.

After confirming that he had the space, Ji Jiuzhong turned and left the guest room, went downstairs, settled the rent, left the inn, and walked toward the city gate.

When he was approaching the city gate, Ji Jiuzhong walked into an alley and entered the space. Ruan Xiangluo and Zhe Tian went out. Ruan Xiangluo put the space on Zhe Tian again, returned to the space, and watched Zhe Tian go towards Go to the city gate. Of course, it is the wall that covers the sky, and the green plants and trees beside the wall block its tracks.

"Master, how about I climb out from the city wall?" Zhe Tian asked as he glanced at the towering city wall.

 This way it can go out on its own without having to look for a carriage or horse to rely on.

Yan Xiangluo asked Ji Jiuzhong, but Ji Jiuzhong refused directly, "Absolutely not. There are barriers and formations on the city wall. Even if Zhetian can get through, he will be discovered."

Just like covering the sky and clouds, although you can enter and leave the formations and barriers trapping soft dumplings at will in Quancheng, the people who put up the barriers will still find out that the barriers have been touched.

After Yan Xiangluo told Zhe Tian, ​​Zhe Tian also remembered that he and his eldest brother Yun Tuan were hunted all over the city in Quan City, and started looking for a carriage to rely on.

Although most of the people who went out of the city went out on foot, some people came in carriages, and here was a very luxurious carriage.

Zhe Tian immediately hid his figure under the carriage, wrapped himself around the axle, and waited to leave the city.

No matter how luxurious the carriage is when it leaves the city, it still needs to be inspected. There are two people sitting in the carriage. When they came out for inspection, they heard the voices of two people. One of them was very familiar to them. Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong looked at each other, not like this. What a coincidence.

That's right, one of them is the young owner of Daqian Auction House. He and Grandpa San left Musui City to go back to the Southern Continent, and they happened to leave the city at this time.

It's just that the people guarding the city gate didn't know Young Master Daqian's third grandfather, and thought that the old man was Young Master Daqian's guard, so they let them leave after checking.

After the carriage left the city, before Zhe Tian could find a chance to leave, the people in the carriage used the teleportation pattern. A white light flashed past the carriage and disappeared. When it reappeared, it had already reached Fengyu Town.

Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong were speechless. Yan Xiangluo shrugged and said, "Did we save a teleportation symbol?"

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "It's not a bad thing if you save it."

Although both of them are Xuanwen masters, they have many Xuanwei teleporters, but they can save one at a time.

Seeing the carriage heading towards Fengyu Pass, Yan Xiangluo quickly said to Zhe Tian, ​​"We can't leave the Dusui Continent now. Let's find a chance to leave the carriage."

Yan Xiangluo felt that if she didn’t tell her, she might just borrow the light to go to the mainland.

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