The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 368: how to leave

Chapter 368 How to leave

 After watching her make alchemy, she was able to rationally analyze that not all alchemists are as good as her. This shows that Qi Hao is a very determined person.

"If you can have such a state of mind, it will be of great help to you whether you are practicing cultivation or studying medicine and refining alchemy. You must know that whether you are cultivating, studying medicine, or refining elixir, it is a boring and long matter. In this process, you When you are always tired and confident, you will encounter many difficulties. If some temptations appear at this time, it will be difficult for you to control it, so you will go down the wrong path and it will be difficult to turn back. "

Since he is ready to accept a disciple, Yan Xiangluo naturally plans to teach him well. No matter how talented Qi Hao is, he is still a child now, and it is time to establish his outlook on life.

Even adults in a world where the strong are respected find it difficult to withstand some temptations. She can allow her apprentices to have bad talents, but she will never allow them to have bad conduct.

After hearing what she said, Qi Hao nodded solemnly, "I will keep my heart and will never go astray."

  His grandfather also told him these words, and his relatives said that he didn't feel bad about it, but when these words came from his future master's mouth, Qi Hao suddenly felt serious.

When grandpa told him before, he felt that it was absolutely impossible for him to go on an evil path. Those were the people he despised the most. But after listening to Yu Xiangluo's words today, he understood that a monk who takes the evil path may not necessarily do so willingly. There should be many external factors that cannot be solved that make him choose to take shortcuts.

Then he must stick to his true heart and stand the test no matter what difficulties or temptations he encounters. If he wants to become a person like Mr. Yu, he must not disgrace his master.

Master Yu has to use a mask to travel, which shows that the things he encounters are not simple. So he can still maintain his kindness and lend a helping hand to his grandfather and grandson. He, the person being helped, cannot go on that road. road.

 Point, point, point, point as far as it will go. If you say too much, it will lose its meaning. Yan Xiangluo didn't say anything more and asked Qi Hao to go back.

Now that the advancement pill has been refined, it’s time to set the three white eagles free.

With a thought, Yan Xiangluo released the three white eagles from the space.

The three white eagles who were desperately absorbing spiritual energy and cultivating in the space suddenly changed places. They were all stunned when they saw Yan Xiang lagging behind and realized that she had refined the promotion pill.

Although they are reluctant to part with the rich spiritual energy in Yan Xiangluo's personal space and the treasured place for cultivation, they are more eager for freedom.

As long as they have promotion pills, they can break through the limitations of spiritual beasts' cultivation, and their future achievements in cultivation will be higher. Among spiritual beasts, their danger is almost zero. They can protect themselves even against strong human beings. Therefore, the three of them have no intention of staying in Pangu space, nor do they want to follow Yuan Xiangluo.

However, they were still shocked when they saw the promotion elixir refined by Yan Xiangluo. Although they were spiritual beasts, they knew the pattern on it was what the human race called a perfect quality elixir.

They were so excited about the perfect quality promotion pill. They didn't expect that this was a deal with the human race, and they could actually gain so much. With this promotion pill, they didn't have to worry about problems during promotion.

Although Yan Xiangluo was able to refine god-level elixirs, she did not refine the god-level elixirs for the three white eagles, but the seventh-grade perfect quality elixirs. This level of elixirs was enough for them to advance. She didn't want to cause any trouble because of the three pills.

Although seventh-grade elixirs are also very rare, there are still many high-level seventh-grade alchemists in the mainland, and seventh-grade elixirs are not so conspicuous.

 The three white eagles received the promotion pills, thanked Yuan Xiang, fluttered their wings and left. They know very well that compared to what they have done, the value of the Promotion Pill is simply not worth it. Therefore, in their hearts, Yan Xiangluo is the only good human being they recognize.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t know that she had been dealt a good guy card by three spiritual beasts.

As soon as the three white eagles left, the binding oath that Yan Xiangluo made disappeared from her body because she completed the oath.

Yan Xiangluo was not reluctant to leave San Zhi Bai Diao, and asked Ji Jiuchong, "When will we leave?"

Although she has Pangu Space, the checkpoints at the border are much more powerful than the Xuanjing inspections in and out of each city. It's not like they can get through easily by hiding in space.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "We will go to the checkpoint later to look for a chance to leave."

“What kind of opportunity?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

Ji Jiuzhong explained, "In the past few days when I lived here, I went out to check every day. I found out that the level is actually a teleportation array, which is divided into two types. One is for ordinary people to pass the level and check one by one. The teleportation array There must be something like a mysterious mirror in it to prevent anyone from doing anything. The formation has the most powerful mysterious mirror in the entire continent. Any fluctuations in aura will be discovered, and there is no guarantee that it will not be discovered even in space. There is also a strong family that passes through the border. They will not teleport through the border with ordinary people. The people who pass through the border together are their own people. Therefore, they only need to use the mysterious mirror to check before entering, and then enter the teleportation array without the mysterious mirror. Pass."

Ji Jiuzhong said this and Yan Xiangluo understood, "We need to wait for a big family to pass the test alone."

"It can also be said that there are some trustworthy people who will rent a teleportation array to pass the level together. The Peak Territory Pass is too remote, and people from big families may not pass it every day. As long as they rent a teleportation array alone and pass the level, they can do it. "Ji Jiuzhong's meaning is very clear. They will wait today, but they may not be able to leave today.

It doesn’t matter what time she can leave Yan Xiangluo. She feels good if she can leave her. As for whether it is one day earlier or one day later, she is not so entangled.

“Are you very optimistic about Qi Changhe?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Even though she likes Qi Hao very much, she doesn't necessarily want to accept him as her disciple. Ji Jiuzhong made the decision for her today not just because she thinks highly of Qi Hao.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled, "Luoluo is an alchemist, and the medicinal materials he needs must not be in small quantities. After we settle down, I want to build a medicine garden for Luoluo, and I need one person to manage it. Qi Changhe is the perfect person."

Yan Xiangluo knew what he was planning, and sighed in her heart. He thought far enough. No wonder he was so sure of everything he did. He had made a lot of preparations before doing anything, so he was prepared. This word was used by Ji Jiuzhong. Show it vividly.

“Why are you bothering me when I have Pangu Space?”

Yan Xiangluo felt that she existed like a small world in Pangu Space, and growing medicinal materials didn't take much trouble at all.

 (End of this chapter)

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