The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 374: Dad's news

Chapter 374 News from Dad

Yan Xiangluo's heartbeat was very fast just because she heard that the people around her were thinking about her father.

This person's cultivation level is not low, and he is also a sect-level cultivation level. However, he did not sign up to participate in the competition. Just because of his cultivation level, even if he participated, he would not be able to enter the hundred. According to the results of the competition in recent years, there are only people who can enter the hundred. Their cultivation levels are all above the Saint level.

But this man felt sad that he could not participate in the competition. He watched with contempt those people with higher cultivation level than him who signed up. At the same time, he was still praying that someone like Yun Fusheng, the first place winner in the last competition, would appear in this competition. He is unknown and has no power, but he won the first place in the competition with his eighth-level holy level cultivation.

You must know that there are still many people with ninth-level holy level cultivation participating in the competition, but a person with eighth-level holy level won the first place. Those who upgraded to ninth-level cultivation in the last competition became a joke.

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect to hear information about her father here.

The competition is held once every three years. In other words, three years ago, her father participated in the Continental Competition and won first place. However, what puzzled her was why the information about her father was not recorded?

This information that almost all monks know, why is it that it seems to be banned in the mainland and no one has mentioned it? Don’t you even dare to record what you don’t know?

Yan Xiangluo's heart was heavy, what happened to her parents?

She knows that her father is not a pushy person. He prefers to do things quietly. There must be some compelling reason for participating in such a high-profile competition.

And the only person who can make my father break his own rules is my mother. Did something happen to my mother?

Her eyes lit up. Since it was a competition, there must be a prize. Was her father going there for the prize?

 If she knew what the prize was, she could deduce what happened to her parents.

Thinking of this, she immediately struck up a conversation with the man next to her who was praying that someone like her father would appear again in this competition. The more the two chatted, the more they became more and more speculative. Yan Xiangluo took the opportunity to ask about the prize for the first place in this competition. What.

 The man seemed very excited when he mentioned the prize.

“Little brother, the prize of this competition is even more generous than last time.” The man looked excited as if the prize of this competition was his.

"More rich than last time?" Yan Xiangluo pretended to be shocked.

"Yes, the prize for the first place in the last competition was a god-level Tianyuan Pill, the opportunity to enter Yunshang Palace to practice for a year, and the Qingcang Sword. No matter which one it is, it is rare. The god-level Tianyuan Pill is Needless to say, that is the guarantee to break through to the divine level. The opportunity to enter Yunshang Palace to practice can be said to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. With Tianyuan Dan and a year of training in Yunshang Palace, the opponent will definitely get the first place in the competition. You can successfully advance to the **** level, not to mention the Qing Cang Sword, which is hand-refined by the world's best weapon refiner. It is a weapon that can grow." The man analyzed it to her with interest.

Yan Xiangluo was thinking about these three rewards in her mind. Tianyuan Dan and Qingcang Sword were not what her father wanted. After all, she knew that her father had an ancient sword in his hand, which did not need any refining master to refine it. Qingcang Sword, as for the Tianyuan Pill, my father is not someone who takes pills to improve his cultivation. Could it be that my father wants to go to Yunshang Palace to practice?

 It seems impossible no matter how you think about it.

“The reward for the first place in the last competition was generous enough, but this time it’s even more unexpected.” The man’s tone became more and more excited.

 “How unexpected is it?” Yan Xiangluo asked cooperatively.

“This time there are still Tianyuan Pills and the reward of going to Yunshang Palace to practice for a year. This is almost the same reward in every competition. The third reward is the most enviable and jealous.” The man was even more pretentious. "Brother, please stop trying to take advantage of me." Yan Xiangluo said in a pleading tone.

The man laughed and lowered his voice and said, "This is an opportunity to enter the ancient secret realm."

"Ancient secret realm?" Yan Xiangluo was a little confused. What's so exciting about this? Is there anything special about this ancient secret realm?

The man saw her confused look, gritted his teeth and said, "Brother, you don't know about the ancient secret realm, do you?"

Yan Xiangluo was immediately surprised and said, "Are you talking about that ancient secret realm?"

These mysterious words made the other party give up their doubts about her, and immediately said mysteriously, "Yes, it is that ancient secret realm. It is said that ten people can enter this year. In addition to the top three in the competition, there are still seven places. , has been competed by various major families, and I don’t know which family it will fall on in the end.” When the man said this, his tone finally became lonely.

Yan Xiangluo shrugged, "It won't fall on us anyway."

After hearing her words, the man's lonely mood disappeared, "My little brother is in a good mood."

Yan Xiangluo smiled and said, "It's just acceptance of fate."

The man sighed, "Indeed, we have to accept our fate. The most indispensable thing in the world is genius. It is said that this competition is very interesting. There are several geniuses who are said to be as talented as monsters. There are several geniuses in the mainland. I am afraid that this competition will be more powerful than It’s even more intense.”

Seeing that she could find out no other information, Yan Xiangluo said goodbye to the man and turned around.

She wants to check two pieces of information. One is to determine the purpose of her father's participation in the competition. After all, after participating in the competition, all kinds of information were banned in the mainland. It is very likely that her father did something that is not allowed by nature, or let some high-ranking people do it. If you are dissatisfied, the news will be blocked, and only the original information that came to the mainland will be blocked.

After knowing the news, Yan Xiangluo became even more worried about her parents. She didn’t know what they had experienced and what they had encountered. Three years have passed. How are they now?

 She desperately wanted to find her parents.

I don’t know if the chance to enter Yunshang Palace in the last competition has been fulfilled. This is because I want to confirm whether my father went to Yunshang Palace to practice. The second one is the information about the ancient secret realm.

The two pieces of information cost her 10,000 high-grade spiritual stones. She felt a little distressed when she saw that the spiritual stones that her sworn brother had given her had suddenly decreased. However, no matter how distressed she felt, she had to buy these pieces of information.

The first piece of news is not expensive, after all, it is not too secretive information. The information about the ancient secret realm is really expensive, mainly because Yan Xiangluo bought a map of the ancient secret realm.

 This is recommended by an unknown friend, who said that this map was drawn after tens of thousands of years of information brought by people who entered each time, and it is currently the most accurate map.

Yan Xiangluo thought that no matter whether there was a chance to go in or not, she should prepare one first to be prepared.

She returned to the inn with the message and couldn't wait to open the first message slip.

 (End of this chapter)

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