The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 366: Don’t recognize me anymore

Chapter 366 I don’t know you anymore

Zhetian saw a piece of grass next to him and quickly used the weeds to cover his body and left the carriage.

 The Third Master Daqian in the carriage narrowed his eyes and let go of his spiritual consciousness to see that he was covering the sky very quickly and was already far away.

 Master Daqian didn’t sense anything. Although he was a little confused, he didn’t care and withdrew his consciousness.

Zhetian left quickly and found a remote place where Yanxiangluo could come out. After Yanxiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong came out, Zhetian returned to the space to practice.

Yan Xiangluo and the others went directly to the courtyard where Qi Changhe and his grandson lived.

The sooner they get the Pearl Grass, they can refine the Promotion Pill earlier, and they can also go inland earlier.

In the past few days when Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuchong left, Qi Changhe did not stay in the small courtyard, and took his grandson to the mountains to collect herbs.

There are only two left in the Qi family, their grandfather and grandson. Although the Qi family has inherited the talent for finding medicinal materials, they also need guidance. Now his grandson can only teach him personally.

This is the first time Qi Hao has gone out to collect medicine. While it is novel, he also has an understanding of his family's abilities.

After collecting the Ningzhu grass, Qi Changhe was worried that Yan Xiangluo and the others would not be able to find their grandfather and grandson when they came back, so he stayed in the small courtyard and did not go anywhere. The grandfather and grandson practiced peacefully.

Qi Hao looked forward to the return of Yan Xiangluo every day. Every day except for breakfast and lunch, he would stand in the yard for a while, looking in the direction of the door, expecting that the door would be knocked by Yan Xiangluo the next second.

  After practicing all night last night, Qi Hao was still standing in the yard staring at the gate after dinner in the morning. After a while, just when he thought that Yan Xiangluo and the others would not come back to practice today, there was a knock on the door.

"Xiaohao, open the door." Yu Xiangluo's voice came.

Qi Hao's eyes suddenly lit up and he ran towards the gate, shouting as he ran, "Master, I'm here."

Qi Changhe inside the house also heard Yan Xiangluo's voice. Seeing his grandson happily running towards the door, he suddenly thought about it.

 Revenge is important, but the most important thing is the only root of their family. He made his decision in a split second.

Qi Hao opened the door and was stunned when he saw that the person outside was not Mr. Yu. He was a little at a loss.

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "Why, you don't recognize us if we change our faces?"

Hearing the voice of Yu Xiangluo, Qi Hao breathed a sigh of relief and wondered why Master Yu had changed his face.

At this time, Qi Changhe came to the door and quickly said to the two of them, "You two gentlemen, please come in."

 Actually, he knew before that the appearance of Yan Xiangluo and the others were fake. As soon as he recovered his cultivation, he noticed that they had the aura of mysterious patterns on their bodies. Therefore, it was determined that they had used the Xuanwen Pattern.

Although I don’t know why they used masks, judging from their medical skills and alchemy skills, they should be members of some reclusive family and don’t want to reveal their identity. Or their identity is relatively sensitive and not suitable for exposure.

Qi Changhe is very self-aware and knows what to ask and what not to say.

The two of them walked into the small courtyard. Qi Hao kept looking at them with doubtful eyes. He wondered why Mr. Yu and the others used fake looks. Was the face he saw before also fake? I have to say that Qi Hao is a smart child.

Yan Xiangluo raised her hand and rubbed his head, "That's good. It's only been a few days since he broke through the Yuan level."

Qi Hao felt a little embarrassed when he mentioned his own cultivation level. Although his grandfather said that he advanced quickly, he had also seen how long it took other children in the family to advance to the Yuan level, so he knew that his talent was indeed very good.

But he is not proud, because he knows very well that he awakened his spiritual roots too late. Even if he has good talent, it will take time to catch up with the cultivation of his peers, so he needs to put in more effort.

 “I haven’t worked hard enough.” Qi Hao said with some embarrassment.

He really likes medical skills and alchemy. He would take time out during the day to read the acupuncture point maps that Yan Xiangluo left for him, and start to know Baicao again. For every medicinal material he knew, he had to be familiar with its medicinal properties, growth environment and how to use it. Medication.

 He is preparing to learn alchemy in the future.

Just practicing would consume a lot of time and energy, not to mention that he also wanted to learn medical skills and alchemy, and felt that no matter how much time he calculated, there wouldn't be enough time. I also feel a little guilty for not spending all my time on cultivation, otherwise my cultivation would advance faster.

Yan Xiangluo saw his embarrassed look and said, "Did Xiaohao learn acupoints and herbs while practicing?"

Qi Hao was surprised that Yan Xiangluo understood him so well, and nodded seriously, "Yes, I want to learn medicine and alchemy, so I don't spend all my time practicing."

Yan Xiangluo could see that he felt a little guilty for not spending all his time practicing. After all, he still carries the heavy burden of avenging his blood relatives.

"You don't have to feel guilty, and you can't rush for success in cultivation. You are right to arrange your time like this. If you just practice cultivation, the effect may not be as good as what you have now, but you should focus your main energy on cultivation. You If you want to be a great alchemist, you must first have the ability to protect yourself, otherwise you will only become an alchemy tool for others. "

"I understand." Qi Hao immediately became energetic. He was even happier to be recognized by the most powerful person in his mind, Mr. Yu, than his own grandfather.

 And what Mr. Yu taught him was something that his grandfather had never told him. Every time he talked to Mr. Yu, he seemed to understand some principles of life, as if the world was no longer strange in his eyes, but something he could control.

"That's how I practiced and studied together." Yan Xiangluo didn't say that she practiced together, as well as formations and mysterious patterns. If she did, the child might be hit and feel that his own talent is not good enough.

I am also afraid that he is greedy for more and aims too high. After all, not everyone can be like her and learn everything easily.

 A person's time and energy are limited, and so is his wisdom. If Qi Hao can learn cultivation, medical skills, and alchemy well, he is already a genius.

While talking, the four of them entered the main room. After sitting down, Qi Changhe immediately took out a Qiankun bag and placed it in front of Yuan Xiangluo.

"Mr. Yu, this is the Ningzhu grass that Xiaohao and I picked. We, grandfather and grandson, were lucky. We came across a small patch and picked it all back. Because we didn't know when Young Master Yu would come back, we picked it back with the roots and soil. It won’t lose much of its efficacy if left like this for a few days.”

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up when he heard this. Qi Changhe was very good at doing things. Although he said he was worried about losing the efficacy of the medicine, he actually made many preparations. If he couldn't use up other condensed pearl grass, he could still plant it, which is better than drying it. The dried medicine is more effective and can also cultivate more jellyfish.

At this moment, Yan Xiangluo was a little envious of the Qi family's abilities.

 (End of this chapter)

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