The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 369: Lend him light

Just like the condensed pearl grass I got today, except for a few plants used to refine the promotion pill, the others are growing very well in the space.

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her and said, "Luoluo, although Pangu Space belongs to you, we can't guarantee what will happen to such a magical existence in the future. We'd better make more plans. Luoluo shouldn't rely too much on Pangu Space. We The only one you can really rely on is yourself.”

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. She was very aware of this idea before, and she had always insisted on not relying on space. But since when had she ignored this idea? It seemed that she had never been to the higher continent, especially recently, and the space had been missing again and again. By bringing them convenience and help, she seems to have allowed herself to rely on the space invisibly.

“You reminded me very timely, I almost forgot my original intention.” Yan Xiangluo said sincerely.

Ji Jiuzhong raised his hand and rubbed Yan Xiangluo's head, "It's very rare for Luo Luo to maintain her original intention amidst such a huge temptation."

He is telling the truth. In his opinion, Pangu Space is a heaven-defying existence. If such an existence were to be known to the world, they would surely rob it crazily and without any bottom line. And Yan Xiangluo worked so hard to practice and learn to improve her strength after getting the space, which shows that she was not dizzy by the space.

 Knowing that the only thing in this world that he can rely on is his actual cultivation and ability, but during this period they have been using space frequently, he is worried that Luoluo will become dependent on space and let down her guard, which is not a good thing for her cultivation and state of mind.

“And the main reason is that Qi Hao is a kind-hearted kid and has the talent to learn medicine and alchemy. After falling into poverty, he can’t do everything himself. Having a disciple who is both worry-free and talented will save a lot of trouble.” Ji Jiuzhong said again.

His agreement on Luoluo’s behalf was not a random thought, but was carefully considered.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Well, I also think it would be a pity to miss out on a good seedling."

 Otherwise she wouldn't have let Ji Jiuzhong make the decision for her.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled and held her hand, "Now that everything is settled, let's go say goodbye to them and their grandson."

The two left Musui City early in the morning and came to Fengyu Town. Because they borrowed the help of Young Master Daqian, they didn't waste any time. They chatted with Qi Changhe and his grandson for a while, and then refined the elixir. Until now. It was only half the morning.

They didn't want to waste time, so they said goodbye to Qi Changhe and his grandson, and headed to Fengyu Pass.

Because they were looking for people who had passed the level alone, they did not enter the space. Instead, they found a place to eat near Fengyu Pass and took this opportunity to find out if there was anyone who had passed the level alone.

At this moment, both Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong saw a familiar person coming out of the business place at Feng Yuguan.

The two looked at each other, and Yan Xiangluo smiled, "It looks like I'm going to borrow his light."

This familiar person is Young Master Daqian. They thought that Young Master Daqian left directly, but to their surprise, he hadn't left yet. It seemed that he was leaving soon.

 With Daqian’s strength and the identities of the two of them, for the sake of safety, they would definitely choose to pack up a separate teleportation array and leave.

Only if you want to charter a teleportation array separately, you need to go to the place where you are doing business and go through the formalities first.

Yan Xiangluo looked at their exquisite and luxurious carriage and sent a message to Ji Jiuchong, "Does the carriage also need to be teleported?"

Ji Jiuzhong said, "This carriage is not an ordinary carriage. It was made by a craftsman. With my current craftsmanship, I can't tell the level of the craftsman who made this carriage. It should be conservatively estimated to be a god." It was made by a weapon refiner. This carriage should have a strong defensive effect. The old man following Young Master Daqian should be the one who needs the birth pill. This carriage should protect the old man." A dark light flashed across. When Zhe Tian left the carriage, he noticed that there was a strong spiritual consciousness chasing after him. If Zhe Tian wasn't so fast, he might have been discovered.

Since he wasn't discovered, he didn't say anything out loud to make Luoluo worried, but he kept it in mind.

If they want to borrow light to go to the inner continent again, I'm afraid they can't let Zhe Tian take the space attachment carriage on the carriage.

We need to find a way to put the space directly on the carriage. This is also safer. If there are any settings in the formation that they don't know about, the chance of being discovered outside without covering the sky is very small.

  After all, an existence like Pangu Space itself is a heaven-defying existence and is not so easy to be discovered.

 Otherwise, he would not have known Yan Xiangluo for so long and never discovered the existence of space. Even if he analyzed that Yan Xiangluo had a personal dimension through some unusual things, he still couldn't sense anything special about her.

After hearing what Ji Jiuzhong said, Yan Xiangluo looked at the back of Young Master Daqian and raised her eyebrows.

The person who needs the god-level birth elixir must be someone who has cultivated above the **** level. She is very clear about the effects of the elixir she refined. Even if it is not of perfect quality, its effect is not the same as the god-level elixir refined by other alchemists. Comparable.

 After taking it, it can not only heal the Yuanying and restore the original cultivation level, but also make the other party's cultivation level further. The old man must have been promoted again. Each level of cultivation above the **** level is difficult, which shows how strong the old man's cultivation is now.

 Such a powerful person still needs such a carriage to protect him, which shows how important this person is to the Daqian family.

 Can Zhetian avoid the detection of his spiritual consciousness?

 She couldn't help but feel happy when she thought that she was not discovered in the morning. It must be that their time card was just right. There were so many people out of the city and all kinds of auras were chaotic, so they didn't notice the existence of Zhe Tian.

After they left the city, they used teleportation patterns to reach Fengyu Town, and she immediately asked Zhe Tian to leave, so they narrowly avoided the other party's consciousness.

 It can only be said that they are lucky, but now if they want to borrow their light to go to the inner continent, it seems that it is not easy to borrow this light.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t know that he had been discovered by the other party in the morning, but he was just too fast to catch up with the old man’s consciousness.

“There are only two of them in the teleportation array, and Zhetian seems unable to avoid the other party’s spiritual detection.” Yan Xiangluo said worriedly.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "Covering the sky is definitely not possible. Now we can only find a way to make the space fall directly on the carriage."

The carriage stopped outside the tea shop. Yan Xiangluo watched Young Master Daqian walk into the tea shop. Then she saw the old man who was traveling with Young Master Daqian sitting in the tea shop drinking tea.

His almond-shaped eyes rolled, "Leave it to me."

Ji Jiuzhong looked at her and said, "The other party should be above the **** level. You can detect it as soon as you get close to the other party."

Yan Xiangluo immediately pulled Ji Jiuzhong away, saying as he walked, "So we can only leave space on the carriage before they come out of the tea shop."

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