The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 367: Promise to take on a disciple

Chapter 367: Promise to Accept a Disciple

Although she has Zhetian, and Zhetian is also a little expert in finding medicinal materials, Zhetian does not have the skills of their grandfather and grandson. Today, she can only find rare medicinal materials with good quality and long life around her location, but she does not want to find any medicinal materials. You can find any medicinal materials.

Ji Jiuchong is also planning something in his mind. Qi Changhe should not only be able to find medicinal materials, but also be very capable in planting them. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have thought of picking the jellyfish root and soil together.

 He really wants to take advantage of such a talent.

 In addition, he could see that Luoluo really liked the child Qi Hao, otherwise she would not have cared about the child so carefully.

Yan Xiangluo glanced into the Qiankun bag and paused. Was he sure he encountered a small piece?

 This small piece is not small.

"I don't need so many, just a few plants are enough." Yan Xiangluo said.

Although she did not have any Condensed Pearl Grass, she was not greedy enough to ask for so much Condensed Pearl Grass.

Qi Changhe immediately explained, "This is the wish of our grandfather and grandson. Although it is not as good as Young Master Yu's kindness to us, it is at least what we can do. Young Master Yu, just accept it."

He did not say that Yan Xiangluo was an alchemist and would use these medicinal materials in the future. Instead, he attributed the reason to their grandfather and grandson wanting to repay their kindness.

Ji Jiuchong narrowed his eyes. This Qi Changhe is indeed very good at talking and doing things. If he teaches Qi Hao, who is already smart, he will not be wrong when Qi Hao grows up.

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo was no longer polite, "Okay, I'll accept them all."

Qi Changhe felt relieved when he saw Young Master Yu accept the offer. He glanced at his grandson and said, "Master Yu, I have been thinking about something these past few days and have never made up my mind. But just now I saw Xiao Hao running away happily. When I went to open the door, I realized what was most important in my heart. Therefore, I wanted to ask Xiaohao if Xiaohao had the opportunity to stay with Young Master Yu. I, Qi Changhe, am willing to work for Young Master Yu. Our grandson and grandson Both of them can make a soul oath that they will never betray Young Master Yu."

Neither Yan Xiangluo nor Ji Jiuzhong expected that Qi Changhe would make such a decision and temporarily give up revenge for his grandson Qi Hao.

 Because before, Qi Hao could refuse to follow Yu Xiangluo because Qi Changhe arranged for him to go out for revenge alone.

Yan Xiangluo did not answer him immediately. She did like Qi Hao very much, but now she has no fixed place and has not found her parents and master. Now she doesn't know where she will settle in the future, and she cannot bring them together. Take two with you.

Ji Jiuzhong knew what she was struggling with and asked for Yu Xiangluo, "Qi Hao, do you want to stay with Master Yu?"

Ji Jiuzhong didn't wait for Qi Hao's answer and added, "Don't answer me in a hurry. I want to tell you that we are in big trouble, and the road we have to go is not so smooth. It is very likely that we will encounter more difficulties than you have encountered before." It’s even more dangerous, so are you still willing to follow him?”

Qi Hao thought for a moment after hearing this, and then solemnly said, "I do."

As long as his grandfather follows him and does not seek revenge alone and die alone, he is very willing to follow the young master. Even if his life is still in danger, he has experienced the tragedy of his family being wiped out. He knows very well that they are both in danger wherever they are. Then even if he could not escape the fate of death by following Mr. Yu, he would not regret it.

 At least he worked hard to learn skills for survival. If this still doesn't allow him to wait until he grows up and has the strength to take revenge, he will accept his fate.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at Qi Changhe after hearing this, "If you and your grandson are still willing to follow me, I promise to accept Qi Hao on behalf of Young Master Yu. As long as he can meet Young Master Yu's requirements, Young Master Yu will accept him as his disciple." Qi Changhe was so surprised that he immediately stood up and pulled Qi Hao and said, "Why don't you kowtow to me?"

He knew very well that although Ji Jiuzhong said that he would only accept a disciple if his grandson met Master Yu's requirements, he had actually agreed to accept him as a disciple. After all, he has clearly seen his grandson's talent in alchemy and medicine these days. If his grandson's talent could not catch his eye, he would not make such a promise.

  Previously, he thought that his grandson would be very lucky if he could be a medicine boy next to Young Master Yu. Now that he can become Master Yu's teacher, this is simply great luck. The grandson can be considered protected.

Qi Hao was also surprised, more of a surprise, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Ji Jiuzhong and knew that he must have some agenda for doing this. In addition, she really liked Qi Hao, so she accepted his behavior and had to kowtow when she officially became a disciple. She accepted it now It’s nothing.

After Qi Hao stood up, Ji Jiuzhong said again, "The two of us still have things to do. We are going to the inner continent tomorrow. I can't take you two away with me this time."

Qi Changhe immediately said, "You can give us the address, and we, my grandfather and my grandson, can go there by ourselves."

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "No need to bother, just wait here. Our people will come soon. They will deal with your Qi family's property according to my requirements, and then take you to us."

Hearing this, Qi Changhe didn’t say anything more and agreed.

Since people have arrangements, they and their grandfather and grandson can just follow the arrangements. Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and don't do what you shouldn't do. He knows this very well.

Although Qi Hao is a little disappointed that he can't leave with Young Master Yu now, he is still very happy thinking that he will be able to see Young Master Yu soon and study medicine and alchemy with him.

The two of them still live in the same yard as before. Yan Xiangluo brought Qi Hao over. She wanted to refine the promotion elixir and asked Qi Hao to watch. Although he can't refine the elixir yet, he can take a look and accumulate some experience. , when he really starts to learn alchemy, he won't panic.

This was Qi Hao's first time to see an alchemist making elixirs with his own eyes, but he also remembered his grandfather's instructions and stood quietly aside. Even if he had questions in his heart, he did not say anything. The process of alchemy could not be disturbed.

However, he soon opened his mouth in surprise. He had always thought that refining alchemy was difficult and the process of refining elixir was very long. Why was it so easy for Mr. Yu to make elixir? It was just like playing. He could refine the elixir in a quarter of an hour. alright?

Yan Xiangluo refined three advancement pills in one go, one for each of the three white eagles. She put away the pills and looked at Qi Hao.

 “What do you think of Xiaohao?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Qi Hao pursed his lower lip and said, "I have always thought that alchemy is very difficult, but when I saw Young Master Yu making alchemy, I thought it was very simple. However, I don't think all alchemists have Master Yu's ability. Young Master Yu's talent in alchemy should be extremely high. That kind of thing.”

Yan Xiangluo smiled and praised, "I'm in a good mood."

 (End of this chapter)

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