The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 375: It's sold again

Chapter 375: Sold again

The top three in each competition will have the opportunity to enter Yunshang Palace to practice for a year, but last time the first place did not go, and the place was sold to the fifth place.

 The transaction was successful with 100,000 high-grade spiritual stones.

Although the number of spiritual stones is terrifying, it is not something that ordinary people can afford. Obviously, the fifth person has a "mine" at home.

  Although no names were mentioned, anyone who knows the rankings of the last continental competition knows who these two people are.

 The first place is naturally Xiangluo’s father Yun Fusheng.

Yan Xiangluo frowned. Instead of going to Yunshang Palace to practice, his father bought a quota of 100,000 high-grade spiritual stones. Could it be that his father was short of spiritual stones?

 But no matter how much information she had, she still couldn't determine what happened to her parents, or whether they simply needed spiritual stones.

Yan Xiangluo felt very worried and opened the second information slip. This was information about the ancient secret realm.

 There is a lot of information, no wonder it is so expensive.

From the jade slips, Yan Xiangluo learned about the origin of the ancient secret realm and the number of people and the list of people who entered the ancient secret realm every year.

She still didn't see her father's name on the list of people who entered the ancient secret realm three years ago. He won the first place. Not only did he not go to Yunshang Palace, he also didn't enter the ancient secret realm. What was his father going to do?

 Have the qualifications for entry been sold again?

Yan Xiangluo's worries are getting heavier and heavier. The only three rewards her father received are the god-level Tianyuan Pill. Now she doesn't know if this Tianyuan Pill was also sold by her father.

After all, Tianyuan Pill is the guarantee when advancing to the divine level. Although my father has never used pills to assist his advancement, he dare not protect his injured mother from using them.

She only knew that her mother had been seriously injured, but she did not know the specific circumstances and did not find out about it at the Long family.

Yan Xiangluo, who had no clue, sorted out her mood and pondered the information about the ancient secret realm.

It is now impossible to trace when the ancient secret realm appeared, but it can be determined that it existed at all times in ancient times. It is an entrance opened by the ancient gods together. Only ten people can enter each year. Only those with holy level cultivation can enter. Those with a cultivation level higher than the holy level cannot enter, and those with a cultivation level lower than the holy level cannot enter. Moreover, ten people need to work together to open the entrance to the secret realm. You can experience it for a year after entering. There is only one way to come out of it, which is to break through to the **** level and become a god-level powerhouse.

However, if ten people go in, it is not certain how many people will come out. Anyway, not all people come out at one time, and at the best time, only seven people came out.

 After those who went in came out, they never mentioned anything about what was going on inside, as if there were some restrictions. It wasn’t that they didn’t want to say it, but they couldn’t say it, or they couldn’t say it.

Even so, those with holy level cultivation are still trying their best to find a way to get in, especially those with strong family backgrounds, who are willing to spend any amount of spiritual stones to sell such a place.

Yan Xiangluo felt that if her father's quota to enter the ancient secret realm was sold, it would probably be more expensive than the qualification to go to Yunshang Palace.

After all, it is still possible to go to Yunshang Palace, but there is no possibility of cheating when entering the ancient secret realm.

Although there are ten places for people to enter every year, the ten places are only qualified for the top ten in the actual competition.

 The Continental Hegemony Competition is one of them. There are also two competitions, one is the Weapon Refining Competition and the other is the Alchemy Competition.

 These three competitions are held every three years, exactly one each year, and they rotate every three years. Among them, except for the ten places in the Continental Competition, almost all of which were entered by myself, the places in the other two competitions can still be purchased by people with strong background.

Just because the top ten in the Weapon Refining Competition and the Alchemy Refining Competition are strong in alchemy and weapon refining, but their cultivation is not necessarily strong enough, and most of them cannot reach the Saint level.

 Therefore, their qualifications to enter the ancient secret realm must be given to qualified people from their own families, and some without family members can sell them for a profit.

The jade slips record the changes of all the people who came out of the ancient secret realm. Yan Xiangluo can see from it that in the ancient secret realm, not only can they experience and improve their cultivation, but they can also get some ancient treasures, including weapons. The weapons used by some people after they come out are all It is an ancient weapon, very powerful, directly doubling their combat effectiveness.

 Some treasures that were not available before will appear inexplicably, which is another reason why those people spend a lot of money to sell their places.

 This year is the Continental Competition, and there will be ten more places. I don’t know who will get them.

Yan Xiangluo didn't care about this matter. She was worried about what happened to her parents.

After reading it, she put the information on the steps outside the palace in the space, so that if Ji Jiuzhong came out, he could see it. Since the information was bought, it should not be wasted. Let Ji Jiuzhong understand it too, and maybe they would do the same in the future. Participating in the continental competition.

Yan Xiangluo left the inn again, wandering around without any goal, and then listened to some news casually.

She didn’t go back at noon, so she found a restaurant and ordered two signature dishes. The taste was just average, but she barely managed to eat it. She ate while watching the people passing by on the street.

At this time, she heard what the people eating next to her said, mainly that they were going to the same place she was going to, Xiangyang City.

They were mercenaries and were forced to take on a dangerous mission. However, there was no alchemist among them. However, hiring an alchemist was too expensive. The money they earned during this trip was not enough to hire an alchemist. But for the sake of name, they still want to hire an alchemist.

Yan Xiangluo was curious if the mercenaries were not responsible for taking the missions themselves, and why they were forced to take the missions, so she listened to their voices.

With the addition of their inner voices and their conversation, Yan Xiangluo understood the ins and outs of the matter.

 Their single task is to deliver a box to Xiangyang City. Although the box was not big, they didn't know what was inside. It was sealed with a secret method. The person who posted the task did not leave a name. The task level is the highest level, the reward is naturally ridiculously high, and the risk is naturally the same.

No one took up this task after a month, so the Mercenary Association forced their team to take it up, otherwise they would be expelled. You must know that mercenaries who are removed from the mainland are no longer qualified to be mercenaries in the entire continent, which is equivalent to cutting off their livelihood.

 I had no choice but to accept this task.

Although Yan Xiangluo has never been a mercenary, there are mercenaries in lower continents, who are similar to bounty hunters. She knew that there were only two possibilities for accepting the mission, one was to complete the mission, and the other was to die all of them. If the mission failed, retreat was absolutely not allowed.

However, although the person who issued the task did not show up, the reward was paid directly, regardless of whether they completed the task or not.

 This team was not happy about this. On the contrary, they were even more worried. Therefore, they wanted to hire an alchemist before setting off. However, when all the alchemists heard that they were taking this task, they would not go regardless of the reward.

 (End of this chapter)

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