The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 372: There's a chance

Although there are many people with god-level cultivation in the higher continents, there are very few young people, and the so-called young people are also over thirty years old.

 She is only sixteen years old now, and she is still more than ten years away from being in her thirties, so there is no need to rush now.

Even if she is extremely talented, it is impossible for her to reach the level of **** within a few years. With this thought, she temporarily put aside the worries in her heart.

After thinking about it, Yan Xiangluo looked outside the space and found that the carriage was parked, leaving only the carriage without the horse.

She was immediately confused. Could it be that she went home with the young master Daqian?

How many days have you been practicing in the palace?

“Yun Tuan, how many days have I been practicing?” Yan Xiangluo immediately shouted.

Yun Tuan, who was practicing, responded, "Master, you have been practicing for three days."

As expected, Yan Xiangluo held out hope that this was not the headquarters of the Daqian family and asked, "Where is it outside?"

Yun Tuan said helplessly, "Da Qian Family."

Although it is practicing, the master has gone into the palace to practice, so it has been paying attention to the outside of the space. Seeing the carriage entering the gate of the Daqian family, it did not dare to disturb the owner and could only let the space be brought into the Daqian family.

Yan Xiangluo slapped her forehead and said, "I'm in trouble this time."

 What does the Daqian family do? If it can be passed down from generation to generation, the family heritage is naturally rich and the strength must not be weak. Just think about the cultivation of the old man and the young master Daqian.

Now that she is in their base camp, it may not be easy to get out. The defense here is probably something that she cannot see or detect, but she will know it as soon as she takes action.

 She would not dare to appear in the Daqian family using the invisibility pattern, as she was guaranteed to be caught immediately.

Yun Tuan was speechless. He watched the carriage come in, so he naturally knew how tight the defense of the Daqian family was.

And their location is far away from the main gate and the side door where the Daqian clan exits. Because this is the private stables of the Daqian family.

Yan Xiangluo sat sadly on the steps outside the palace, holding her cheeks and frowning, thinking about what to do.

Ji Jiuchong is still practicing in the palace. He is not forced to do so and must not be interrupted.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the sky outside and it was getting dark. It was going to be dark. It seemed that even if she came up with a way, she wouldn't be able to get out today.

Suddenly her eyes lit up. The city where the Daqian family lived seemed not too far from Xiangyang City where they were going, only two cities separated it.

Even though they were practicing in the palace, they didn't seem to delay their journey. On the contrary, they walked much faster than they could on their own.

Thinking of this, Yan Xiangluo was no longer depressed. She was not going to go into the palace to practice again. She found from Ji Jiuzhong that going into the palace to practice took longer every time.

It was three days when Ji Jiuzhong first went in. Now three days are up and he hasn't come out yet.

She will take a good look at the surrounding situation tomorrow. Finding an opportunity to leave the Daqian family first is the most important thing. After she figured it out, she stopped sitting on the steps outside the palace in a daze. She got up and went to the kitchen to make a delicious meal to celebrate her promotion.

Although she has only advanced to the first level, this is a clan-level cultivation promotion. Being able to advance to the first level so quickly is already enviable, and there is nothing embarrassing for her to celebrate by herself.

Ji Jiuzhong doesn’t know when he will come out. There is no need to think that he will be promoted again after he comes out. The limit of each experience in the palace is to meet the requirements for promotion.

Yan Xiangluo didn't compare with Ji Jiuzhong, whose talent in cultivation was unparalleled. The Pangu Flower Blossom Technique she practiced was already unbelievable enough. Except for the difficulty in advancing through the levels, she advanced to other levels very quickly, at least better than her. Talents who know advance much faster.

The aroma of food soon came from the kitchen, because Yun Tuan, who had been worried that he would not be able to practice quietly, simply stopped practicing. He jumped down from the space stone breast and came to the kitchen to squat on the table and wait for the delicious food.

When Ruan Xiangluo saw Yun Tuan coming, she specially made barbecue and snacks for him. Yun Tuan was in a great mood. The owner was so kind to him. Well, after eating delicious food, he still had to practice quickly. Recovering the cultivation level of your divine beast as soon as possible can also help the owner more.

Yun Tuan finished eating first, put away the uneaten food, and then went to continue practicing on the space stone milk.

Yan Xiangluo was slowly enjoying the pleasure brought by the food. At this moment, she heard voices outside the space. Looking outside the space, she saw two men and one woman standing in front of the carriage talking.

 They are not very old, they look to be around 20 years old. The woman is younger than the two men, less than 20 years old.

“Jiaojiao, does the owner really promise to let you use this carriage tomorrow?” One of the men asked with an uncertain tone.

The woman named Jiaojiao raised her chin and said arrogantly, "Of course, aren't we all here to pick up the carriage? Tomorrow I will go to the Zhu family. Among the girls from our Daqian family, I am the only one qualified to talk to the Zhu family. Young Master’s marriage, even if the head of the family cares about his face, he will not reject my request. After all, my visit to the Zhu family tomorrow represents the face of the Daqian family. The more the two families are on good terms, the more the head of the family values ​​me, the more satisfied the Zhu family will be. "

The two men looked at each other and said flatteringly, "Jiaojiao, we are your brothers. You have to ask for more benefits for us. Can you allocate more training resources to us next month? After all, If we are strong, you will have enough confidence to marry into the Zhu family."

Jiaojiao hesitated and said, "Monthly training resources are stipulated. You have not shown particularly good talents, and it is not the critical moment for promotion. It is not easy to allocate more training resources. The head of the family and I Let’s talk about it, I can’t guarantee it will work.”

 The two men immediately laughed and said, "As long as Jiaojiao does her best, it will be fine."

It became clear to Yanxiang that these three people were brothers and sisters of the same mother.

But looking at the selfish looks on her two brothers' faces, it doesn't seem like they have the confidence to become this woman named Jiaojiao. This girl is too arrogant. They are really brothers and sisters, selfish and interested in each other.

You are not the daughter of the head of the Daqian family. You are just valuable, so you cannot distinguish your own position. It is difficult for such people to achieve anything great. If you want to be the head of a family, you are not qualified. .

  She had lived in a big family in another life, and she knew very well what the big family's requirements were for choosing a matron.

However, Yan Xiangluo was not interested in whether she could become the young mistress of the Zhu family. She was interested in what they said.

 The woman named Jiaojiao will use this carriage tomorrow and must take it away now. In other words, the carriage is leaving the residence of the Daqian family and she can find an opportunity to leave.

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