The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 378: Do not bother me

Yan Xiangluo was very surprised. Logically speaking, their cultivation level was above the clan level. If they could avoid eating as much as possible, it was better not to eat. After all, not everyone could afford to eat spiritual rice and vegetables without impurities. Monks are most taboo about the accumulation of impurities in the body, and they have to take elixirs to eliminate them. The most important thing is that it affects their cultivation.

Seeing her confused look, Li Changhao explained, "They are not cooking, they are making spiritual energy tea. This is what we drink when we go on a mission. It can maintain the best spiritual energy and keep people full of energy."

Yan Xiang realized clearly that the tea they put in indeed contained spiritual energy.

However, this is not a high-quality spiritual tea. Yan Xiangluo didn't say anything. Financial strength determines your living standards. She will not ridicule and look down on others because their lives are not as good as hers.

Yu Xiangluo found a place to sit down in Panxi and continue practicing.

At this moment, Li Changhao somewhat understood why she had achieved sect-level cultivation at such a young age. It was partly because she was talented, but mainly because she worked hard enough.

She spent almost all her time practicing along the way. It’s no wonder that someone who works so hard can achieve such a high level of cultivation.

Think about it, she is only a teenager, and he is already in his thirties, and his cultivation level is only a few levels higher than hers. By comparison, no one in their team who relies on their cultivation level to beg for food can work as hard as her. , I’m really a little ashamed.

  Although the rest of the team didn’t say anything, their thoughts were similar to their captain’s. Therefore, after drinking the spiritual energy tea, everyone except those in charge of security began to practice.

Li Changhao originally left the spiritual energy tea for Yan Xiangluo, but seeing that she entered the cultivation state so quickly, he did not disturb him. The spiritual energy tea must be drunk immediately after brewing, otherwise the spiritual energy will dissipate.

 So they drank up all the spiritual energy tea, thinking that if Mr. Yun quit practicing soon, they would cook it for him alone. Li Changhao felt that Mr. Yun might not be interested in the spiritual energy tea they drank.

As night falls, there is no other sound in the mountain forest except for the occasional chirping of insects and birds.

Yan Xiangluo had not practiced so wholeheartedly for a long time. She entered the realm very quickly once she started practicing. However, she was very aware of the current situation and left a trace of consciousness to sense the outside.

 One and a half hours is not a long time, nor is it a short time. Yan Xiangluo is still very capable of adapting to the environment, so even if she knows that danger will come at any time, she can still calm down and practice.

Just when they rested for about an hour, Yan Xiangluo sensed a dozen scents approaching quietly in the distance.

She suddenly opened her eyes and saw that Li Changhao had stood up and other team members were surrounding him.

Li Changhao turned to Ruan Xiangluo and said, "There are unwritten rules among mercenaries. Even if they are gangsters, they will not take action against the hired alchemists. But I am not sure whether this group of people will abide by the rules. Yun Master, please find a place to wait for a while.”

Yan Xiangluo understood the underlying meaning of Li Changhao's words, that is, according to the right principles, the other party would not take action against you, an alchemist, but the task they took on this time was not normal, and the people who came might not act according to the rules. .

"Don't worry about me, just do whatever you want." Yan Xiangluo stood up and jumped to a big tree not far away to sit down and look at them from a distance.

Soon, a dozen people came across from them, wearing uniform black attire, with their heads wrapped in black gold and their faces covered. There were no signs at all. It can be said that it is impossible to know the origin of the other party.

Yan Xiangluo frowned. The opponent was much stronger than the Changqing mercenary team. It seemed like this was a **** battle.

She was not prepared to help from the beginning. She just took this opportunity to see the combat strength of the Changqing Team. If it was not possible, she would take action again.

“Hand over the box and I’ll give you a way out.” A man on the other side said in a very cold voice. Li Changhao did not answer his words, and ran directly towards the opponent with the long sword in his hand.

There is no point in replying or not. As a mercenary, there are only two ways to complete the task or die. As for the other party's suggestion of handing over the box to let them live, it is simply impossible. Even if they hand over the box, they will live. A way out.

 Obviously the other party also knew this, but just said it casually.

Yan Xiangluo was a little worried that Li Changhao had no chance of winning in a direct confrontation with someone like this. It looked like he was going to die. According to her understanding of Li Changhao, he shouldn't be such an impulsive person.

At this moment, she discovered that the other members of the Changqing team did not rush forward directly, but quickly dispersed.

Yan Xiangluo looked at it, and then understood that they had no intention of confronting each other directly. She didn't expect that the Evergreen Mercenary Team would use the formation so skillfully, and they should use it frequently.

Yan Xiangluo's own formation skills are very strong. When he saw the ranking order of several people, he immediately understood what formation they were setting up.

 The trap and killing array!

Yan Xiangluo looked at the people on the other side, and obviously did not expect that the Changqing mercenary team would use formations to deal with them as soon as they came up. Li Changhao rushed over directly to delay their reaction, and it was also the most important formation of the trap formation.

By the time the opponent reacts, their formation has been completed.

The situation in which the enemy was strong and we were weak was suddenly reversed. The members of the Evergreen Mercenary Team cooperated with each other tacitly to continuously kill the opponent.

However, five of the opponents were at the second or third level of the Emperor level. Even with the help of the trap formation, it took them nearly half an hour to kill them all.

Although no one in the Changqing mercenary team was injured, their spiritual power was greatly consumed. Li Changhao glanced at the corpse on the ground and said, "Take the recovery pill immediately and set off."

Everyone took out a pill and swallowed it. Yan Xiangluo saw that the recovery pills they took were all third-grade or lower. Although the effect was not very good, it was enough for them.

The members of the Changqing Team did not need Li Changhao's instructions and directly cleaned up the traces of the battle. Even if someone came to see it, they would never think that they used a formation to kill the opponent.

 “Master Yun, we are about to set off.”

Yuan Xiangluo jumped down from the tree and came to Li Changhao. The people from the Changqing team released the flying spirit beast. Yuan Xiangluo and Li Changhao still took a flying spirit beast. In the night, the flying spirit beast ran away in one direction. .

 She turned back and glanced down. A dozen corpses were covered by the night.

Although the members of the Changqing team did not have a good rest, their flying spirit beasts all recovered their strength and disappeared into the night very quickly.

 This way of traveling is indeed a good one.

Yan Xiangluo was about to continue practicing. Li Changhao on the side hesitated for a moment, then asked what he had always wanted to ask. He thought to himself that if you are not thick-skinned, you will get nothing.

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