The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 370: Think I'm stupid

Chapter 370 Think I’m stupid

Ji Jiuzhong immediately understood what she meant. He looked at the street with people coming and going, then looked at what Young Master Daqian said to the old man in the tea shop, and then called the waiter to pay the bill.

It is true that it is easiest to succeed before they come out, but it is also obvious that they do not have much time.

Neither of them wasted any time, and quickly arrived at a remote place. Ji Jiuzhong entered the space, and Yan Xiangluo immediately used an invisibility pattern and quickly ran towards the carriage.

At this moment, she saw that Young Master Daqian and the old man in the tea shop had gotten up and walked outside.

Yan Xiangluo saw that there was not enough time, so she decisively mobilized her spiritual power and for the first time used the skills that only those with Zong-level cultivation could use to shrink the ground into an inch. Although this ability can be used with Zong-level cultivation, it consumes a lot of spiritual power.

Just in an instant, Yan Xiangluo noticed that half of the spiritual power in her body had disappeared. This is why even though she and Ji Jiuzhong could use Shrinking, it was of no use.

 Originally she planned to use this skill only when she was running for her life. Today, the situation was imminent, so she used the method.

Although this skill consumes a lot of spiritual power, it is really useful. In an instant, she arrived at the carriage and saw Young Master Daqian. The two of them had already walked out of the tea shop. She sat down on the carriage driver's seat without hesitation and entered immediately. in space.

Just as she entered the space, the pressure of the old man's spiritual consciousness next to Young Master Daqian also arrived. If she had been slower, she would have been suppressed by the divine consciousness of the god-level powerhouse, and it would be impossible to enter the space.

Yan Xiangluo was also very scared. She was hugged by Ji Jiuzhong when she entered the space. She didn't struggle. Half of her spiritual power was used. Her little heart was beating with fear. She really needed a hug to comfort her.

Young Master Daqian noticed Third Grandpa’s movements and asked in a low voice, “Third Grandpa, what’s wrong?”

The old man checked around the carriage several times but found no one. He said in confusion, "I sensed that someone using Xuanwen was approaching the carriage, but I couldn't find him."

The old man was still very confident in his perception. After hearing this, Young Master Daqian asked, "Is it just a hidden person passing by?"

After confirming that no one was found inside and outside the carriage, the old man nodded and said, "It's possible."

The two of them walked to the carriage, and Young Master Daqian carefully checked the carriage inside and out. After making sure that no one was there, the two got on the carriage and drove to Fengyu Pass.

There was no one driving outside the carriage. Yan Xiangluo leaned in Ji Jiuchong's arms and said with lingering fear, "God-level powerful people are really not easy to mess with."

This time it was her newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers. If there was no Pangu space, she would definitely be caught by the old man this time.

Ji Jiuzhong held the delicate person in his arms, feeling a little scared.

 Although he knew very well that it was necessary to experience danger when he wanted to grow up, he still couldn't help but feel heartbroken when he saw her going through danger, and at the same time he blamed himself for not being strong enough.

Had it not been for the fact that the space was Luoluo and she could only do it, Ji Jiuzhong would never let her take the risk.

Moreover, he didn't expect that the old man next to Young Master Daqian was so sensitive. With so many people on the street, he could actually accurately sense Luoluo's presence.

"It seems that we were not cautious enough and were too anxious." Ji Jiuzhong did not say what he was thinking, but he told them about their risky behavior in order to leave the Dusui Continent and go to the Inner Continent as soon as possible.

 In fact, they can wait for other people to use the teleportation array alone before leaving. Although it will take a longer time, at least they can ensure safety.

 We must learn from this lesson and act more cautiously in the future.

Yan Xiangluo's big eyes suddenly flashed, "If we don't take risks this time, we don't know how powerful the strong men with god-level cultivation are."

Although Ji Jiuchong agreed with her words, he definitely disapproved of her doing it next time.

"Just this once, we will never allow such a risk if we have a choice." Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Well, saving your life is more important."

Ji Jiuzhong was amused by her timid words, "I thought Luo Luo was not afraid of the sky or the earth."

Yan Xiangluo rolled her eyes at him, "Who said that? I'm afraid of many things."

For example, she is very afraid of poor health because she never had it before, but now that she has it, she is always worried about losing it. Why is she working hard to practice and study? Isn’t it just to live a good life?

"Tell me, what are Luoluo afraid of?" Ji Jiuzhong said immediately after hearing this. He really thought that this girl was not afraid of anything.

Yan Xiangluo curled her lips and said, "You think I'm stupid."

Ji Jiuzhong smiled again, "Why is Luoluo so cute?"

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. No matter which of the two lives she was in, she seemed to be incompatible with cuteness. Ji Jiuzhong's eyes actually revealed that she was cute.

 “We’ve reached the pass.” Ji Jiuzhong looked outside the space and said.

Yan Xiangluo looked out and saw that the carriage just stopped. Young Master Daqian got off the carriage and took out the pass token he bought in advance and handed it to the person guarding the teleportation array.

 After seeing the pass token handed over by Young Master Daqian, the people guarding the formation took them to another place.

There is no mysterious mirror in the teleportation array here. The cost is lower, but the fee is not low. Only people from big families with good conditions who do not want to be spied on by the mysterious mirror can go here.

He took back the pass token and used the mysterious mirror to check whether Young Master Daqian and the old man had their true faces. He also looked at their identity tags and checked the carriage inside and out with the mysterious mirror before letting them in. Formation.

 In fact, it is not usually so strict. It is only because of Liu Yu’s order that it is so strict.

Young Master Daqian got on the carriage directly, and the carriage entered the formation.

Yan Xiangluo is also very knowledgeable about formations, but he has never been exposed to such a teleportation formation, so he is still a little curious. A white light flashed, and the space was felt to be vibrating. It should be the vibration caused by the carriage outside during the transmission process, which also vibrated the space.

 Fortunately, it didn't take long, about five or six breaths, the white light disappeared, and the carriage came out of the formation.

So fast?

Yan Xiangluo was extremely excited. She knew that they finally left the Mu Sui Continent and came to the Inner Continent.

 There is no need to worry about Liu Yu catching her everywhere.

They also learned that there is a special teleportation array at any border, which can be teleported to any continent. The headquarters of Daqian Auction House is in the southern continent. It stands to reason that you must first enter the northern continent and then go to the southern continent. With this kind of teleportation array, they can directly enter the southern continent through Fengyu Pass.

This light is so thoughtful.

From the space, Yan Xiangluo didn't notice any difference between the inner continent and the outer continent, but when she checked with her spiritual sense, she felt that the aura outside was twice as rich as the outer continent.

However, she only dared to investigate when there were many people, and then withdrew her consciousness, fearing that she would be discovered by the old man in the carriage.

Watching the carriage drive out of the pass, Yan Xiangluo said to Ji Jiuzhong, "How do we leave?"

 (End of this chapter)

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