The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 371: Go in and practice

Ji Jiuzhong said, "They won't be sitting in the carriage all the time. Let's find a chance to leave, but they seem to be on their way and won't leave the carriage for a while. We have already arrived in the inner continent, and we are not in a hurry to go out. Let’s study the map and see which city Luoluo wants to put his identity in?”

 They need to get identity cards, otherwise it will be too convenient.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the map Ji Jiuzhong opened, and his eyes fell on the southern continent of the inner continent.

"Since we arrived at the Southern Continent first, let's leave our identity in the Southern Continent. Otherwise, it will be very troublesome to go to other continents. We can't just go around like this." Yan Xiangluo said while watching.

"Okay, Luoluo, let's see which city in the southern continent you like?" Ji Jiuzhong also planned this. For the two of them, it doesn't matter which continent or city their identities are in. After all, nowhere is their home.

 Wherever they want to settle down in the future, they can just change their ID badge.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the map of the Southern Continent carefully, pointed to a place and said, "This city is closest to Yunshang Palace. Leave your identity here!"

Her goal is to go to Jiuchongtian, and Yunshang Palace is the place she must pass through. It is close and convenient to Yunshang Palace.

Ji Jiuzhong followed her finger and saw that Yanxiang failed to choose the city closest to Yunshang Palace in the southern continent, Xiangyang City.

 “Okay, we’ll settle here.” Ji Jiuzhong felt that the city he had chosen was very good, and it would be very convenient no matter whether he changed the address in the future.

“We have to pass through six cities to go to Xiangyang City, and the distances are not close.” Yan Xiangluo looked at the distance and said.

 The area of ​​the inner continent is much larger than that of any continent in the outer continent, so the distance between cities is also very far.

"It just so happens that we can inquire about your parents and master while walking, and if you have the chance, you can make your medical skills famous." Ji Jiuzhong made a plan.

Seeing that he was only thinking about himself, Yan Xiangluo asked, "Aren't you in a hurry to go to the Ji family's inheritance place?"

Didn’t Ji Jiuchong say that the Ji family’s inheritance is in the Southern Continent?

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "Before, I thought simply. I thought that we could come to the higher continent and our cultivation strength was strong enough. I wanted to accept the inheritance as soon as possible. But the experiences of the past few days have made me understand that the strong people of the higher continent It's everywhere. Our current cultivation level is nothing. I'm afraid the Ji family's inheritance is not that simple. It would be safer for me to wait until my cultivation level increases."

Ji Jiuchong has a plan in mind, but it has not been finalized yet, so he did not tell Yu Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo nodded when he heard the words, "Anything can happen in this world. There are many things beyond our imagination after coming here. It is right to be cautious and fully prepared."

Ji Jiuzhong looked outside and saw the direction of the carriage in the wilderness. It looked like the carriage would not stop for a while.

“Since we are in space, I don’t want to waste time and am going to go into the palace to practice. Where is Luoluo?” Ji Jiuzhong asked.

Yan Xiangluo thought for a moment, she really should go to practice to improve her cultivation and combat strength, and then said, "I will go in and practice too."

Even if she is practicing in the palace, she can still sense the situation outside the space. If the opportunity is right and she can leave, she will leave first. As for when and how long the two of them will practice, it depends on the specific situation.

Since they both wanted to experience it, the two of them came to the palace together.

Yan Xiangluo opened a door. After Ji Jiuzhong entered, she came to another door and opened it. As soon as she entered, Yan Xiangluo felt a murderous aura coming from inside. She immediately became vigilant. She held the Changling gun that had not been used for a long time in her hand. She blocked the murderous aura from the attack as soon as she raised the gun. Then the murderous aura gradually increased. The difficulty of training is also increasing, and spiritual energy is consumed very quickly. Because they are all raids, it is an excellent place to accumulate combat experience.

Yan Xiangluo jumped into the battle excitedly. Ji Jiuzhong had already come in for training once and had some understanding of the training situation inside. However, after coming in this time, he found that the training for him had changed again.

Ji Jiuzhong suddenly understood that this training place not only tested his cultivation level and combat skills, but also his state of mind.

 Perhaps it was because he had calmed down this time and was determined to improve his cultivation. His state of mind was different from the last time he came in, so the difficulty of the experience this time was much stronger than the last time.

 It turns out that experience changes based on a person’s state.

The more this happens, the stronger Ji Jiuzhong's fighting spirit will be. Only in this way can he get real experience, and he can get twice the effect in the same time.

The carriage sped away outside the space, and both people in the palace were experiencing experiences beyond their own strength.

So that Yan Xiangluo ignored where the carriage outside had arrived. Did it stop and was there a chance to leave?

 After several experiences of depleting and replenishing her spiritual power, she finally felt like she had advanced. She didn’t even know how many days she had been practicing. Although there is day and night in space, there is no difference in the palace of experience.

 The promotion could not be carried out in the palace, so she came out of the palace and immediately sat cross-legged to start the promotion.

Ji Jiuzhong continued to practice inside, and this time he practiced longer than the last time.

Yan Xiangluo was shrouded in the light of promotion. The promotion was faster than she imagined. Soon she broke through to the fourth level of the clan.

Although she was only promoted to the first level, she was very happy. You must know that the higher the level of cultivation, the harder it is to advance, not to mention how long she has only been promoted.

After being successfully promoted, Yan Xiangluo stood up and stretched comfortably.

Suddenly she remembered something. There were three levels in the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique, and she had already passed two of them in Tianqian Continent.

 The first path was almost paid for with one's life, and he was put to death to survive.

  She spent the second stage successfully refining the Po Guan Dan using spiritual springs and nine-leaf clover.

Now that she has arrived in the higher continent, her cultivation level has reached the Zong level. Although she still has a long way to go before the third level of **** level, she has not forgotten that once the third level comes, her cultivation The speed of promotion will slow down and cannot be broken through unless there is a unique spiritual energy treasure land in the world.

Yan Xiangluo was a little worried. She didn’t know when the third level would start? What will happen again?

 After all, it was difficult to break through to the **** level, and coupled with the level of the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique, she felt a little sorry for herself.

With a long sigh, Yan Xiangluo comforted herself that she was only at the Zong level now. Since the third level she passed was the God level, she should be at the Holy level when the level started to appear.

There is an Emperor level between the Zong level and the Holy level. The speed of advancement from Zong level to the Holy level should not be affected by the level. As for the Holy level, she doesn't know how long it will take to reach the Holy level.

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