The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 376: is an opportunity

Chapter 376 is an opportunity

 Even if they raised the employment fee to the limit they could afford, no alchemist would accept the employment.

No, they are all very worried. They really can't hire an alchemist, so they have to set off. They have to set off on the same day after accepting the task. This is the rule.

Yan Xiangluo’s eyes blinked, they needed an alchemist, and she could use this reason to go with them.

Yan Xiangluo did not take the risk for no reason, but had seriously considered it.

Although following them is definitely dangerous, every battle for mercenaries is a battle of life and death. This is an excellent opportunity to gain insights.

She doesn't know when Ji Jiuzhong will come out. She can't go into the palace to practice. Otherwise, the two of them will always be separated like this. She doesn't know when they can leave for Xiangyang City. If their identities are not confirmed, it will be inconvenient for them to go to other continents. .

It's better to find an opportunity to practice outside, and the missions these mercenaries are taking are not opportunities.

 In fact, the alchemists that mercenaries can hire are all at level three or below. Alchemists with higher levels can make a lot of money without accepting their employment.

Alchemists below the third level, especially those without the support of a strong family, simply do not have the strength to purchase medicinal materials above the third level to maintain alchemy. Each level of promotion requires wasting a lot of medicinal materials. There are almost no alchemists like Yan Xiangluo who can successfully refine them every time.

This is why it is said that being an alchemist is a money-burning profession. It’s good to be successful, but before you become successful, you are not just burning money.

Although the price of first-, second- and third-grade elixirs is not low, it is only relative, and it is still not enough to support them in buying medicinal materials to continue to improve their cultivation.

 Some people say that you can pick it yourself. Can you pick so many types of medicinal materials?

 That's why they accept the employment of mercenaries, and the price of being hired is naturally high.

Moreover, the mercenary fee is a mercenary fee. The mercenaries must provide the medicinal materials for refining the elixir along the way, or buy ready-made elixirs from the alchemist.

Most mercenaries will provide their own medicinal materials, which saves some money. This is also a good opportunity for them to practice. Sometimes if they have one more Cheng Dan, they will make another profit.

 In fact, most mercenary teams hire alchemists just as a precaution, but today this mercenary team hires alchemists to save their lives. Therefore, they are willing to pay the commission as long as they can afford it.

Yan Xiangluo turned to the people at the next table and said, "Do you want to hire an alchemist?"

Hearing someone talking, the people at the next table all turned their heads to look at Yan Xiangluo, and saw a man with an unattractive appearance and a young age, who could only be considered a teenager. Their expressions were all a little disappointed.

Even if this person is an alchemist, I am afraid he can only be at the junior or first level!

"Did I hear wrongly? You don't need an alchemist?" Yan Xiangluo naturally understood their expressions and said in an indifferent tone.

The people in the team all looked at one of them. Yan Xiangluo knew that this person should be their captain, so she also looked at that person.

"We are the Evergreen mercenary team. Since the young master has heard this, he must know that we have taken on a very dangerous mission and cannot hire an alchemist. Is the young master an alchemist?" the captain of the Evergreen team looked at her and asked.

Yan Xiangluo nodded and said, "I'm going to Xiangyang City, and I happen to be an alchemist."

 The captain of the Changqing Squadron's eyes lit up, "Young Master, are you willing to accept our employment?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "On the way."

Although the members of Changqing Team were happy that there was an alchemist willing to accept their employment, they still doubted Yan Xiangluo's alchemy skills because of her age. The captain of the Changqing team asked, "What's your surname, young master?"

“I don’t want to change my surname to Ru.” Ruan Xiangluo didn’t want to change her surname. Besides, if she said her surname was Ru, they would think it was Yuncai Yun. After all, there were too few people with the surname Ruan.

"What level of alchemist is Mr. Yun?" asked the captain of the Changqing team. He indeed thought that Yan Xiangluo's surname was Yuncai Yun.

Yan Xiangluo smiled, "You just need to know that my level as an alchemist is something you cannot afford to hire normally."

The captain of the Changqing team was suddenly stunned. In his mind, he thought that Yan Xiangluo was probably a junior or first-grade alchemist. Could it be that he was a fourth-grade alchemist?

They can normally hire first-level to third-level alchemists. They cannot afford to hire anyone above third-level alchemy masters. However, given Yan Xiangluo's grade, he feels that someone who can reach level 4 is definitely an alchemy genius.

 Would such a genius accept their employment?

 Why does he feel that something is not normal today? He is so restless.

The alchemist was really willful, and he just accepted their employment along the way. It looked like he was a member of a big family just out for fun.

But the way she dresses is different, but the tone of her voice and the temperament she exudes are similar.

"We need to hire an alchemist for ten days to half a month. Whether it is ten days or half a month, we will pay half a month. We normally hire a third-grade alchemist with two thousand high-grade spiritual stones for half a month, and we will double the payment. Mr. Yun, how about it?" the captain of Changqing Team thought for a moment.

 Doubling that would be four thousand high-grade spiritual stones, which is already the limit they can produce.

Yu Xiangluo has heard their voices before and knows that four thousand high-grade spiritual stones is indeed the maximum amount they can come up with.

 He nodded and said, "It's a deal. The spirit stones will be paid first. The rules are as normal. You can just hire an alchemist."

 The captain of the Changqing Team immediately said, "That's what it should be."

Either the mercenary team is prepared to carry various medicinal materials for refining wound medicine, just in case of injury, the hired alchemist can refine the healing elixir they need. The alchemist will not provide them with medicinal materials. If they had the medicinal materials, they would not accept their employment. It would be better for them to sell the elixirs directly, which would save worry and safety.

“When are you going to set off?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

"The mission we took on this morning must start before the city gate closes." said the captain of the Changqing team.

Yan Xiangluo said, "I checked out the hotel and can leave at any time. You can arrange the time."

Upon hearing this, the captain of the Changqing Team immediately said, "Then we will accompany Mr. Yun to check out the hotel, and then set off immediately."

Because they are mercenaries, they often travel to various continents, but they are mainly in the southern continent, so they are very familiar with the southern continent. It is noon now, and they can go to a safer place to rest at night.

Since Yan Xiangluo decided to go with them, she naturally got up quickly and walked with them to the inn where she was staying.

Seeing Yan Xiangluo check out of the room, the captain of the Changqing team immediately handed the prepared spiritual stone to Yan Xiangluo.

 (End of this chapter)

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