The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 377: evergreen squad

Chapter 377 Evergreen Team

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the Qiankun bag he handed over, took it, and directly moved the spiritual stones inside to her own storage ring without counting them. They did not dare to offend themselves because of this, so they casually returned the Qiankun bag. To the Captain of the Evergreen Squad.

The captain of the Changqing Team was surprised. If other alchemists would have taken the Qiankun Bag as their own, Mr. Yun, although he was young, was very energetic in his work, which made him feel much more at ease.

Maybe Young Master Yun is really a young master from a big family who came out to practice. Knowing that their trip was dangerous, he followed them specially to practice. They might be able to use his help to save their lives and complete the task this time.

The group of people left the city together, and Yan Xiangluo was curious about how they were going to travel.

I saw the leader of the Changqing team summoning a flying spirit beast, and then the other team members also summoned their own flying spirit beasts.

There are quite a lot of types of flying spirit beasts. They are incomparable to the level of the white eagle, the flying spirit beast they traded before, but it is still much less tiring than using spiritual energy to travel.

The captain of the Changqing Team glanced at Yan Xiangluo and saw that he had not summoned the flying spirit beast. He knew that he should not use the flying spirit beast to travel normally, and he was even more certain that he came from a big family.

Only people from big families can afford to use the teleportation array to teleport the profound pattern. The value of a teleportation pattern is equal to the reward for one of their missions, so they can afford it.

He said with some embarrassment, "Young Master Yun is going to have to ride with me on a flying spiritual beast."

"It doesn't matter." Yan Xiangluo didn't show any discrimination. Luo Luo graciously followed the captain of the Changqing team onto his flying spirit beast.

 A group of flying spirit beasts flying into the sky is quite eye-catching.

 Most of these flying teams are mercenaries, which can be seen from their dress. Ordinary people would not provoke mercenaries. After all, being a mercenary is a very powerful thing.

Yan Xiangluo has seen the cultivation level of all the members of the Evergreen Mercenary Team, and none of them are lower than the clan level. The captain has the highest cultivation level, clan level nine, and the lowest one is one level higher than her, clan level five. class.

Although such a level of cultivation is not considered a strong person in the higher continents, it is enough to perform some tasks as a mercenary, but it is still necessary to avoid the highest level tasks.

Just like the mission they took today, it is not a mission that their cultivation level mercenary team should take.

Although Yan Xiangluo heard some of their thoughts through mind reading, she didn't know why the Mercenary Association planned for them to take this task.

There are still many levels of mercenary teams, and there are many teams with higher cultivation levels than theirs. Why do they let the Evergreen team die?

 The specific reason is not known, but one thing is certain, their team is not popular with people in the mercenary association.

They wouldn't ask if they didn't say "Yun Xiangluo", just like if I didn't tell them her name, they wouldn't ask more and would just call her Mr. Yun. Sometimes this unspoken respect is important.

“Master Yun, I am the captain of the Changqing mercenary team, and my name is Li Changhao.” Although Li Changhao did not ask Yu Xiangluo’s name, he still told her his name.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Captain Li, how long do you plan to arrive at Xiangyang City?"

Li Changhao sighed, "Actually, there are only two cities separated from Xiangyang City. If we don't encounter any obstacles, we can reach Xiangyang City in seven or eight days at the speed of a flying spirit beast. But now I can't guarantee that we can reach Xiangyang City in seven or eight days." city."

Yan Xiangluo understood that their mission this time was not simple. There would be many obstacles on the road, and there was no guarantee that they would arrive at the normal speed.

“Do you have any plans for your journey?”

Li Changhao was a little confused as to why Yan Xiangluo asked, "Mr. Yun, when we receive missions, we usually rush as fast as possible, and our rest time is when the flying spirit beasts are tired." Yan Xiangluo understood, that is, as long as the flying spirit beasts are tired, As long as the beast can fly, they will not stop on their way.

Even if it is to rest, he will not go to the city to rest. Instead, he will find a place to let the flying spirit beast regain its strength. After all, going to the city to rest and stay in an inn is a huge expense, so just save it if you can.

It will take another seven or eight days to get there by traveling like this, and the distance is really not that close.

Knowing the way they were traveling and the approximate time they would arrive at Xiangyang City, Yan Xiangluo didn't ask any more questions, closed her eyes and started practicing.

Li Changhao was shocked when he felt the spiritual energy pouring into Yan Xiangluo's body. This was the first time he saw someone sitting on the back of a flying spirit beast and still calming down to practice.

Although the flying spirit beast flies very smoothly, it is extremely fast, and the surrounding auras pass by at the speed of the flying spirit beasts. He cannot absorb such auras into his body for cultivation.

Li Changhao was very curious about how Mr. Yun did it. He wanted to ask, but he was worried that this was his way of cultivation. Asking would not only be impolite but also make him unhappy.

But they are careless and itchy. Their mercenaries often stay on the backs of flying spirit beasts for a long time. It is a waste to sit like this.

If they can practice like Young Master, wouldn’t they be able to do both tasks and practice at the same time?

The midday sun shone hotly on her body, and soon she started to sweat. During the cultivation, Yan Xiangluo naturally used her luck and spiritual power to resist the heat, and her body suddenly felt much better.

 But the people in Changqing Team are not willing to use their spiritual power like this. After all, they are on a mission. If they encounter danger, their spiritual power is their capital for fighting, and they are not willing to waste it at all.

A group of men sweat when hot spots are hot spots, so they endure it. They often do this and are accustomed to it.

 It was just that when Li Changhao saw that Yan Xiangluo was using his spiritual power so extravagantly, the corner of his mouth twitched. He was truly an alchemist. He probably only needed one pill to restore his spiritual power, so naturally he didn't have to endure the scorching heat like them.

Time passed little by little, and the sun slowly set, leaving only a little afterglow that gave off a fiery red light, reflecting the sky.

 The speed of the flying spirit beast slowed down, and Li Changhao was also looking for a resting place.

When the flying spirit beast lowered its flying height, Yan Xiangluo quit practicing and opened his eyes, and saw the flying spirit beast falling into a mountain forest.

 She knew that the Evergreen Team was going to take a break.

Li Changhao saw that she had quit practicing and immediately told her, "Master Yun, we will rest here for about an hour and a half."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the surrounding environment and understood that Li Changhao had rich experience in surviving in the wild.

 Flying spirit beasts fall down and return to their master’s spirit beast space to rest and regain strength.

Members of the Changqing team perform their respective duties, rest, take a rest, be on guard, and two are responsible for lighting the fire. Are they cooking?

 (End of this chapter)

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