The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 373: Use mind reading skills

Yan Xiangluo's mood suddenly became better. She ate a lot more delicious food when she was in a good mood, and ended up stuffing herself. However, she didn't take any Xiaoshi Pills. Instead, she went to the place where the herbs were grown and moved the thick herbs away and planted them separately so that they would grow better.

She bent down to do something that could be done with just one thought for more than half an hour. After moving the herbs, she didn't hold on any longer and continued to study alchemy without taking a rest.

In order to refine the god-level elixirs as quickly as possible, she has not refined all the seven, eight, and nine-level elixirs. Now she plans to refine these elixirs slowly. This must be done in order to refine the god-level elixirs steadily. Grade elixir.

Even though she can now refine god-level elixirs, if she doesn't refine all the un-refined elixirs, the refining of god-level elixirs will not go smoothly.

 Actually, if she had steadily become a god-level alchemist, she would not have been able to refine so many Infant-breaking Pills.

After Yan Xiangluo finished her work, she saw that the carriage had moved to a yard. She saw the horses in the stables nearby and knew that this should be the home of the girl named Jiaojiao.

There are many members of the Daqian family, and their direct descendants have always lived together. Although they are all direct descendants, as time goes by, they are also divided into distant relatives.

 Therefore, although they live together, each family also lives separately. Living expenses are paid on a monthly basis, and each family has its own yard and life.

 This way there will be fewer conflicts and less trouble.

Yan Xiangluo felt more at ease when she saw that the carriage had changed places.

The cultivation level of the three people just now is much lower than hers. The girl is considered the best among the three brothers and sisters. She is only at the ninth level of the king level. Judging from the girl's age, she should be one or two years older than Yuan Xiangluo. From what she said, she was still the most talented girl among the Daqian family. From such a comparison, it can be clearly seen how strong Yan Xiangluo's talent was.

After all, a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old can be considered a genius if she can reach the ninth level of king-level cultivation. In Yan Xiangluo's mind, geniuses are divided into four levels: ordinary genius, super genius, monster genius, and heaven-defying genius.

This woman named Jiaojiao can only be regarded as an ordinary genius, and she really doesn't take her seriously.

 The elixir was refined overnight, and when the fragrance fell on the girl, she set off in her carriage and stopped refining the elixir.

She wanted to change back to a woman's dress, but when she thought about her appearance that could easily cause trouble, she gave up her thoughts. Let's do this for now and wait until Ji Jiuchong comes out before she resumes her woman's dress. It's too unsafe to be alone.

 Unknowingly, she regarded Ji Jiuzhong as someone she could rely on.

Seeing that she still had time, Yan Xiangluo made a simple breakfast and ate while waiting for the opportunity.

This time the carriage was driven. She was sitting in the driving seat before she came in. Now when she wanted to go out, she would appear in the arms of the carriage driver. This was not what she wanted. Even though the driver's cultivation level was not high, she didn't want to alarm anyone.

 Hence, we can only wait until the coachman leaves the carriage before going out. But the coachman is driving and will not leave the carriage for a while.

However, the spatial location allows you to clearly see the scene on the street.

Although this is not the city where the city lords of the Southern Continent live, it is still extremely prosperous, at least incomparable to Dusui City. This also shows the gap and difference between the inner continent and the outer continent.

 Most of the pedestrians on the road are monks, and occasionally ordinary people can be seen, but they are also well-dressed. It can be seen that even ordinary people in the inner continent live better than ordinary people in the outer continent.

Along the way, Yan Xiangluo carefully memorized the layout of the city and several places she paid attention to, such as the unknown location, how far the Daqian Auction House was from the residence of the Daqian family, and which restaurant was the most prosperous. The business of the shop is good, what kind of cultivation level are the people on the street, etc. Sometimes I also use my mind-reading skills to listen to the inner thoughts of the coachman and the person named Jiaojiao and her maid in the carriage. These words can best understand the most authentic information.

The Daqian family is still very influential, especially this carriage. Pedestrians on the road shunned it and made way for it, as if they were afraid of offending the Daqian family.

 The woman named Jiaojiao in the carriage was very proud. Today she took this carriage to go to the Zhu family. She thought that when she gets married in the future, the carriage that the Zhu family will use to pick up the bride must be the best from the Zhu family.

The more she thought about it, the more beautiful she felt. She was so proud that she could clearly perceive the fragrance in the space because of her mind-reading skills.

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. A girl's glory is indeed related to her family, but that only means that your family is willing to fulfill your glory, otherwise you are nothing. She feels that her glory must be obtained by relying on her own strength and ability. safe.

After the carriage circled more than half of the city, it finally arrived at the gate of Zhu's house. The driver jumped out of the carriage, and the maid inside the carriage got off first and knocked on the door.

Yan Xiangluo immediately used an invisibility pattern, took advantage of the fact that no one was driving the carriage and went out, then quickly jumped off the carriage and left.

Looking back at Zhu's house, the door opened, with attendants standing on both sides. A man wearing a jade crown and brocade clothes came out with someone. He lifted the car curtain with a smile on his face, and supported the woman named Jiaojiao. get off.

Seeing the shy expression on Jiaojiao's face, Yan Xiangluo knew that this was the young master of the Zhu family she mentioned, her future fiancé.

Yan Xiangluo was not interested in watching anything else, so she turned around and left. She went to a secluded place, removed the invisibility pattern on her body, and then walked towards the street.

She wanted to find an inn to stay in, and was wondering whether to leave for Xiangyang City now or wait for Ji Jiuzhong to go together after his experience.

 She stayed at an inn across the street. In order not to attract attention, she didn't ask for a room, just an ordinary guest room.

 Because she wanted to get more information, she had been using mind-reading skills to read the inner thoughts of people around her.

ˆThe most information she learned from it was about the Continental Competition.

The feeling is not obvious in the outer continent, but in the inner continent, the continental competition is a hot topic, and almost everyone is paying attention.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes flashed. Although the Continental Competition is the most authoritative competition in the mainland rankings, it won't make these people who can't participate so excited, right?

Thinking of this, she left the inn and went to the registration place for the competition in the city, where she could hear more valuable information.

The city where the Daqian family lives is called Lingyun City, which means high aspirations. Because Lingyun City is close to the center of the mainland, there are many big families living in it, and the power distribution is also very messy. However, the Daqian family is the one that every family wants to be friends with. .

There are many people registering for the competition, not all of them are here to register, some are here to watch the excitement, and some are here to check the information.

Yan Xiangluo stood in an inconspicuous corner, secretly listening to the thoughts of the people around her.

This time she really heard some news that surprised her.

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